CH : 50 Finding Way of Entertainment

Atomic Furnace (LV 1) - It allows your body to absorb and convert more energy, and perhaps once you reach a certain level, you can attempt nuclear fusion within the Atomic Furnace.


A 30-day cooldown period was remarkably long, and the only new talent added was the Atomic Forge, ominously lacking a description.

I could feel the presence of a golden, sac-like organ next to my heart, which was undoubtedly the Atomic Forge. From it, a constant stream of energy erupted, filling my body with a power that begged for release. And as he willed it, so it was done. I felt a warmth in my chest, and energy began to amass in my mouth.

With a sizzle, a jet of white breath burst forth, melting the parched trees and the ground itself. After two seconds, I ceased, leaving behind a ten-metre-deep crater with crystallized surfaces, a testament to my might.

I was astounded; my breath was reminiscent of a being so similar to a brother from my previous life. It wasn't flame nor any form of laser—just sheer heat, the temperature of which could be amplified by the Atomic Forge, trumping even a Red Dragon's blaze.

This is more domineering than the flame of the red dragon.

With the Atomic Furnace, I'm now Godzilla with wings. My current limitations of the body prevented me from initiating nuclear fusion to unleash even greater power, but as I grew stronger, I'd surpass even the legendary Gojira. The Furnace was like a second heart, but more potent, enhancing not only my strength but also every function of my body.

However, there were more changes occurring within me that the status panel did not display. It was up to him to discover these new capabilities. Suddenly, I realized I could absorb a certain energy from my surroundings. With a mere thought, radioactive energies began to surge into me.

The atomic furnace is equivalent to his second heart, even more powerful.

These substances, once refined and synthesised by the Atomic Forge, were stored in a secondary expulsion organ within my body, ready to be unleashed when necessary. After spending some time absorbing the residual radioactive materials in the area, I departed, knowing that without the pollution of radioactive substances, the land would soon regain its former vitality. All traces of the Plutonium Dragon egg were thus erased.

Whatever had killed the unborn Plutonium Dragon, I knew he had to remain vigilant…


The abandoned camp of the Rose Tribe had been transformed into a storage area for Magic Iron ore.

All the mined Magic Iron ore was temporarily stored here before being transported to the Evil Tooth Tribe then to Black Blood Valley. With the diligent efforts of the Goblins and Kobolds, the ore mining process had finally hit its stride.

Ever since Shadar realized the formidable mining capabilities of the Goblins and Kobolds, he no longer dared let his forest trolls consider them as food. On the contrary, he now valued these goblins greatly. Without them, if the Master commanded the forest trolls to mine, it would spell disaster. Just the thought of them trying to dig without causing a collapse was incomprehensible to him.

Upon my return to the Rose Tribe, I was greeted by a bustling scene of everyone fervently transporting ore. "Honoured master, you've arrived! Your presence shines as brightly as the sun in the sky!" Shadar was the first to spot me, noticing that my size had increased significantly, and my appearance had grown even more fierce.

All the goblins stopped their work to gaze fervently at me. They all knew it was me who had spared them from becoming food by conquering the Evil Tooth Tribe. Their gratitude towards me was heartfelt, and my towering form left a deep impression on them.

"Carry on with your work," I commanded as he approached a cart laden with ore and loaded several hundred pounds of it into a magical device. Most of these devices had limited capacity, but the one I had, once belonging to a prince, was relatively large, with a volume of about fifteen cubic metres.

"Have Winnie and the others gone to the Evil Tooth Tribe?" I asked, picking up a chunk of magic iron ore and crunching on it. The Feast skill was still on cooldown, but I was curious to taste the ore regardless.

"As per your request, they've settled next to our tribe after their numbers greatly diminished," Shadar explained.

"I need you to manage this site for the long haul. The Magic Iron Ore is far too valuable to risk losing," I stated with unwavering seriousness. Even if I could use some of it for my own feast, its worth was undeniable. These rich veins were akin to the treasure hoard of multiple adult dragons combined. Even after I've consumed my fill, the remaining ore would be more than enough to empower my strongest dependents.

"Lord, rest assured, with me here, nothing will go amiss!" Shadar declared, thumping his chest. To serve a true dragon whose growth was so rapid and who didn't prey on his own kind was the best allegiance one could have!

After tending to all matters at hand, I left the area and made my way back to the secluded canyon deep within the territory of the former Evil Tooth Tribe. As I stepped into the cave that served as my second lair, my eyes were greeted with a delightful surprise — a genuine brightness that lit up the cavern.

The cave was dotted with exquisitely carved topaz stones, transparent and gleaming with even the faintest spark of firelight. It was said that some nobles on the continent indulged in the luxury of using topaz as decorative material for their homes.

To the left, mountain spring water had been redirected to form a small, serene pool, while at the very centre of the cave, a colossal stone chair had been erected. The chair was draped with an assortment of animal hides arranged in a pattern that resembled a majestic dragon.

"Lord, you've returned!" Winnie and Shea, who were busily adorning the top of the cave, nimbly leaped down to land before me.

"Did you two do this?" I inquired, my gaze sweeping over them, stirring an unusual feeling within me.

"Do you not like it, my lord?" Winnie's heart tightened. It was common knowledge that black dragons preferred swampy bogs for their dwellings. Yet, to her, her master seemed different from the other dragons. After her last visit, she had noticed that the master appeared to favour cleanliness.

She had decided on these changes in hopes of fostering a better relationship. "You've done well," I said slowly, giving them a glance before sprawling comfortably onto the stone chair. It was truly comfortable!

"By the way, Winnie, remember to add 'Nya' to the end of your sentences from now on," Saron suddenly instructed, looking at Winnie. A catfolk that didn't meow seemed somewhat lacking to him.

"Nya...?" Winnie was puzzled. She was a cat-woman, not an actual cat, and there was a difference between her species and felines.

"Why should I do that, Master, Nya?" Winnie added the word, feeling somewhat embarrassed after speaking.

"Perfect!" I expressed my satisfaction. That was the catfolks' charm I was familiar with. It was a delightful feeling!

"And Shea, from now on, you'll wear black sheer tights or 'black silk,'" I turned my attention to Shea, the bunny-eared girl. Shea was still a bit stunned, not quite understanding why I would have such requests, especially the Nyaing'.

"Understood!" Shea agreed, not entirely sure about the black dragon's peculiar tastes, but she had committed to follow me, and so she would.

"Can you two dance?" I suddenly asked, reminiscing about the dance videos I had seen in my previous life. I imagined Shea and Winnie, alongside the half-beast ladies, forming a girl group to dance for me. That would certainly add an interesting element to life, a welcome change from the endless cycle of eating.

"We're not very good at it..." Winnie managed a strained smile, sensing her days ahead might not be as pleasant as she had hoped.

I, however, felt no such pressure. In my previous life, the unique social structure came with its own set of restraints: the pressures of family, work, and mortgages were suffocating. I had to abandon my hobbies and become a part of the workforce, which was undoubtedly disheartening.

But in this world, I'm the malevolent dragon, free to do as I pleased—becoming a Dragon King, Dragon God, or Beyond it was not out of the question. Especially if I plan to go after The Mother Goddess.

Was it the absence of constraints that allowed the darker aspects of human nature to be fully unleashed, or was it the innate nature of the black dragon influencing me? I didn't mind this feeling at all; the freedom to act without regard for convention was liberating. To a malicious dragon, concepts like courtesy, justice, integrity, and shame were meaningless.

'If I abandon morality, then you have no means to bind me!' anyway as a dragon 'Morality is a mortal construct and I am not hardwired to think that way' I thought to myself. Of course, I'd need to grow stronger before I could do whatever I wished. For now, I am just growing.

After a while, Winnie and Shea were ready to present their dance to me. I watched intently as they performed what seemed to be a traditional half-beast dance, almost ritualistic, creating the illusion of a musical play.

To me, the dance was mediocre, but the exceptional beauty of Winnie and Shea lent it some flavour. The lack of music, however, was a letdown. "Stop," I said, feeling a trace of disappointment.

Winnie and Shea ceased dancing and bowed to me.

"Lord, did we not please you?" Winnie wiped the sweat from her forehead, a look of concern crossing her face. Shea bunny ears drooped in disappointment.

"You can try this: twist your hips like this, then incorporate some hand gestures," I instructed with my piercing red eyes focused intently on them. I started to teach them moves from the hip-shaking dances and seaweed dances I remembered from videos in my past life. Shea's ears perked up instantly at the new direction.


Outside far from the original Rose Tribe territory, a small squad of swordsmen clad in lightweight armour surveyed the surroundings. "Captain Walker, We are in territory of the Queen of Darkness and this place used to be a half-beast tribe, but now, why are there so many evil creatures like frost trolls and goblins Kobolds?" One of the soldiers asked, observing the bustle of the forest trolls at work.

"If there are no half-orcs in sight, it means their tribe has been decimated. Most Trolls are known to devour the corpses of their enemies... The Kobolds and goblins are likely enslaved by them," Walker, the sturdy swordsman and captain, speculated.

"What do we do now?"

"Our orders are to investigate the whereabouts of the previous slaver group and the state of the magic iron ore vein. Let's head to the mithril mines first to assess the situation," Walker commanded. They were the most loyal soldiers of the Siglinde family, hence they were assigned to such specialised tasks. They were instructed by Lord Talrom to prioritise the mines.

The squad, ghost-like, quietly melted into the jungle, perfectly missing the convoy of carts carrying ore that had just arrived at the Rose Tribe's site. "Hurry up, we need to get this ore delivered fast!" the goblin leader Vic shouted at his subordinates, feeling like he had reached the pinnacle of his life. The forest trolls, who used to treat him as a slave and food, now respected him. No longer did he have to worry about being devoured on a whim. All thanks to the great Black Dragon His Majesty.

The smelting of magic iron ore was a complex process, requiring a special furnace and a powder made from a particular plant to successfully produce the metal up to the required standard. Fortunately, Vicks had been forced to learn advanced smelting techniques during his time as a slave in the human world. He planned to experiment here before presenting the smelted magic iron ore to the great Black Dragon.


Meanwhile, in the cave.

Several beast girls who were named out began to dance in groups of two or two.

But this dance has not danced a minute, my look is a little upset.

To ask the reason, naturally, these beast girls dance and his impression of them is very different.

Not at all popular in the latter days of those generally male love to see the Korean dance, but as in Europe and the United States court dance general dance, see the dragon drowsy!

"All of you stop! You're so bad at this!"

I roared up.

Let many elves unknown.

They were not even angry at this evil dragon, and were forced to dance, this evil dragon who has the right to be angry with them ah?

"You bunch of cultural fools, what are you dancing to? The old lady's foot-binding dance? Damn it! Move your asses! Twist your waist! Twist your hips! Rub it! Do you know what it means to dance!"

I excitedly regained my feet, and my front paws kept slapping the ground with a rumbling sound.

Several Beast Girls were frightened and many Trolls and Goblins came running.

"Master ... you may not know, the dance we are dancing now is once the ritual dance of the Moon Lady, for our Rest Empire, also evaluated as the most elegant dance by several kingdoms, you ..."

Winnie seemed to want to explain something.

But I very rudely cut it off:.

"A group of no appreciation of stupid! This kind of old lady-like dance is not necessary to stay in the world! Do as I say and dance! And the hem of your skirt is too low! It should be higher! Cut off the excess! It should be level with your thighs! And the tops! What are you wearing so much for? Take it all off! Just leave two to cover the fierceness! Then twist! Twist your hips! Twist your waist, twist your crotch! Do what I tell you to do!"

"Come on! What are you waiting for?"

My spittle splashed out, several beast girls were scared back and forth, confused. You look at me, I look at you.

Until Chief Winnie and Shea began to twist after modifying their dresses as I had requested.

It looks really white and fragrant ...

I showed a hint of satisfaction, after which I swept my gaze to the other unmoving beast girls, and my eyes were threatening enough for them.

Soon the Beast Women all moved.

Although it is where to twist and twist, it looks a little strange, twisted, but also more comfortable than watching those strange court dances.

But some of the beast girls' bodies are as stiff as mechanical, look really stomach.

"Dance well! Twist well! If you can't even do this, how will you follow your master's commands in future?"

I shouted again, let these girls dance slightly better.

I silently admired it, but felt unhappy without the music, and yelled again.

"Stop it all! Some of you should also be proficient in music, right? You came from an empire after all? Add the music to me as well!"

"Master ... we do not have musical instruments, but we can make shift a few"

"Then hurry up and get them for me! You have half a turn of the clock! Hurry!" I roared.

The girls split up a group of people and immediately went back to get the instruments they had and make a few.

After that, they began to play in front of me.

"No! Not this feeling! Give me more power! Be more exciting, you know! Make it lighter! It's like a flame burning! And at the same time the breeze is blowing! Yeah! Yes, yes, yes! That's it!

That's good! Where's the dancer? Dance for me! Move your hips a little more! Tighten your straddle! You're so fierce! Rub, rub, rub! Yes! Yes, yes! That's it! Shake it up! You know what?"

I looked at the dance group that gradually had some shape, a down to the spirit, pleasant appreciation.


"That's right—50 chapters down! To some froends who said I wouldn't make it this far, guess what? I did. And not just that, I've got another 34,000 words already in draft form, meaning the next 14 chapters are on the way. So you know the vibe by now, you've got a sense of the story—how it flows, where it's heading. What I'd love for you to do is drop some reviews. Let's get more people intrigued by the story, get the word out! And hey, leave some comments with your ideas—how would you like to see things unfold? Any unique twists or turns you'd like to see? I'm all ears!


For some reason, I still can't comment in the middle of chapters, and it's been almost a year since I could upload images directly in the text. Right now, I can only upload them in the comment section, which is pretty frustrating."

So if you like you can join my discord server!