CH : 16 March, War, Goblin Priestess

Bonus Chapter.

So from great reader he said that there was too much info dump in the last chapter. So here it is.

Bonus Chapter.

Leave a comment if you want more!!! Leave enough comments and maybe I'll update faster and more!!! Just like this one.


In the jungle, a rustling sound came.

The brown, scaly, rough feet with sharp black nails stepped into the small puddle, and there was a splash, causing water to splash everywhere.

Looking up, the owner of the foot is a young kobold warrior wearing black and green vine armor, holding a sharp hardwood spear, and behind his back are three short wooden spears wrapped in animal skins as secondary weapons.

Behind and around this young kobold warrior, there were a large number of kobold warriors advancing together.

The sound of leaves being scraped against flesh, the patterning of puddles being stepped on, and the nervous and excited gasping.

The rear of the kobold army.

Skye, the leader of the Black Blood Tribe, and the two trolls headed by Mundo marched forward.

It is already the fifth day since the master issued the order.

During these five days, the Black Blood Tribe hunted a large number of wild beasts, slaughtered the hares and wild goats raised by the tribe and made them into dried meat as march supplies. After everything was ready, they immediately summoned all the young and strong dog heads of the tribe. People go to war.

Leaving aside the female kobolds who are responsible for giving birth, gathering wild fruits, and making crude weapons, the Black Blood Tribe sent a total of 196 young male kobold warriors this time.

Moreover, they all wore rattan armor, held wooden spears, and threw javelins and short spears on their backs.

This kind of equipment can be said to be quite well-equipped compared to many low-level monster tribes in the jungle.

The reason why the kobold warriors of the Black Blood Tribe can possess this kind of 'luxury equipment' is naturally due to the help of the three forest trolls headed by Mundo.

Not counting wooden spears and throwing short spears, they are all polished and made by the kobolds themselves. Among them, the core vine armor was made by Mundo and other three forest trolls using their innate "plant control" ability.

Of course, Mondo and the others definitely couldn't create nearly two hundred sets of vine armor from scratch in just five days. Even if the kobolds were short in stature and were less than one meter tall, it would take a lot of time to create seven or eight sets of kobold vine armor. The energy spent by the forest troll is not as much as that spent on getting a set of vine armor for themselves.

After all, there were only three forest trolls in just five days. Even if they drained themselves, it was impossible to make two hundred sets of kobold vine armor, at lest not on the Order they currently were.

The reason for the success was that Skye used his brain and asked all the kobolds of the Black Blood Tribe to weave the collected vine raw materials.

'I don't want it to look pretty, I just want it to be roughly in the shape of the armor, even if it's loose and has holes everywhere.'

After making two hundred sets of semi-finished products that were too miserable to be considered rattan armor at all, the three forest trolls Mundo, Zaku, and Zhameng used their innate spell-like abilities to transform and solidify them, removing excess moisture.

After going through this set of processes, the consumption required to make a set of rattan armor was greatly reduced.

In this way, two hundred sets of rattan armor were produced in five days.

Babatos saw this and was quite impressed in his heart.

A low-level kobold in the wild, with no training and almost no experience, could actually come up with such an advanced idea of ​​'assembly of parts' that perform their own duties.

Maybe it's not too advanced, but in any case, Skye's brain is not fixed.

Babatos, who didn't care much about Skye at first, became a little more concerned about this guy after this incident.

Tick ​​tock.

Through the thick fog, the water droplets condensed on the vine armor slowly but firmly dripped onto the soil, and finally penetrated and disappeared.

The kobold troops stopped and after a moment of silence, several kobold spies were sent out into the thick fog.

After a while, the kobold spy came back and reported the information he found to the leader Skye.

"Very well, please step back."

Skye nodded to the kobold spies, and then walked from the back of the army to the front.

It moved forward quietly along the position that the spies had figured out, and its feet were almost silent.

As his body continues to grow stronger and he continues to fight monsters and beasts, Skye's control of his own power becomes more and more sophisticated.

Soon, Skye saw a place not far ahead where the thick fog had completely dissipated.

A wooden sentry tower several meters high is located among them.

Below the sentry tower, two Goblin warriors holding iron knives and wearing old animal skin armor were sitting on the ground eating a green snake.

After tearing off the snake's head and skillfully removing its poison glands, the two goblin warriors ate half of the snake's body, which was still twisting unconsciously, raw like spicy sticks.

It looks brutal and bloody.

Skye silently approached the two goblin warriors, and when they sensed danger, a click sound can be heard.

The neck was directly crushed by Skye's palm with fine black scales.

Skye, who is two meters tall and has reached level four strength, can crush a zero-level goblin who is less than one metre tall like a people crush eggs. It is just a bit more difficult than trampling to death a bug, and not as difficult to catch as a hare in the dark forest.

After solving this sentry point, Skye rushed to another sentry point several hundred meters away to deal with the other two Goblin warriors guarding the sentry tower.

A few minutes later, with a sharp wooden whistle, one hundred and ninety-six fully armed kobold warriors rushed out of the thick fog with excited and cruel eyes, crossed the guard tower, and rushed towards the fence and the surrounding goblin camp.

The sudden attack caused chaos in the originally quiet Goblin camp. A large number of Goblin warriors hurriedly took up weapons, while the old, weak, women and children among the Goblins gathered towards the center of the tribe.

Skye casually waved the magic beast bone club in his hand and knocked away the two charging Goblin warriors, but there was no excitement in his eyes.

It was okay for these goblins to have iron weapons. Their kobold vine armor was enough to defend against these iron weapons of average quality, but Skye felt something was not right.

These goblins have a little too much organizational ability. Although they seem a little panicked, they are generally orderly.

In just a short time, nearly a hundred Goblin warriors gathered and rushed towards them, blocking the Kobold warriors from using long-range javelins to suppress them.


The three giants Mundo, Zaku, and Zhamen charged at the front line like huge tanks. They smashed down the four-meter-long hardwood stick in their hands, beating these goblins to broken bones and tendons like crushing insects, and blood spurted out. They splashed and flew out like a broken doll.

Mundo kicked a Goblin warrior away at will. The terrifying force directly sent the Goblin warrior flying as he bled from all his Orpheus, and directly hit the other two Goblin warriors who were behind him. 

The three goblin warriors rolled together, and eventually their bodies twitched and became silent.

So fierce!

In terms of pure brute force, even Skye, who has been developing the power of dragon veins for nearly a year, is far inferior to Mundo.

This is a natural physical foundation gap.

If he waits for a while and Mondo develops the dragon vein power hidden in his body, then the gap will be even greater.

In just a few minutes, at least dozens of goblin warriors died in the sudden attack.

However, a steady stream of Goblin warriors came from behind, as well as the appearance of five large men whose stature was different from ordinary Goblins, giving the Goblin tribe a chance to breathe.

"Die you damn Kobolds!"

A two-meter tall-five-meter-wide, rather fat goblin slammed down the huge mace iron rod in his hand.

Feeling the huge wind pressure coming from above his head, the eyes of the kobold warrior who was attacked were full of fear.

There was a dull sound with the sound of bones exploding. The kobold warrior's body was smashed into a weird and twisted shape by the big goblin's mace. He died on the spot without even being able to complete his scream.

Skye recognized the identities of these tall, large men.

Big Goblin.

Although goblins are weak, among goblin tribes that reach a certain size, there is a chance that their bloodline will return to their ancestors. When they grow up, they will be taller than barbarians among humans, and their strength will be greater than that of barbarians. A much stronger big goblin.

However, apart from brute strength, the Big Goblin does not possess any spell-like abilities.

And if it's just a competition of brute strength, how can a goblin compare to a troll that's nearly four metres tall?

Without Skye and Mundo giving orders, Zaku and Zha Meng excitedly rushed towards the five big goblin warriors, arrogantly rushing away the short goblin warriors blocking the front like a chariot.

The five big goblin warriors wearing iron armor and holding maces shrank their eyes slightly when they saw the two trolls charging towards them, but they were not afraid. Instead, they roared and charged forward.

When they met, the two big goblin warriors were hit hard by huge hardwood sticks and flew away, green blood sprinkling into the air.

However, the two trolls of Zakuza were also forced to stop their charge by the recoil force. They were hit hard on the waist several times with maces by the three big goblin warriors. They staggered for a moment and screamed in pain. Apparently, Even with the protection of rattan armor, isn't enough to take such huge damage. 

But the ferocity of the two trolls, Zaku and Zha, was also completely aroused. They directly threw down the hardwood sticks that were difficult to swing in close combat. Their giant hands grabbed these little guys that only reached their chests, trying to capture them alive.

One big goblin warrior managed to avoid the giant hand attack, but the other one was not so lucky and was directly caught by Zaku.

"Little guy, Zaku will beat you to death!" Zaku growled in a low voice, letting the third big goblin warrior behind him hit its thigh with a mace, which was enough to lift an elephant. came out, lifted up the body of the big goblin warrior caught by its hands, and then smashed it to the ground.

Zaku is three point eight meters tall. When lifted, the big goblin warrior has a height difference of at least four and a half meters from the ground. At this height, coupled with Zaku's crazy acceleration, the eyes of this big goblin warrior wearing dozens of kilograms of iron armor were huge, with bloodshot eyes filled with blood, and he was vomiting blood from his mouth. Although the powerful monster's substance prevented him from dying directly, he also completely lost his ability to fight.

Just when the two trolls Zaku and Zha were about to knock down the other two big goblin warriors, two black lights flew from a distance and penetrated into Zaku and Zha's bodies.

Suddenly, Zakuza suddenly felt that his body had become extremely weak, and it was difficult for him to use even one-third of his strength.

The two big goblin warriors beside Zaku  and Zha, as well as the other two big goblin warriors who were initially knocked away and lying on the ground in a daze, but were now struggling to get up, suddenly became excited and shouted,

"Haha, the high priestess is here, you trolls and kobolds will all die here today!"

The large number of Goblin warriors who were in a stalemate with the kobold warriors also fought back hurriedly, as if they remember the time when thay had been beaten to death.

In just a few moments, at least seven or eight kobold warriors were caught off guard and hacked to death by the goblin warriors with knives. Their limbs flew around and their heads rolled to the ground.

Although the kobold warriors are equipped with strong vine armor that can protect them from iron sword attacks, the wooden spears in their hands are not hard enough to collide with iron weapons many times.

Because the quality of their weapons was inferior to that of the Goblin warriors, many kobold warriors broke their wooden spears and were caught off guard by being hit in the arm by an iron knife, and then were hacked to death amidst screams.

The arrival of the Goblin High Priestess made all the Goblin warriors even more fearless of life and death. They rushed forward with red eyes and iron swords.

In an open space, Skye slowly lowered his weapon. The white magic beast bone rod in his hand was dripping with rich green blood and fell onto the messy grass soil. Since the Goblin High Priestess appeared, it has not looked at the Goblins again. All its attention has been on the figure in purple-black robes, flanked by two big Goblin warriors.

Unlike typical goblins, who stand around 0.9 to 1 meter tall, the Goblin High Priestess before him towered at over 1.85 meters. Her muscles, visible beneath the black robes, were lean yet conveyed an uncanny strength. Most striking of all was her vibrant blue skin and large, pointed ears reminiscent of an Elf. Despite the heavy purple black robe and hood that obscured her form and face, there was an undeniable presence about her. Strangely enough the size and the shape made her look more like a human than a goblin. 

In her left hand, she grasped a black wooden staff, crowned with a prominent white magic crystal, roughly the size of an egg.

Instinctively, Skye's heart began to beat faster.

Not far away, Mundo also stopped waving the huge wooden stick stained with the strong smell of blood and cast his bloodthirsty gaze on the Goblin High Priestess.

Compared with Skye, who had a keener perception, Mundo, who was missing brain cells, didn't think so much.

After seeing the enemy leader obviously appear, Mundo, who had been waiting for a long time, grinned excitedly with his fangs wide open. After roaring wildly, he rumbled straight towards the opponent like a humanoid tank.

Along the way, those red-eyed Goblin warriors were kicked away like rubber balls. Mundo quickly closed the distance with the Goblin High Priestess in the distance under the obstruction and slashing attacks of a large number of Goblin warriors.

Seeing this, the Goblin High Priestess just looked at this scene indifferently. The spell she had been reciting silently since her appearance was finally completed when the big man Mondo rushed less than twenty meters in front of it.