Chapter 5: The Battle

As the Guardian enters battle with the hive, we can see them conjure a variety of abilities varying in different sizes and scales. As the Hive face of the Guardians, our thrall in the back tries to conjure up a plan with its little amount of knowledge.

{Glowy people attack with bright light, its many, need to run}

While it's in its head the Guardians are wiping the flow with the hive kill the Knight and its acolytes leave but the thralls. As they approach their lead the female guardian walk's forward conjuring a Nova Bomb: Vortex.

After conjuring it she blinks above the rest of the hive

Guardian: "Gost how long before the battle of Cota"

Gost: "An estimate of 10 hours and 24 minutes Mam"

Guardian: "Well then we better get moving them got to catch up with the rest of the fire team"

After saying that she immediately drops the nova bomb, lucky some of the thrall noticing the dangerous thing above their head, decided to run in all directions to avoid it but some got caught in the blast radius, leaving a huge gap on the surface of the moon.

During all of this Our Thrall decided to long escape and observe from afar, running after noticing the large bright ball in the sky. After running far enough the thrall hid under and behind some debris from the battle.

{The Bright things are stronger than the dangerous things, the bright round thing is very strong, good thing I hide}

{What do I do next, should I go back to cave or follow the others}

After a while of contemplating and observing the surrounding deem it safe, the thrall left its hiding place and decided to go back to the cave. On the way it notices various structures on the surface, deciding to later explore them if given the chance.

Upon reaching the station the thrall decided to hide in its cave just in case it was followed, after a few minutes the thrall decided to figure out the item it got from the ruins. After a while it threw the object in its hand at the wall in frustration as anything it did to open or operate the items it either did nothing or just shined brightly.

After its failed efforts it decided to leave its base in the cave and explore the surface, deciding to go to the ruins it saw on the way. After an unknown period of time the thrall began to feel immense hunger. Deciding to immediately run home and eat whatever that was left.

Although making it back the hunger became so immense that its stomach was literally eating itself. But just in time the thrall made it and immediately dived into the remains of its fellow companions.

After realizing that it will die if not enough food the thrall thought

{Need food, no food I die, but no food in cave, surface food}

After that though it went to the surface to find food and search the surrounding buildings.