Chapter 25: The Playboy's True Destiny Arrives

With just fifteen minutes left until the concert ended, Sunny fought her way out of the crowd and ran to the backstage passage where Henry would pass after coming off stage, hoping to get a closer look at him later.

Upon arrival, Sunny saw that she wasn't the only one with this idea; a number of people were held back by bodyguards beyond the barricade, all huddled together.

Seeing another person approach, a bodyguard urged her to move beyond the barricade as well.

Sunny obediently moved to the outside of the barricade.

A girl with a round face pointed at Sunny's light stick, kindly reminding her, "Why are you still holding onto the light stick? Isn't it heavy?"

Sunny smiled, "When Henry comes out, if I hold up the light stick, won't he be more likely to see us?"

The round-faced girl nodded in agreement but listened as Sunny continued, "Besides, his name is on it. How could I bear to throw it away? I want to keep it as a souvenir."

"You're really silly! But, who here isn't?" the girl commented.

Indeed, among the fans waiting foolishly for Henry, which one wasn't silly? Yet, everyone was sincerely foolish, foolishly adorable.

Sunny and the round-faced girl shared a smile and continued to wait for Henry.

Twenty minutes passed, and finally, there were sounds coming from the end of the hallway.

"He's coming, he's coming, Henry, Henry…" the round-faced girl yelled loudly.

Delighted to see the enthusiastic fans, Henry instantly smiled and greeted them. Seeing the fans kept behind the barricade, unable to get close, Henry moved a bit nearer.

Closer, closer, Sunny felt like she couldn't even breathe.

"Oh my god, he shook hands with me!" exclaimed the round-faced girl excitedly, noticing Sunny holding the sign in a daze, she quickly pushed her, "What are you spacing out for? Quickly go shake his hand!"

This push startled the dazed Sunny, causing her to accidentally loosen her grip on the heavy light stick, which looked like it was about to fall.

In that moment, a long, straight hand with distinct knuckles reached out and steadily caught the light stick.

Catching the heavy light stick like this must have really hurt his hand.

"Are you okay?" two voices asked in unison.

Sunny looked up, only to find that the person who said "Are you okay?" with her was none other than Henry.

Henry stuffed the light stick back into the hands of the girl in front of him who was still staring at him in a daze. Then, with a smile, he rubbed her head and said, "Be more careful next time!"

Then, amidst the screaming of the surrounding fans, he turned and walked away.

The fans, not content with the brief interaction, chased after him, hoping to catch another glimpse of him. The round-faced girl was no exception.

Only Sunny stood still, murmuring to herself, "Your hand must really hurt…"

By the time she came to her senses, Henry was nowhere to be seen, and not a single fan was in sight either.

Pausing for only two seconds, Sunny then sprinted out.

"Henry, Henry, you need a band-aid on your hand…"

Henry, surrounded by a throng of people, heard a crisp voice calling his name, mentioning something about needing a band-aid. However, there were too many shouting his name, and he couldn't distinguish who it was, so he continued on.

Sunny rushed into the crowd of fans, her abrupt movements causing her to fall. Some gasped wanting to help her up, but the fans were too caught up in watching Henry to bother about her. Soon, Sunny was stepped on a few times.

"Why is she screaming?" Henry, who was walking in front, noticed the commotion.

"Seems like someone fell down!" his assistant said.

Henry immediately turned back towards the crowd.

His assistant quickly called for bodyguards to follow and protect him. With shouts parting them, the fans reluctantly made way.

Henry saw the girl lying in the middle of the path, covered in footprints, and frowned slightly. Then, he glanced at the fans around with a somewhat displeased expression.

It was the girl he helped catch the light stick, and he remembered, she was also the one shouting about the band-aid from behind.

He hurried over to help her up, noticing the tears, probably from the pain.

"How are you? Did you get hurt anywhere?" Henry examined the girl from head to toe, relieved she wasn't badly injured.

His gentle voice resounded over Sunny's head. In that moment, it was like she was in a dream, wishing time could freeze right there.

Henry wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and gently cleaned the dust off her face, softly saying, "Don't be so foolish next time."

Sunny felt her whole heart melting, only managing a dazed "Oh" in response.

Henry chuckled, finding the girl amusing like a dazed little swan.

He couldn't stay longer, and as he turned to leave, he heard the girl's crisp voice again, "You need a band-aid!"

Henry turned back, finding the girl's persistence amusing.

Seeing the small girl lower her head, open her bag, take out a band-aid, and approach with an outstretched hand, insisting he present his hand, left Henry somewhat stunned. He extended his hand, allowing the girl, who reached only to his chest, to carefully apply the small band-aid on the wound in his palm.

He had seen countless fans frantically chasing after him, unfazed by it all, but this little girl touched his heart slightly.

"Thank you!" he sincerely said.

Sunny responded with a sweet smile.

In that moment, Henry saw her eyes turn into crescents, her small goose-egg face adorned with two large dimples. She wasn't breathtakingly beautiful, but unexpectedly charming when she smiled.

With a good mood, Henry waved goodbye and left.

As he departed, the frenzied fans followed, leaving Sunny alone in the long corridor.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere? Don't be so foolish next time"…

The gentle voice echoed in Sunny's ears repeatedly, as if she could still see his obsidian-like eyes smiling at her, feel the warmth of his large hand on her face.

"Is this real?" Sunny stepped out of the stadium, still questioning herself in disbelief.

The night air was cool, but Sunny's heart was ablaze. Finally, in an open stretch of road, she couldn't contain her happiness and shouted, "Yay... I'm so happy, I'm so happy—"

Henry, parked not far behind Sunny, rolled down his window. Watching the girl cheer on the sidewalk, he showed a warm smile.

He had waited for the fans to leave, sent away his manager and assistant, ensuring no reporters or paparazzi were around before driving out himself, not expecting to see this girl again, nor such an amusing scene.

What a simple and adorable girl.

Without lingering, he drove off into the night, eager to meet up with his brothers who were waiting for him.

The red Ferrari roared by, and Sunny recognized it as Henry's car at a glance. Without thinking, she hailed a taxi and asked the driver to follow the car at top speed.

Sunny had discovered that the red Ferrari belonged to Henry after meticulously examining thousands of his Weibo photos. Some showed Henry leaning against the car door, others revealing the rearview mirror, or a portion of the car's front. Sunny, skilled in photo editing, pieced together all the car parts from the photos and, after countless nights searching through numerous car images, identified the match as this red Ferrari.

"Sir, please go faster, we might lose him!"


As Henry walked into the Zui Sheng Meng Si Bar's lobby, a confetti bomb went off, and countless ribbons and sequins fell.

"Our superstar has returned."

"Was Golden Triangle fun? Lots of sharp tongues, right?"

"Playboy, with so many beauties and ladyboys in Thailand, you must have enjoyed yourself these past two years."

"With Henry's return, countless women in city B will again fall at the feet of his suit pants."

In a good mood, Henry didn't mind the cheeky comments from his brothers and warmly mingled with them, causing a commotion.

After a while, he approached Leo, who was sitting aside, and respectfully greeted, "Big brother!"

Leo merely nodded without responding.

"Big brother, Henry hasn't been back for three years. Seeing him, you could at least show some reaction," Adolf said.

Leo ignored him, keeping a grim face.

Henry wrapped an arm around Adolf's shoulder, signaling him not to bother Leo anymore.

A man's woman flirting with others would upset any man. To extract a woman from under Abner's watch, Henry had to feign intimacy with her in front of Abner, although mostly it was the woman chasing him. Considering a man's pride, it was surprising Leo was still showing him a decent face.

Molly, after embarrassing herself in front of Leo days earlier, didn't have the face to approach him anymore. Instead, she threw herself into playing board games with the brothers, guarded by Oscar, who ruthlessly defeated all comers, sadly, Molly's attention was still all for Leo, offering Oscar not even a glance.

As the evening wore on, the group started drinking, listening to Henry share his hardships in the Golden Triangle.

When the alcohol was flowing, Henry's lips became looser, "Do you know, the only reason the big boss allowed me back is because of a woman."

"Ah?" the brothers collectively gasped.

Molly's face fell; she guessed the woman was probably Sophia.

Henry, slightly tipsy, continued, "One day, the boss actually called me. I was so surprised I almost cried, thinking he was calling me back. But instead, he asked me for advice on a question. A question, I swear, none of you would guess!"