CH : 36 Taking the Advantage of Enemy's Weakness

She sniffed with her nose, and found that there was no special smell other than the odour of the kobold. No, the black dragon's powerful sense of smell allowed her to quickly capture the slightest bit of odour remaining in the air.

It's a not-so-weak beast with an aura that's a bit close to that of a dragon beast, but without the blood of a dragon.

"Is that a group of beasts?" Lyanna found the corresponding existence from the huge dragon inheritance knowledge.

A group of powerful beasts with the title of sub-dragon, but in fact they are low-order creatures with no dragon blood at all. They are looked down upon by almost all dragons.

Of course, if it is to be accepted as a dependent servant, quite a few dragons are still willing.

"The aura of this intensity is caused by a spell caster using a spell to cover it up."

Lyanna sneered, rather disdainfully.

'Do you think you can use this method to prevent yourself from being found? Then they underestimating her too much'

Although Lyanna doesn't care about the life and death of her dependents, this does not mean that others can kill her dependents at will.

Especially if they are intellectual creatures with an army.

What's more, so many dependents died, and a core dragonborn who carried out the dependent contract was captured, which would obviously affect the quality of her future food.

This was the only thing that made Lyanna angry the most.

"No matter what existence it is, if it offends me, the Queen of Darkness, there will only be a way to die!"

With a dragon's roar, the spiritual connection roughly contacted the other two contracted dependents, allowing them to summon their monster army as quickly as possible.

After doing all this, Lyanna began to carefully sense the extremely weak breath in the air.

Soon, she was locked in two directions.

Vibrating the dragon wings, Lyanna chose to go to the southwest first.

After a few minutes, She realized that there was no trace of a large number of movements in the southwest, so she flew in another direction angrily.

Obviously, although Lyanna was a little disdainful of the spell to cover her aura, they still succeeded in teasing her once.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Lyanna's inner anger was building up like crazy, just waiting to explode when she found her enemy.

The wild dwarves were covering their bodies and fleeing. Lyanna led her monster army like crazy to search for traces of the enemy. But what about Barbatos?


In front of the huge cave, a small stream meanders out of it. Fireflies dance on the small stream, burrowing through the grass and flowers.

Under the night light, the environment here is so beautiful and quiet.

If it weren't for the darkness of monster warriors outside the cave.

Outside the cave, an army of thousands in size, composed of four monster races: kobolds, goblins, forest trolls, and frost trolls, was beginning to prepare to enter the cave in an orderly manner.

"Faster and quieter!"

Dozens of kobold warlords shuttled among the army, roaring at these monster warriors, especially the careless trolls of both natures.

On this expedition to steal the family, Babatos asked Skye and the others to send all the soldiers, so the dozens of trolls following Mundo, and two hundred frost trolls following Shadar in the tribe were no exception.

From Mundo side there are not only forest trolls, but also swamp trolls, gray trolls, and mud trolls.

There are many subspecies of trolls, Frost Trolls themselves and there are more than ten famous ones alone.

And without exception, almost all subspecies of trolls are careless and careless in character.

But despite having so many shortcomings, there are also many advantages. For example, the most characteristic thing is that if the brain that is missing cells is blown open, it can be restored to its original state.

However, no matter how hard the kobold warlords try their best to restrain these monster warriors, the movements of so many monster warriors still make a lot of noise.

Soon, the two wild dwarf warriors guarding the depths of the cave felt something was wrong.

They groped outside warily, and then their eyes widened.

Their first thought and action is to run back and run fast!

The two wild dwarf warriors who were watching the sentry were both very strong. They both had level four. With such quick reactions, ordinary monster warriors couldn't stop them at all.

"There is a tribe of monsters coming, there is"

A wild dwarf warrior yelled like crazy, but stopped mid-sentence.

His head rolled down from his neck, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the head of his companion.

"Am I dead.."

With an expression of disbelief, the wild dwarf warrior fell into eternal sleep.

However, the movement coming from here still reminded the Brown Forest clan. In the wild dwarf tribe, there were the sounds of hurried footsteps gathering everywhere, as well as the unique loud voices of the dwarves.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

After passing through the cave for a few hundred meters, there is a crescent-shaped valley. In the valley, two-story wooden houses rise from the ground. Looking behind these wooden houses, you can see an endless golden wheat field.

After hearing the sound of enemy attacks, wild dwarves of different heights rushed out of hundreds of wooden houses.

"Taxi, take the children and hide in the cave behind the valley, quickly!"

A sturdy middle-aged wild dwarf quickly put on his leather armor, inserted his spare axe, and threw his spear while urging his wife and children.

Taxi looked nervous and looked at her husband with concern, but she also knew that she could not waste time at this time, so she told her husband,

"Lawrence, you have to be careful."

After saying that, without waiting for her husband to urge her again, Taxi took her two year old little girl and a half-year-old boy and hurriedly ran to the back of the valley.

Lawrence looked at the back of his wife and two children leaving, and felt certain in his heart, silently saying,

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back."

He is a sixth-level warrior and is considered an elite and powerful warrior among the entire clan.


"The shaman and the leader left with a large number of elite warriors from the clan to perform a secret mission. Enemies attacked at this time. Is it a coincidence?" Lawrence was a little worried about this.

Not only Lawrence thought this, but other wild dwarf warriors with a little bit of brains and strength in the valley all thought of this. While settling down and instructing their families and children to take refuge in the caves at the back of the valley, they quickly gathered towards the entrance of the valley.

By the time Lawrence arrived at the mouth of the valley, the war had already begun.

Kobold warriors and Goblin warriors with adult height roared excitedly, wielding hardwood spears and iron knives, and fought fiercely with the gathered wild dwarf warriors.

The whole scene was extremely chaotic.

A Goblin warrior slashed the air with his sword. The iron sword chopped down the campfire wooden frame and knocked it over to the ground. The iron basin containing a large amount of red charcoal rolled five or six meters away and scattered on the ground. The red charcoal touched the outside of the wooden house. The dry firewood began to smoke and burst into flames.

On the ground, there were the dead bodies of wild dwarves, as well as the tragically dead bodies of kobolds and goblins.

Lawrence also saw a familiar face among the corpses, that of Shannon, whom he had a crush on when he was young.

At this time, Shannon no longer had her previous vitality. Her body in the sarong was in terrible shape. The bloody throat at her neck looked extremely bloody and clearly visible under the light of the fallen bonfire. The large hole in her abdomen was filled with large and small intestines. came out.

Not far away from Shannon, her child, who was only in his thirties, also died tragically on the spot, with his body chopped into two pieces alive.

"Damn it!!" Lawrence's eyes were bloodshot and his expression was ferocious. He roared and rushed towards the Goblin warrior closest to him.

The hand axe in his hand was thrown out while spinning, turning into a ray of silver light and flying towards the Goblin warrior who was fighting with the wild dwarf warrior, hitting the opponent's head accurately.

A blow filled with the anger of the sixth-level wild dwarf warrior, the power contained in the throwing axe was terrifying, and half of the Goblin warrior's head disappeared.

After killing an enemy instantly, Lawrence attacked other enemies again.

After easily killing several monster warriors in a row, a fifth-order big goblin warrior targeted him.

A huge figure close to three meters high charged along the way. A wild dwarf warrior who was no more than level three was directly knocked away flaying seven or eight meters away. His bones were broken, his tendons were broken, and his mouth was vomiting blood.

"Ho! Shorty, your opponent is Green Barba!"

The big goblin warrior raised the thick and heavy mace in his hand and struck hard at Lawrence. The attack was so powerful and heavy that even the air was quickly squeezed out and made a whining sound.

Lawrence didn't dare to face such a brute force directly. He rolled to the side in a panic and immediately stood up and took out the spare hand axe from his waist. He added white fighting energy to it, and after a little accumulation of power, he threw it.

He saw a quick flash of silver light, and a gap opened in the flesh and blood of the big goblin warrior's thigh, with green blood spurting crazily from the wound.

The big goblin warrior who was in pain stared at him with eyes as big as copper bells. He continued to chase Lawrence with his mace and hammered him wildly. The injury on the thigh did not penetrate deep into the bones and tendons and had little impact on them.

For a while, Lawrence could only evade in panic, and occasionally found an opportunity to bleed the big man and cause some minor injuries.

Although his level is higher than the big goblin warrior in front of him, one is a professional level and the other is a biological order.

Professional levels have many and complex functions. For example, the warrior profession can cultivate fighting spirit of various attributes, and the mage profession can also practice various types of spells. These can greatly enhance the strength of the professional. Although there is physical improvement, it is mainly the cultivation of extraordinary strength.

The biggest difference between a Professional and a Biological Order was a more subtle point.

Muscle and bone density.

In the Star Multiverse, Order meant big things that began to show itself as their physical body became increasingly more powerful. The cells in one's body began to condense, growing tougher and more tightly packed, increasing in number. The higher the order, the more and more apparent this was.

An incredible amount of strength and power could be concentrated in a single physical form, supported by a powerful Soul. That was how the laws of this very different universe. functioned.

The creature order represents the strength and energy level of the creature's own body. Although the methods are not as complicated and fancy as professions, as it all depends on bloodline. On the other hand, they rely solely on their strong physical fitness to fight, with thick blood, high defense, great strength, and various other abilities. The species resistance is also extremely high.

If the Big Goblin Warrior had hit Lawrence with the maze, without the active protection Of battle Ki, Lawrence would probably have lost half of his life. And even if Lawrence slashed him with dozens of axes with his hand axe, as long as it was not a fatal part, the big goblin warrior could still hold on for a while.

This is the biggest obvious difference between the two.

All we can say is that each has its own advantages and disadvantages. But most of the time Biological Order represents more power but less abilities and Professionals Level gives you less power but more abilities.

In Star systems Biological Order always seems superior as most intellectual races could adept Professionals Levels but in 30000 thousand species of the Star Multiverse couldn't adapt to Biological Order.

While the two sides were fighting fiercely at the entrance of the valley below, on a rock wall more than two hundred meters high in the valley, I fell gently lying, my thick dragon claws gripping the ground steadily, and my wide wings slowly folded.

A pair of cold and calm dark yellow dragon eyes stared down.

After seeing kobold warriors, goblin warriors, and even big goblin warriors and trolls being killed by wild dwarves, I did not waver at all.

It was an army of monsters that took less than a year to build. Even if they all died, it wouldn't be a pity.

As long as I am still there, a monster army of this size can be produced at any time, and it will only be stronger!

"Huh? Spellcaster? And that is the inherited profession of wild dwarves - Bone-blood Warrior?"

I looked at the strong man from the Brown Forest clan who finally joined the battlefield and observed silently from above.

Although I received news from Skye that an elite force from the Brown Forest Clan was lurking in the Black Dragon Lady's territory, it was very likely that a truly strong member of the other clan would lead the attack.

But who knows if there are other strong men hiding in the other tribe?

Not to mention master-level experts, even high-level professionals. If I was hit hard by a sneak attack in secret, the result would be unknown.

Although my dragon body is not weak, it has not yet been three years since I was born. According to the dragon's age group, I still have a few months to grow out of the hatchling stage and enter the young dragon stage.

Now most of the strength of my dragon body is enhanced by the Feast, and my own original growth only accounts for a small part.

The achievements in spells are also very average. Although the mage professional level has reached level five, I have not learned a single mid-range spell. Except for a water element strengthening spell that has reached the proficiency level, which can improve my strength a little, the proficiency of other spells has not been improved. It is very low and the improvement in strength is very limited.

However, this is just a short time for learning and practicing. Later, as the accumulation increases, spells will definitely become a large part of my power.

As my thoughts were spinning, below, the strong men from both sides met.

A bone-blood warrior and a spellcaster. The former is faced by Mundo and Danylan, and the latter is faced by the white-feathered owl-tailed crane alone.

As for Skye, it is not as strong as the White Feathered Owl-tailed Crane, nor does it have the distant support of Danylan's magic, nor does it have the terrifying recovery ability of Mundo, so the battle plan it formulated for itself is very cunning.

Holding a scimitar in his hand and a spare on his back, he wandered throughout the battlefield. Once he saw an intermediate professional among the wild dwarves, he would sneak over and cooperate with the monster warriors to find opportunities to take advantage of him. One knife, one kill.