CH : 33 Giving Them a Target

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The two little cranes that were still in front of their mother turned around and came to me reluctantly after hearing the dragon's roar.

Yes, these two little cranes have now been transformed into dragon blood creatures. Under the influence and suppression of the blood, they have undergone five days of training and basically obeyed my orders.

I slowly returned to the dragon's nest in the water pool with the two little cranes, and disappeared from the sight of the white-feathered owl-tailed mother crane.

Naturally, another burst of struggling and screaming followed.

But soon due to physical strength and injuries, the voice of the white-feathered owl-tailed crane became weaker and weaker.

Then every three days, when I was studying spells and resting, I would take two small white-feathered owl-tailed cranes out of the water pool to relax and eat.

During this period, the appearance of the two cranes began to change slightly. In the centre of their foreheads, the originally pure white feathers began to turn into jet black from the roots, and the tips of the wing feathers also tended to turn black.

The initial changes are not big, because the stronger the bloodline, the stronger the resistance to the dragon's bloodline, and the changes in appearance will naturally be more inconspicuous. If it were a monster whose bloodline was not inferior to that of a true dragon, such as a Hydra Snake, Blood-eyed Maned Lion, The Titan, The Angel, Demon or a Devil etc. The bloodline of an ordinary true dragon would not be able to corrode the opponent at all. Instead, the opponent would use it as a resource to strengthen itself.

The white-feathered owl-tailed mother crane watched the changes in her two children, her eyes gradually turning from angry, angry, and angry to silent.

On the eighteenth day of the Crane Festival, the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane finally lowered her proud head and chose to surrender.

Beside the pool, dragon scales and dragon blood floated in the air, then merged and transformed into a dragon scale contract with a large number of small dragon runes on it.

The dragon scale contract sank into the forehead of the white-feathered owl-tailed crane and disappeared.

The dependent contract was officially concluded.

I looked at the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane in front of me with her eyes closed and silent and motionless as she accepted the dragon vein transformation, a trace of satisfaction flashed in my eyes.

Now, I have the first high-order combat force under my command.

Although I defeated and captured the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane, it cannot be said that I am stronger than the opponent.

If the white-feathered owl-tailed mother crane hadn't been restrained by the two little cranes, it wouldn't be so impatient in its attack, and it wouldn't choose to directly attack the face. The crispy assassin mage attacks the tank warrior mage. This is completely based on its own disadvantage. Take advantage of others.

Furthermore, even if the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane cannot defeat me, with its speed and agility that is much higher than mine, can she not just run away if she wants to?

Extreme speed, innately invincible!

In order to allow the white-feathered owl-tailed crane to accept the dragon vein transformation more smoothly, I asked the warriors of the monster clan to bring over a large amount of fresh meat.

Although the white-feathered owl-tailed crane looks white and beautiful, just like a crane, as a monster, it is still a high-order monster and is also a carnivore.

It's just that the white-feathered owl-tailed cranes are picky about meat. For example, they don't like dirty and smelly food, and they don't like ugly and weird-looking ones. They generally only eat the most tender and nutritious parts of their prey.

Fortunately, she was a powerful monster that became a high-order adult. Otherwise, she would have been so picky about food, and she would have become extinct long ago.

However, this group of white-feathered owl-tailed cranes is very rare nowadays.

After the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane completed the preliminary transformation of her dragon veins while eating, the opponent's originally weak aura recovered a little, and she slowly opened her eyes, staring at me with a pair of dark mung bean eyes.

"First find a place to build a nest near the waterhole. Your next task will be to hunt fresh, high-quality prey for me."

He gave the order to the mother crane through the spiritual connection, but I refused to leave after seeing the other party nodded.

After noticing the direction she was looking at from the corner of my eye, I grinned.

With a dragon roar, the two little cranes that had been following me obediently returned to the side of their mother crane.

"These are your children, how could I snatch them away?" I said calmly.

In response to this, the female white-feathered owl-tailed crane just nodded her head at me happily, and then summoned two small white-feathered owl-tailed cranes to fly towards the cliff four to five hundred meters high on the side of the pool.


There is a lush banyan tree at the top of the cliff. The banyan tree is forty to fifty meters high, and its crown covers most of the cliff. After the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane landed on the cliff, she glanced around with a fairly satisfied look in her eyes.

Although not as good as the original lair, it may be safer here.

With a master and a large number of monster clan warriors, even if she goes out hunting, her two children can be safe. The mother crane thought in her heart.

Generally speaking, the intelligence of intermediate monsters is no lower than that of ordinary humans, while the intelligence of high-order monsters generally exceeds that of ordinary humans.

But wisdom is just wisdom. The fundamental reason why human beings can spread their footprints all over the this star world even with so many powerful creatures, and build great empires one after another, and human gods hold high the divine fire and sit on the throne of the divine kingdoms overlooking the many worlds and star world being one of them, is still due to civilization and order. .

True dragons have good fertility (compared to bloodline creatures of the same order), are powerful, have a very long lifespan, and have a massive treasure trove of inherited knowledge throughout the history of the race. This allows them to survive without establishing civilization and order, becoming a very powerful race in the realms with their own Dragon Gods watching over them just like most intelligent or powerful races.

If not all, and more than half of the dragons can unite, develop, and work together, then perhaps the dominance of many realms into his infinite multiverse should be possible.

It's a pity that even the metal dragon clan can't do this, let alone the five-color black faction dragons and other dragon species. Freedom, looseness, and arrogance are instincts engraved in the dragon's bloodline genes.

Time is moving forward unswervingly.

Three days later, I ushered in the start of the thirtieth feast.

Among the staple foods like Iron Ore, Topaz Stone, and some low order monsters this time, there was an intermediate monster 'Green Poisonous Python' that had not been seen for a long time. Yes, this is exactly the record of the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane.

Since surrendering under the wings of mine, the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane has been constantly going out to find high-quality prey for her master.

Therefore, during this period, from time to time in the sky of the Black Blood Valley, a white feather light could be seen flying across the sky. They all are enjoying some high quality food due to working together. It was the ridiculously fast white-feathered owl-tailed female crane.

By the water pool, I was eating the delicious green poisonous python flesh and blood, and couldn't help but sigh in my heart,

"It's really the right thing to do to take the white-feathered owl-tailed female crane into my dependents."

I can easily kill most of the intermediate monsters, but whether I can find them is another matter. My eye-catching figure and the invisible and powerful biological aura I exudes often make the powerful monster with keen senses run away before the dragon shadow arrives.

The white-feathered owl-tailed female crane is different. It has a speed that far exceeds that of me, and its biological aura is not as conspicuous and powerful as mine. Although the crane body is not small, when it soars above the white clouds in the sky, the powerful monster below does not pay special attention. If so, it's really hard to detect its shape.

Even if it is discovered, if the distance is not too far, the white-feathered owl-tailed crane can quickly close the distance and hunt it down.

The green poisonous python, a seventh order monster, was hunted by the white-feathered owl mother crane while it was basking in the sun on a tree. Although it keenly sensed the danger and discovered the approaching mother crane, it could not escape fast enough, and was eventually killed by the white-feathered owl. The terrifying beak of the tailed crane penetrated the head, killing it with one blow.

Swallowing the flesh and blood, the green poisonous python that was more than ten meters long quickly disappeared into my bloody mouth.

But the feast is still far from progress.

The quality of food required for each feast is related to the strength of my dragon body. So the next feast will always require a lot more food than the last feast.

I looked at the prey piled up into a hill on the other side.

Second-order monsters, third-order monsters, fourth-order monsters, and second-order beasts. At a glance, there was no prey below the second order.

With the addition of Frost Trolls the efficiency of hunting has increased a lot and coupled with the white-feathered owl-tailed crane I got a lot more food than last time. And it's not all as now nearly all the resistance of the Black Blood Valley were eating some fine quality food which was good for everyone, especially great for anyone who had now possessed Overeat skill.

To the right of this pile of prey, there is also a pile of Topaz and Iron ores and a pile of refined iron and copper blocks. This was the work of the three monster clans, and the knowledge of refining the ore was naturally obtained through transactions with the Sieglinde family of the Kas Principality.

It is not a very precious advanced refining method. The refined copper and iron contain a lot of impurities and the quality is not high, but the advantage is that this refining method does not require very advanced and complicated refining equipment.

As a weapon material, it is too inferior, but as a feast food, it is qualified.

After clearing out about 90% of the food, the feast progress reached 100%.

The Thirtieth Feast Slumber begins.

Nervous Response, Thinking Ability, Mana, Magic Resistance, Physical Resistance, Volume Density, Speed, Stamina, Strength, Cellular Strength, Immunity, Endurance, Vision, Visceral Function, Adaptive Resistance, Biomagnetic Field Strength, Bone Density, Muscle Fibre, Skin Thickness, Cuticle, Memory, Cognitive capacity, Mana regeneration, Pain tolerance, Reaction time, Muscle elasticity, Tissue Regeneration, Recovery, Sensory Acuity, Bone strength, Mental fortitude, Psychic resistance, Aura Intensity, Life Force, Neural Efficiency, Spiritual Essence, Energies, Dimensional Awareness, Mystic Energy, Kinetic Output, Soul etc. and all the other attributes are slowly but steadily improving towards the form of a perfect creature.


Far away from the Black Blood Valley, in a hidden canyon near the Rotting Swamp.

Kobolds, Goblins, and Frost Trolls established their own tribes on both sides of the river.

However, the three tribes, which were originally peaceful, peaceful, and prosperous, were now filled with shouts of death and miserable howls.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

More than thirty knights rode giant beast-like triceratops beasts, rumbling and killing among the monster clan warriors.

Behind these dragon knights who look like giant spearheads are wild dwarf warriors wearing leather armor, holding axes, hanging spare hand axes on their waists, and carrying short throwing spears on their backs.

In addition, there are some wild dwarves with extremely conspicuous appearances.

Their naked upper bodies were painted with more or less weird bloody totems, and the silver-white giant axes they held in their hands were even taller than their height. The silver-white giant axe in his hand was just slashing at will. No matter whether it was a first-order monster warrior or a fourth-order monster warrior, there was no resistance under their giant axe. They were all split into two halves. Their terrifying power and powerful strength is undoubtedly demonstrated through this bloody method.

This is the racial profession that the wild dwarves have inherited for tens of thousands of years—the bone-blood warrior!

If the transfer of the sub-dragon knight requires the talent to communicate with the sub-dragon beasts, then the bone-blood warrior does not have any rigid talent requirements.

The job change of a bone-blood warrior only requires one thing, and that is extremely tenacious willpower and a lot of blood!

The blood pattern totem painted on his body not only brings strength to the flesh and blood warriors, but also gives them a steady stream of pain.

Draw strength from pain and control this power with a willpower as strong as a stone. Therefore, in the long-term process of suppressing pain and absorbing pain, almost every flesh-and-blood warrior will transform into a person eager to fight and eager to fight even more. The murderous dwarf warrior!

There were only three blood warriors participating in this battle.

But these three people managed to cut their way through the monster army!

One for each person! unstoppable!

They may seem arrogant, but the root of all this comes from their own strong strength.

As even the strong and regenerating frost trolls weren't able to do much to them.

Behind the wild dwarf army, a black beast as big as an elephant was carrying a wild dwarf spellcaster. This wild dwarf spellcaster is covered in a grey robe made of some kind of precious magical plant fibre. In his right hand, he also holds a metal inlaid with a fist-sized jet-black gem that attracts the power of pure dark elements Staff.

"Shaman, our battle situation is extremely strong and we have penetrated deep into the enemy's tribe."

A wild dwarf scout quickly came to the wild dwarf spellcaster and reported the news from the front line with a respectful expression.

"Well, you still haven't found Vickers and the others?" Slytherin asked calmly.

"Not found yet." The wild dwarf scout replied.

Slytherin frowned, a trace of worry flashing in his eyes. The reason why he is so worried is because the dragon knight Vickers is his grandson.

"My son Vickers, grandpa will definitely rescue you." Slytherin whispered.

The reason why Vickers is certain that he is not dead is because Slytherin possesses a special spell that can determine whether his descendants are still alive in the world based on their bloodline.

Unfortunately, this spell cannot accurately locate the location of the offspring, and can only roughly perceive it within a range. And this range of perception is very large.

After the battle lasted for a quarter of an hour, the wild dwarf scout came to Slytherin again to report.

"Shaman, the kobold tribe and frost troll tribe have been wiped out, and the remaining warriors of the Goblin tribe have announced their surrender."