CH : 26 Wild Dwarfs Layer Discovered

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Skye was surprised and happy. After struggling for a few seconds, he quickly made a decision. He coldly ordered to the kobold guards, "Inform all nearby troops to retreat back to the valley, and then let the Black Blood Team 3 and the Green Forest Team 6 disperse." Escape and remember, don't let those wild dwarves find our lair!"

"Yes!" The kobold guard accepted the order and disappeared into the jungle in a few flashes.

After a while, a penetrating bone whistle sounded in the distance, and it was very rhythmic, with three short blasts and one long blast, one after another.

In the dark forest, the Kobold troops and Goblin troops who were out hunting one after another raised their ears and listened to the rhythm of the bone whistle. After receiving the order, these soldiers stopped hunting without hesitation and quickly diverted. Return to the nest.

Skye did not choose to go back with these hunting troops. Instead, he quickly approached the battle site alone.

It wants to confirm whether these dwarves are the wild dwarves the master is looking for, and at the same time, it also wants to further explore the opponent's specific strength.

Of course, the most important thing is to find the opponent's lair!

For more than half a year, the Black Blood Tribe has dedicated a team to find the home of the Wild Dwarf Tribe. However, except for the traces left by some vaguely suspected intelligent creatures, there is no sign of the Wild Dwarf at all, let alone the home of the other party. location.

Now, such a good opportunity appeared in front of Skye, and he couldn't let it go.

When Skye approached the battle site, his expression changed slightly.

In the jungle, the corpses of kobolds and goblins were scattered everywhere.

Some were beheaded, disembowell, and beaten to death, with their eyes protruding from their orifices and bleeding to death.

Red blood and green blood intertwined in the jungle, and the blood trails continued to extend in different directions into the distance.

Obviously, these are the dwarves who are still chasing the fleeing warriors.

Skye jumps from the tree to the ground. It observed the traces of trampled dirt and leaves on the ground, and soon found the hoof prints trampled by the giant beast.

With cold and ferocious intent, Skye followed the hoof prints left by the giant beast and pursued the group of dwarves.

After chasing for more than ten minutes, he vaguely saw a large number of figures moving around in front of him. Skye quickly covered up his figure and hid in the lush jungle.

He silently observed those short figures.

Judging from their height and appearance, it is certain that these are indeed dwarves, which is consistent with the information reported by the guards.

The other person's brown and white complexion made Skye feel certain.

Just as Mundo described, this is a subspecies of the dwarf race - the wild dwarf!

"Captain, it was really fun to kill the basters in this battle! Haha!" A wild dwarf warrior took a sip of wine and laughed with a slightly red face.

Most of the surrounding wild dwarf warriors also had happy and happy expressions on their faces. Some of them were drinking, chatting, and using the shredded animal skins they carried with them to carefully wipe the blood stains on their weapons and armour with disgust on their faces. There are also those who do not speak, close their eyes and rest to recover their physical strength.

The man called the captain by the wild dwarf warriors is a wild man wearing a blue monster skin, revealing a lot of fatty muscles that look like fat but actually contain terrifying power and defence. However, his appearance is not very conspicuous. dwarf.

The wild dwarf captain is named Valentine, and he is a powerful wild dwarf dragon knight.

This sub-dragon is not a powerful sub-dragon with dragon blood and magic-like abilities, but a beast sub-dragon, which has no blood relationship with the dragon.

Beasts, monsters, violent species. Among the three types, beasts are at the weakest level. There are few beasts that can reach fifth order or above. Most beasts are below fifth order and have no special abilities. They only rely on instinct and body to fight. The ferocious species are powerful species formed after beasts become violent. They have a larger body and a powerful body, but their intelligence and ability are generally low. There is no need to say more about monsters.

Valentine's professional inheritance originated from his tribal clan. It is a powerful profession of the wild dwarf race that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years - the Yaron Knight.

And his sub-dragon mount is a rare triceratops.

Triceratops is a wild beast. Its adult body length can reach between seven and nine metres. Its biological level is level five. It has a huge body with thick skin, an extremely strong solid neck shield, and sharp and terrifying super stinging horns.

The charging Triceratops can penetrate several houses made of stone.

And this is just a wild ordinary Triceratops. If it were a carefully cultivated Triceratops that established a life connection with the wild dwarf knight through professional secrets, it would be even more terrifying.

As a profession, the wild dwarf sub-dragon knight cultivates a special fighting spirit that can strengthen the sub-dragon mount itself, and also has a special combat secret that can share the strength, physical fitness, and vitality of the sub-dragon mount with the knight himself.

In addition, the lifespans of wild dwarves and triceratops are very long compared to humans, so as time goes by, the older and older the wild dwarf sub-dragon knights and their mounts are usually very powerful, and they are the core of the wild dwarf tribe's strength.

Valentine stroked his beloved Triceratops mount and comforted it through spiritual connection. When he heard the warriors chatting happily, he turned his head and laughed,

"Just kill them quickly. These kobolds and goblins dare to enter our territory and poach our prey in large quantities. They really want to die that badly!"

Wild dwarves are generally creatures of the lawful neutral alignment. They identify with a strong and well-ordered ruling class. They don't care whether this ruling class is an autocratic tyrant or a peaceful and democratic benevolent king. What they care about is that there must be order in the world, and order must be maintained and obeyed.

For them, absolute order is more important than moral conscience. As long as it is a rule, no matter whether the result is good or bad, it must be followed without error. Judicial officials who are absolutely impartial and soldiers who absolutely obey orders are the best examples of this camp.

Following the order they have set for themselves, wild dwarves often do not actively invade or kill other intelligent creatures, even if they are from Black Faction.

But once they dare to infringe on their interests and destroy the order they have established, the hand axe they hold will break open the enemy's chest and chop off the opponent's head!


Valentine, who was chatting and drinking with the warriors of the tribe, seemed to feel something. His eyes froze, and he instantly turned his head to look behind him and shouted loudly.

was discovered.

Skye, who was hiding in a lush jungle, felt cold in his heart. He reacted very quickly and ran away directly, his body shape was extremely flexible and fast.

Valentine's eyesight was very good, and he could still vaguely see Skye's figure through the lush jungle. His face suddenly sank, and he quickly said to the clan warriors around him,

"It's a kobold, chase him!"

Judging from their special tall appearance and explosive speed, the person peeping at them was not an ordinary kobold, but probably a strong man or even a leader from the other tribe!

Valentine was not surprised at this time, thinking that this was a great opportunity to deal with these intruders.

These kobolds and goblins who invaded their territory were completely different from the weak and short monsters he had encountered in the past. Not only were they strong, but they also had good organisational skills. Ordinary fully armed human soldiers were probably no match for them. !

Valentine did not recognize them as dragon-veined creatures. After all, the dragon-like characteristics of those goblins and kobolds who had been transformed by the dragon's blood were difficult to detect. And Sjye, who had extremely obvious characteristics of dragon transformation, did not see its specific appearance clearly.

Whether it is Valentine or the wild dwarf warriors under his command, they just regard these warriors as a relatively powerful subspecies of the goblin and kobold races.

Monsters are prone to mutation. Depending on the living environment, they can mutate into different subspecies, some weak and some strong. This is similar to the appearance of their wild dwarves.

After a while.

The wild dwarf warriors stopped their pursuit and returned to their original temporary camp, cursing.

"This guy is too fast and flexible, and he even sneaks into the dense jungle, so we can't catch up!" the wild dwarf named Colin said angrily.

Although they are very flexible in the jungle, this is a difference in body structure. The body structure of the kobold is very suitable for jungle combat and operations.

Of course, this is also fundamentally related to Skye's own strength. If it were an ordinary kobold, he would be caught within three seconds of being discovered.

"Forget it, let's go back to the tribe and report the news first." Captain Valentine also looked unhappy, but he didn't dwell too much on it.

Anyway, with the strength of their Brown Forest clan, these intruders will be killed as many as they come.

This is confidence in strength!

After packing up their personal belongings in the temporary camp, the wild dwarfs headed northwest.

What they didn't notice was that Skye, who had been chased and beaten by them just now, quietly returned at some point and followed the large army.

With the lessons learned from the previous exposure, Skye further distanced himself this time to ensure that he would never be discovered by the other party.

"Fortunately, there is no spellcaster following the opponent." While following, Skye was also congratulating himself on his good luck.

The caster relies on his strong mental power to make his intuition very sharp. In addition, if he learns detection spells, trace elimination spells, etc., he will not be able to trace them at all.

"But these wild dwarf warriors are so strong." Skye felt a little heavy.

While escaping just now, Skye was also observing and paying attention to the strength of those wild dwarves.

Although it is not as accurate and detailed as Babatos's detection technique, Skye can also roughly estimate the opponent's strength with his experience.

Those ordinary wild dwarf warriors have strength no lower than the third professional order.

And the leader of the wild dwarf captain definitely has the strength to reach the fifth level of professional order. No, it may be a little low. That guy can have such powerful triceratops as a mount, maybe he has order 6th or even seventh order. Professional level strength!

Skye was at level four more than half a year ago. After more than half a year of hunting and fighting career, he also devoured a large amount of monsters and beast flesh. Driven by the triple feedback influence of the feast talent, the power of dragon vein and the dependent contract, now The biological level of Skye has reached the fifth order, and he is not far from the sixth order.

Reaching 5th order, one has entered the intermediate professional title in the classification of professional orders. This kind of strength can be regarded as a strong one among the weak human principalities. When placed among the powerful kingdoms, it is also an indispensable backbone and elite existence.

"But no matter how strong you are, sooner or later you will surrender and crawl under the dragon wings of the great master!" Sykes' belief is extremely firm.

As his own strength continues to improve and the tribe grows stronger, Skye's admiration for his master has reached a limit.

In terms of the level of belief in gods, Skye is a fanatic believer. Further up are the saints, but in terms of the degree of firm belief, the saints and the fanatics are about the same. The main reason why the saints are above the fanatics is because the saints have a relatively special and powerful soul.

After tracking for nearly two hours and covering at least dozens of kilometres in the mountains and forests, the group of wild dwarf warriors finally stopped in front of a huge cave covered by thick vines falling from above. A clear and transparent path The stream slowly flows out from the depths of the cave.

This huge cave is located between two peaks and is quite hidden.

"No wonder I can't find it." After seeing the location of the other party's lair, Skye finally realised.

The environment of the Mirk Forest is complex. The location where Mondo said he encountered the wild dwarves was about fifty or sixty kilometres away from here. It doesn't seem that far away, but if we were to search around that location, we would probably have to search at least several thousand square metres. Kilometres of area is only possible to find here.

Let alone half a year, it would be difficult to find such a hidden place even if it were doubled.

Unless all the warriors of the Black Blood Tribe, the Green Forest, the Evil Tooth Tribe, and Green Skin Tribe, are dispatched, just to look for the wild dwarves.

Under Skye's gaze, the wild dwarf warriors walked excitedly to the clear stream, put their hands together, scooped up the water and drank the water in big gulps.

After drinking the water, they walked deeper into the cave, which was more than ten metres high, and gradually no one could be seen.

Skye did not choose to continue tracking. After all, it was probably the opponent's lair, and the master had reminded him before that wild dwarves of a certain size basically had the professional inheritance of spellcasters.

If it continued to pursue, he would probably be exposed.

Therefore, Skye just took a deep look at this place, wrote down its location and environmental characteristics, and then quickly returned to the original route without any hesitation.

On the way back, Skye contacted his master through a spiritual connection while making notes.

Black Blood Valley, waterfall pool, and simple dragon nest


I stopped absorbing and refining external elements and slowly opened my eyes.

"Wild dwarf? After so long, you can finally find the place where your lair is." I said to myself.

There is such a powerful clan near the Dragon Nest. How can I feel at ease without finding the opponent's location and ascertaining the opponent's specific strength?

Although wild dwarves are generally of the lawful neutral camp and rarely initiate killings on their own initiative, I never give the initiative to others.

He can only take the initiative!

With a thought, the panel appeared in front of my eyes.



Name : Babatos Caesar Volaric."

Race : True Dragon

Biological Order : 7th

Occupation Level : Mage LVL 4/50 [1%]

Body Length : 9.53M

Vitality (VIT) : 16.02

Current Feast Tier : 26

Feast Cool down Time : 29 Days

Spell-like Abilities:

Darkness, Low-Light Vision, Identification

Spell Rune:

Zero Tier : Secret Mark (Entry 22%)

First Tier : Weakness (Entry 6%), Water Blade (Entry 9%)

Second Tier : Water Element Strengthening (Entry 53%), Water Therapy (Entry 10%),


Earth Mana Affinity (LV 1), Water Mana Affinity (LV 2), Dragon Scales (LV 10), True Dragon Breath (LV 7), Draconic Vitality (LV 9), Draconic Might (LV 1), Draconic Magic (LV 2), Fly (LV 6), Dragon Eyes (LV 2), Bite (LV 9), Claw (LV 9), Wild Scream (LV 1)


The above is the progress of my strength in the past six months. It is worth mentioning that the information on the panel has become more detailed, and even spell proficiency is displayed, which was not available before.