CH : 40 War And Blood II

After flying for more than half an hour in the howling wind, I returned to the Black Blood Valley, but I did not land, but continued flying eastward.

Another half an hour passed, and I stepped into the Black Dragon Lady's territory.

My unconcealed posture was quickly spotted by the Black Dragoness's dependnts and was finally reported to Lyanna, who was tracking the traces of the wild dwarves.

Soon, the adult black dragon with a body length of more than nineteen meters arrived in front of me. And seeing her I had a smile on my face. Things were going according to my plan.

"Babatos, my son, why are you back?" Lyanna's tone was cold. Her eyes flickered to her eldest son, a trace of shock flashing in her eyes.

'You've only been out for about a year, and you've already grown to this size?'

One year ago, the body length was about seven metres, and one year later, the body length exceeded ten metres. It seems that the growth is only more than three meters, but the overall body shape has doubled. The growth rate of this kind of body size is still very impactful.


Lyanna utilised the rank appraisal directly, without requiring any further inquiry.

[Creature level: Intermediate seventh order] [Mage level: Elementary level five]

'In just one year, I have never learned any spells, and now I am a fifth-level mage? Addicted to law?'

Lyanna's attention was drawn to Barbatos's achievements as a mage. Although the creature order was increasing at an absurd speed, Lyanna was even more shocked that there was still no clear fifth-level mage level.


"Mother, I have no intention of offending your majesty when I come here this time. I just want to inform you of the news I got." I said in a respectful tone.

Although he is Lyanna's child, the world of evil dragons doesn't care much about family ties, only about strength. My strength is far inferior to Lyanna's, so I naturally had to bow my head and she was my mother.

Seeing that her outstanding eldest son still spoke so respectfully to her, Lyanna's vanity was somewhat satisfied.

The original attention on the abnormal speed of my strength improvement Lyanna was greatly attracted to it. And when she heard his words, she was curious about what news her most outstanding son had.


"A master-level wild dwarf spellcaster, a high-level mage wild dwarf spellcaster, multiple senior professionals, and thousands of wild dwarf warriors? Son, are all these you said true?"

After listening to what I said about the wild dwarves, Lyanna's eyes gradually showed excitement.

Being able to take over a powerful wild dwarf clan as a kinsman proves her might to the green dragon.

Similarly, for the black dragon, which is ranked lower than the green dragon among the five-color evil dragons, anything that can be compared with or even surpass the green dragon, blue dragon, and red dragon is an outstanding achievement worth showing off.

Lyanna stayed at home for decades and didn't care much about the clans under her command. That was because she felt that lower races such as kobolds, goblins, and trolls were not worthy of her attention.

If it was a tribe of wild dwarves, it would be different.

"If you have this wild dwarf clan as your dependents, mother, you won't have to worry about high-level meat in the future. You can eat an intermediate monster in three days and a high-level monster in ten days. The wild dwarf clan is fully capable of satisfying these needs, mother!

Moreover, with this powerful dependent clan, Mother, you are fully capable of invading the Principality of Kas. Several humans captured by my dependents from the Principality of Kas have the wealth of several lower-level magic crystals. It's hard to imagine how rich the entire Principality of Kas is.

By the way, Mother, the weapons used by those wild dwarf professionals are made from a single piece of magic iron ore. Maybe they own a rich vein of magic iron ore."

I frantically applied eye drops to the Brown Forest clan.

I have no hatred against the Brown Forest clan, but if my subordinates want to develop and hunt a large amount of food for me, they will inevitably encroach on the interests of the wild dwarves.

The wild dwarves have an order they have set for themselves, and they have a strong belief in eliminating any creature that dares to invade their territory.

Therefore, the root of the conflict between the two parties cannot be avoided, and sooner or later there will be a real fight!

Unless either party chooses to abandon the territory and develop elsewhere.

But this is simply unrealistic. How could the wild dwarves just abandon the lair that they have been operating for at least hundreds of years?

As for me, I am not strong yet and still need to hibernate to develop. I'm not willing to abandon this territory that is rich in resources and has been operating for a year. What's more, there is a backer like the Black Dragon Lady, the queen of darkness nearby. If I really encounter a life crisis, it is an excellent life-saving choice for me to come back and lick my Black Dragon Lady to avoid the limelight.

If I go outside and are unfamiliar with Longsheng, it will be very dangerous if I am targeted by a powerful being.

Someone who is higher than Legendary Rank, someone who had ascended to 'Pseudo God' or 'Dami-God' rank in this world was very old so it was impossible that there were no hidden monsters among mortals.

And even collagen with a follower of such beings could be disasters after all who doesn't want a dragon pet, slay a dragon, or eat a dragon.




Lyanna's heart moved.

Fascinated by the future prospects I painted.

She tried to imagine life after conquering this wild dwarf clan, and then she discovered it.

The wild dwarf clan must be conquered by her!

As for the Black Fang tribe that was slaughtered by the wild dwarves?

Just cannon fodder, if they die, they die. Except for the captured high-level dragon-veined kobold spellcaster who could give Lyanna a little bit of fun, the other kobolds were nothing more than a pile of rubbish cannon fodder to her, and it would take less than a year to gather a large number of them again.

And one year is too short for a true dragon. For humans, it only takes a few days.

"Let's go, let's go now!" Lyanna couldn't wait any longer. She motioned to her eldest son to lead the way.

I naturally agreed to this, but I also sincerely suggested,

"Mother, don't worry. Those wild dwarves are reluctant to abandon their lair. They stay there morning and night. Now, you should bring your subordinates with you and let them charge into battle for you to reduce your consumption."

"Don't think of your mother as one of those mindless red dragons. I've already ordered those cannon fodder to assemble." Lyanna glanced at her eldest son, her tone somewhat displeased.

Upon seeing this, I quickly praised my beautiful mother. At this moment, Lyanna looked relieved and looked proud and satisfied.

If goblin kobolds came to praise Lyanna, Lyanna might reward them with a dragon's breath, turning them into a puddle of acidic green bubbles.

And if her eldest son, who was gifted and a black dragon, praised and complimented her, and looked down upon her, she would naturally feel happy and pleased.

A moment later, I saw the army of dependents gathered under Lyanna's command.

There are more than a thousand kobolds, more than two thousand goblins, and more than two hundred trolls. The kobolds are just ordinary kobolds. Among the goblins, there are dozens of big goblins. Among the trolls, forest trolls occupy the majority. Most, a few swamp trolls, grey trolls.

This number of monster dependents is somewhat different from what I knew before. I previously estimated that the three major tribes under Black Dragon Lady's command together only had 1,500 dependents. Now, after the Black Fang tribe was destroyed, they could actually pull out an army of around 4,000 monsters.

But soon I figured out the reason.

First of all, the total number of the three major tribes: Black Fang, Barbarian Bones, and Beast Heart should be around 1,500, not much more.

As for the extra monster relatives now, they should be micro and small tribes that were scattered and established. Now, with the summons of the Queen of Darkness, they all naturally followed the order and gathered together.

Without large-scale breeding of livestock and growing food, a large monster population would gather together and not have enough to eat. The final outcome would be death from starvation, and then the corpses would be eaten by their companions. Instead of doing this, it would be better to disperse after the population reaches the upper limit of the tribe. Get out part of it.

It can expand territory and save food at the same time, getting the best of both worlds.

After gathering the monster family members, I led the way without hesitation.

High in the sky, I and Lyanna flew through the white clouds, arriving at the Brownwood Clan's home valley ahead of the monster army.

After arriving, the two black dragons observed the valley below indifferently, waiting for the arrival of the monster army.

There are cannon fodder who can explore the way and consume the opponent's strength. Neither I nor Lyanna will be stingy about the consumption and death of their dependents unless they are core dependents.

After waiting for a full half day, the monster army finally arrived.

This speed is not slow for an army of monsters with varying strengths. After all, the distance is hundreds of kilometers over mountains and ridges. That is to say, the monster's physique gives it strong endurance, and it can chew tree bark when it is hungry. It relieves hunger and refreshes you quickly when you are thirsty. Drinking from puddles, creeks and streams is extremely low-demand.

If it were an ordinary human army, it would probably take less than two days to arrive.

When the monster army was still one kilometer away from the Brownwood clan's home base, Lyanna ordered the monster army to stop and let them rest for an hour to recover their strength.

Although Lyanna is very confident in her own strength, the wild dwarf race has been inherited for a long time, so its strength is not weak and cannot be underestimated.

Although the family members are regarded as cannon fodder, even if they are cannon fodder, they must play their due role normally, rather than simply letting them die.

"Shaman, clan leader, there are a large number of monster warriors gathering outside."

More than 4,000 monsters gathered together, even though they were some distance away, it was impossible for the Brown Forest clan, which was nervous enough to send out various spies, not to notice them.

Even when the monster army was still dozens of kilometers away, the news reached the top brass of the Brown Forest Clan.

Slytherin and Lutz looked at each other and looked at the dozen or so clan leaders in the hall with extremely serious expressions.

"Then we will proceed according to the plan we just made!"

"I obey, shaman and clan leader!" The wild dwarves, who were many senior professionals, looked very determined.

The old, weak, women and children among the wild dwarves have all been transferred through the caves. They have no worries in this battle and can fight with all their strength!

Outside the valley, accompanied by an exciting dragon roar, thousands of monster armies roared and rushed into the tall and wide cave.

The first to bear the brunt are hundreds of trolls that are three to four meters tall. These are thick-skinned and extremely powerful. They are also wearing heavy vine armor that is as thick as a finger and is stronger than steel. Apart from acid and fire, it is almost impossible to attack them with their regenerative powers; it is nearly impossible to kill them with one blow. Trolls are simply the best charge class.

On the other side of the valley, the wild dwarf army, which was already ready for battle, roared and attacked the monster army.

First, there was a wave of throwing spears, flying axes, and a large number of long-range attacks that directly turned the troll warriors in the front row into hedgehogs. But even so, as long as their legs and feet were not broken, these troll warriors still roared and ran forward crazily, with their bodies. The severe pain caused by the injury did not do much except make them angrier.

Soon, a close-quarters combat with weapons began.

Blood rained down, and wild dwarves and monster warriors fell to the ground one after another.

Compared with the wild dwarves who were of higher quality and were basically at level three or four, the monster army was generally only at second order or even first order, and suffered extremely heavy casualties.

If it weren't for the hundreds of big goblin warriors and troll warriors who acted as the backbone to compete, ordinary kobolds and goblins would have died as many as if they were harvesting wheat.

A five-meter-tall forest troll who looked like a giant wearing heavy vine armor roared angrily, swung the four-meter-and-five-meter giant mace in his hand, and smashed several wild dwarves into meat pies, and then continued to charge and wave. With a few strokes of the giant mace in his hand, he brutally killed more than a dozen wild dwarves, clearly demonstrating his terrifying strength.

But the dragon-veined troll didn't show off for long, and soon two senior professionals among the wild dwarves rushed over with angry faces.

Senior Yalong Knight Nelson and the senior elders of the older generation.

Riding on the back of a triceratops, the thick dragon gun in Nelson's hand burst out with powerful blood energy, carrying the huge power of the riding beast to penetrate the arrogant dragon-veined troll.

On the other side, the wild dwarf elder also strode towards the latter and charged towards him. The blood energy emerging from the giant axe in his hand was brighter and thicker than Nelson's.

Although the professions practiced by the Yalong Knight and the Bone-blood Warrior are different, the extraordinary power they cultivate is all blood, which is essentially the same as the professions of the Blood Knight and the Blood-Crazy Warrior.

Although there are countless types of professions, the essential paths to transcendence are those of blood, elements, spiritual energy, and divine power. Various professions are derived from these extraordinary sources, and some are exclusive to the wild dwarf race such as the Bone-blood Warrior. Yes, there are also ones that are common to intelligent creatures like mages. As long as they have the qualifications to cast spells, that is, they have strong enough mental power and can refine magic power, they can change their profession, regardless of race.

After their strength reaches an advanced level, their destructive power becomes extremely astonishing. Ordinary rocks and steel are vulnerable to them.

"Death!" The sudden death of his companion who had been with him for more than a hundred years filled Nelson's heart with anger. He wanted to vent the emptiness, confusion and burning anger in his heart through fighting with all his strength.

The dragon-veined troll stopped massacring ordinary wild dwarf warriors, turned around, and looked at the two strong wild dwarves charging towards it. He grinned, revealing its dark yellow giant teeth, which would be covered with vines and dwarfs. The giant mace with poisonous spikes was raised high, and Nelson, who was the first to charge with the dragon gun, hit hard!

A dull loud noise exploded, turning into a circle of invisible sound waves that spread rapidly outwards. The wild dwarves and monster warriors who were closer around them all had splitting headaches and their brains were buzzing.