Chapter 4: Pretending to Be Strong

"President, the old man has sent over all the information about your fiancée. Would you like to take a look?" As soon as Leo entered the office, his personal secretary Kyle came forward to speak.

"Oh? A fiancée, from which family this time? If I'm not mistaken, this is the eighth time the old man has had you bring me fiancée information. Do you remember how I responded the seventh time?"

Kyle immediately became nervous; "You said... you don't have a fiancée, and such mess should never be brought to your attention."

Leo loosened his tie, his gaze growing sharper, "Then why didn't you follow that?"

"Because the old man said... said that if you don't look at it, you will definitely regret it."

Leo had already started working on his computer and grew even more impatient, "Say another word, and I'll make sure you regret it."

"Yes, yes!" Kyle had no choice but to take the file bag and leave with cold sweat.

At the city center hospital, Sophia had already been in her brother's room for over three hours. Being by her brother's side was always the most peaceful place for her, even now that he had become comatose. Sophia loved to lay her head near his bed, either quietly watching him or simply closing her eyes and falling asleep just like him.


Sophia opened her eyes and looked up; it was Doctor Aaron, her brother's high school classmate, a medical Ph.D. from Harvard, and the youngest brain specialist in the country.

"Sophia, your brother's condition has worsened. The atrophy rate in his cerebellum is much faster than anticipated," Aaron reluctantly informed Sophia of the grim reality.

Yet, Sophia was unexpectedly calm, pointing at the CT images on the chair, she said, "I already know!"

Seeing her forced calmness, Aaron felt a deep sympathy. He knew all too well her resilience and sorrow, but he was powerless, "I'm sorry, I can't cure him."

"Don't say that, I know you've done your best. From now on, I'll figure it out myself," Sophia softly comforted him, yet she fought hard to keep her tears from falling.

Aaron knelt down, looking up at her face, "Sophia, I'm sorry, I promised to cure your brother and I broke that promise. Yell at me, hit me, just don't bottle it up. Or if you want to cry, my shoulder is here for you," he said, opening his arms, wanting to embrace her.

However, Sophia slowly turned her back on him, "Brother, could you leave me alone for a while? I need some peace."

"Sophia..." Aaron called her name with pity, "Can you not be so strong just for a moment, and lean on me? I know you love him, I don't ask for anything in return. I just want to protect you, even if it's just for a moment, is that too much to ask?"

He was almost pleading with her, yet what he received was always her refusal.

She couldn't be greedy or indulgent. Since she didn't love him, she couldn't rely on him, not even for a moment, because reliance can become addictive, and over time, it turns into dependence.

After a while, Aaron finally gave up. He sighed with reluctance, "There's someone who holds the latest technology for treating vegetative state patients, his name is John Nader, but he is only loyal to the Leo family. It's said that the Leos are high and mighty, cold-hearted, hence John often refuses to help."

"The Leo family... Is it the one from Huan Yu Corporation?" Sophia asked urgently.


No wonder... No wonder Fiona said the man she was to marry could offer better treatment to her brother. The president of Huan Yu Corporation could indeed command that doctor named John to save her brother.

Sophia clutched her chest, feeling shaky.

The only man she wanted to marry in her life was Jack, the man lying on the hospital bed.

"Sophia, what's wrong?" Aaron asked, worried.

Sophia didn't answer.

"I'm sorry, with my capabilities and status, I can't even enter the Leo family's door, let alone help you," Aaron said, defeated.

"That's enough... You've already helped me so much, and I can't repay you," Sophia felt guilty, "All these years, you've hardly saved any money, almost all of your savings have gone to my brother..."

"I clearly bought an apartment!"

Sophia interrupted him, "That was clearly a rental."

Caught, Aaron felt embarrassed.

Seeing this, Sophia quickly comforted him, "Yaning brother, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to belittle you. What I mean is, it's time for you to think about yourself. Take on more surgeries, save some money, live your life well. Don't spend your time and money on my brother anymore. As for my brother, I'll find a way. Don't forget, the Chen family, though fallen, is still considered a powerful family. My father and Fiona's face, Leo family should give some regard."

"Is... is that so?" Aaron asked with a bitter smile.

Everyone in City B knew that the Chen family had fallen, left only with a facade.

At nine in the evening, Sophia returned home and knocked on Fiona's door.

"I agree with you, I'll marry into the Leo family!"

Fiona's face lit up with joy, "Good, good, I'll arrange it right away."