The Visitor - Chapter 6 My Domain

Part 1

The light above prevented me from opening my eyes fully. I felt off like this had been the first time I'd opened my eyes in forever, sort of how I felt when I first arrived; that sense of unfamiliarity. 

I forced myself to recall what happened before I went unconscious. My right eye trembled, like at any moment it could shoot out but it wasn't painful it was just... uncomfortable like something was trying to prevent me from remembering.

Then It came to me, the heat, the pain in my stomach, it struck me as if it had just happened. I couldn't breathe, and that pain shot through my body locking my hands and legs, the image of the knife, tearing through. That disgusting sound, I nearly threw up.

I fell on my knees, my head tapping against the cold stone floor, begging for the pain to be over. There was no wound, nothing on me that indicated I was hurt but the memory felt so clear. It was so hot, so quiet, and that thing was the last of my memory of that eye. But I was alive, did that mean Elizabeth was as well?

I couldn't be sure. But there was something wrong. I should be dead. There was no way I could've recovered from that, not by any natural means at least. Elizabeth sure, I didn't know her condition but it felt so cold at the end. That wasn't fatal? Did these people have a way of reversing that?

I struggled to get back up. My stomach still felt like there was something lodged in it. But the pain had already subsided. It wasn't real, to begin with anyway. But that eye, I can't mistake that for anything else. It was there, it showed me something. 

"A large burning tree, a near-infinite hole with sparks of red near its core, and an enclosed city on the brink of destruction."

I could see the image perfectly, and describe in detail, how I felt, the heat from the flame but these weren't mine, I don't know who these were but this never happened.

The door creaked open and I was startled, holding my chest.

Instantly I knew who it was.

Her black hair with white tinges at the end. It was Elizabeth and she was safe.

I was so relieved.

Before I could say anything she jumped back against the wall and yelped. Her hand moved to her waist.

"Are you okay Elizabeth?"

"How'd you, how-" She couldn't speak, she was scared, scared of me.

What did I do?

"I- don't you know." 

I didn't have to finish that question. I could tell from her eyes. I was a stranger, she didn't know who I was. 

The events that took place in her house didn't happen or haven't happened, I didn't know yet but either way, things have changed.

I tried a couple of times to tell her what happened, in my other life I guess, in hers too. 

Yet, I couldn't.

There was something else at play here, something I didn't understand and it didn't want me to. But I knew it had something to do with that eye, the Eye of Rendition. Each time I attempted to say something time would go back 5 seconds.

It had been watching me from the start, right when I arrived at Toblitche. Somewhere in those clouds, that gray spot in the sky. 

They threw some festival in my honor. Something about tradition I wasn't really listening. I kept getting distracted by the look in her eyes, scared, in fear of what I could do to her.

It made me feel sad. It's not like I knew her for long but either way I'd rather no one look at me that way.

In any case, she urged me to stay where I was. Something more than my presence seemed to have set her off. When I tried to intrude she brushed me off saying, "It's nothing important." I left it at that.

I decided to refrain from telling anybody about what happened for the time being. My interaction with Elizabeth told me enough. I shouldn't be here, I died in that house, and now I'm back. I'm an anomaly, a mistake, everything was reminding me of that fact.

A second chance, that much in itself was a miracle. I was grateful for that chance and now I was given a third. I didn't think I deserved it but, here I was, alive and well, with no holes in my stomach. So that's a plus.

Take it in stride, take it in stride, take it in stride. Breathe in and breathe out.

That calmed me down a bit.

I had a window, a small one but an opening nonetheless. I knew things beforehand, even if this version of Toblitche is a bit different, the people at least stayed the same. 

My first theory of who attacked us that night was one of the Schnee. Rùm made it clear I wasn't welcomed here, especially among her kind. Though considering who I was maybe this theory was too broad. 

Now that I think about it. The church burning down could have been a distraction to get to me. Anyone could have come during the commotion, Elizabeth must've just been collateral. So the only lead I have is the church.

"As long as I'm here that's as much as I'm going to get though."

It was frustrating but I was already on thin ice. I couldn't step over any boundaries, especially since I didn't even know where that was. While I was at it, I thought I might as well look around the room. Pass the time a little.

My first discovery was a chest. It was locked. That was it.

"What a room" 

The only thing to pass the time was through a small window on the other end of the room. Lights peered underneath the smell slit, orange was the only semblance of color in this drab. It was just to my liking. 

Before getting sent here, a room like this would've been a luxury. A bed, a blanket and clothes, and a room with walls. What more can a man ask for?


"It's too quiet"

An empty room was one thing, but a quiet one how could anyone like that? I pictured my family when I was younger, I can barely remember their faces but their presence still lingered. I thought I'd forgotten them but they always seem to come out when I least expect it. Those moments when we were happy, sad, and angry, I couldn't discern them anymore. But in the silence I could, I didn't want to.

Trying to take my mind off it, I decided to look at the other side of the door. But as I turned the knob, it was locked.


I turned it harder but it wouldn't budge. I shoved my eye into the small peephole and a draft shot through, it was hot.