Chapter 17: She Is My Only Companion

Aisen chased after Jamie anxiously, shouting, "Oh, my little ancestor, calm down!" Fortunately, Jamie couldn't run fast with her dress lifted, so Aisen quickly caught up with her and grabbed her.

"You've been out of the limelight for three years now, and you've finally returned to your peak condition. Don't be impulsive. Who the woman beside CEO Leo is doesn't concern you. Let's find someone else to like. If you rush up now, Leo might ensure you never get a role again tomorrow…" Aisen pulled Jamie aside and earnestly persuaded her.

"Let go of me, let go…" Jamie struggled.

Meanwhile, on stage, the female host was delighted by Leo's readiness to answer questions. She mustered the courage to ask what everyone was curious about.

"I believe everyone is as curious as I am, CEO Leo, this lady by your side is your…"

With his left arm around Sophia's waist, pulling her closer to himself, Leo smiled at the host and said, "She will be my only companion at all events I attend from now on!"

The audience was astounded, and the host was so surprised that she was speechless for a moment. Inside, Sophia was hit by a tidal wave of shock.

What was Leo doing? Did he need to elevate her like this? Did he not realize that by doing so, he was making her a target?

Not to mention how many women would want to go after her in the future, but even the women present today might hold a grudge against her. Molly might even intensify her actions against her.

"Leo, what are you doing!" Sophia whispered angrily, trying to pry his arm from her waist, her heart pounding with anxiety.

Leo glared at her from an angle others couldn't see, "Don't be ungrateful!"

This was a privilege women all over the world couldn't enjoy.

Sophia was so angry she wanted to knock him out there and then with a tranquilizer needle, but after searching quickly where she usually hid her needles, she found nothing.

She immediately realized that this terrifying man must have taken them without her noticing.

Damn it, her pride in her martial skills, secret weapons, and flying needles were all useless in front of Leo.

"Smile for me!" Leo gritted his teeth, lowering his voice to whisper into Sophia's ear.

But Sophia's face became even more displeased.

Leo had no choice but to pretend to stroke her cheek while secretly using a bit of force to coax a smile from her face.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the press, this is the first time—and will be the last—I appear in the media like this, so…"

Leo hadn't finished talking when everyone already understood.

Instantly, the only sound left in the banquet hall was the clicking of cameras.

So, CEO Leo was tired of his playboy lifestyle and decided to settle down, only cherishing the woman beside him from now on. Some journalists thought.

Some even believed Sophia was to be the future Mrs. Leo. The usually reserved CEO Leo was so publicly declaring his partner to the media—it seemed like he was set to break the hearts of women worldwide.

A few journalists soberly clung to Leo's words; he only said that woman would be his only companion for future events, not that she was his girlfriend or fiancée. And seeing her reluctant face, there must be a whole story behind it.

"Take more photos!" Leo said, smiling, reaching out to his left, only to find he embraced nothing.

"Sophia!" Leo was furious, his veins popping.

"What happened?" "Where did that woman go, she disappeared in a blink!" "Don't tell me it's a ghost!" The journalists below were in an uproar, and the crowd started to get restless.

Leo's eyes sharp, he immediately spotted that damned woman covering her face with a cloth, desperately rushing out.

Within two seconds, the journalists started to catch on.

"My goodness, that woman is unwilling, she doesn't want to appear in the media with CEO Leo." "Yes, she covered her face and ran, she must be afraid of us photographers, hey, did any of you manage to get her face?" "No!" "Me neither!"

Leo suppressed the urge to leap from the stage and capture that infuriating woman.

If he chased her now, it would confirm the fact she was abandoning him, unwilling to be his only companion at future events. That would be a total embarrassment.

Even if he went to great lengths to stop the news from getting out tomorrow, everyone present today had witnessed the scene, which was embarrassing enough.

"Sophia, this is the second time you've inflicted such a humiliating defeat on me, well done," Leo fumed internally.

Jamie, witnessing the scene, could hardly contain her excitement.

What was wrong with that woman? CEO Leo had given her such a great honor, and she ran away.

Such a good opportunity naturally had to be seized by Jamie.

She straightened her dress, gracefully walked up the stage towards the man who, while trying to contain his fury, offered smiles as explanations to the reporters. The man she was willing to walk through fire for.