1648 - Hurry and find it, quickly (2)

"Hurry up, let's go!"

"Ah, I got it!"

In response to Jo Gol's repeated urging, Yoon Jong answered irritably and stomped on the ground.

It's not just anyone, but Hye Yeon who did this. It's not a normal situation. No, before considering the severity...

'Is this even possible?'

If the one who delivered the news hadn't been Namgung Dowi, he would have laughed it off and ignored it. It was that unlikely to happen.

After running quickly for a short distance, a large training ground came into view.

There were people surrounding the training ground in a large circle, and a few were lying down in the center. And among them, Hye Yeon was standing with his hands down, staring blankly.



No matter how you look at it, isn't this a situation where Hye Yeon attacked and knocked down those lying here?

Yoon Jong, Jo Gol, and Baek Cheon, who were all shocked, gathered their heads and jumped down to the training ground.


"W-what is going on?"

Hye Yeon, who had his eyes closed and was chanting, opened his eyes at their arrival. His usually large and gentle eyes were filled with a gloomy aura.

"You have arrived."

Baek Cheon quickly examined those who had fallen.

'These are not just signs of collapsing during training. They are injured from proper attacks and have lost consciousness.'

The moment he saw the blood trickling from the mouth of one of the fallen, Baek Cheon's blood began to cool rapidly.

"Monk, what happened?"

Instead of answering Baek Cheon's question about what happened, Hye Yeon shook his head and said something else.

"I have committed a sin."

"No, monk!"

"It seems my anger had not completely subsided. I lost my composure. I seek punishment. Please bind me."

"B-bind you!"

Baek Cheon was dumbfounded.

But he couldn't blindly deny Hye Yeon's statement of having 'committed a sin.' Although Hye Yeon held the position of sub-unit leader, it didn't mean he had the authority to beat the subordinates.

'This is...'

Baek Cheon's face grew even more serious.

Because he had a gut feeling that this incident might escalate more than he initially thought.

Moreover, the fallen people's clothing varied in color and style. This meant that Hye Yeon had beaten disciples from various sects simultaneously.

In the martial world, laying hands on disciples from other sects was akin to declaring war on the entire sect.

Even if they were all part of the same alliance, would they be lenient about this situation?

"Monk, please don't..."

"Please, Baek Cheon Siju."

Hye Yeon's eyelids trembled. Baek Cheon spoke firmly.

"If a sin was committed, it should naturally be punished. That's a given in the Heavenly Comrade Alliance. But it's also standard not to accuse without understanding the circumstances. You must explain what happened first."

At that moment, Hye Yeon let out a short sigh.

But that was all. Hye Yeon closed his mouth, indicating he had no intention of explaining what happened here.

As Baek Cheon was about to press further, someone observing the situation shouted.

"What explanation is needed?"

Baek Cheon's gaze turned that way.

"He suddenly got angry and attacked others while discussing something! Everyone here saw it with their own eyes!"

Baek Cheon's face hardened.

Voices of condemnation began to erupt from everywhere.

"That's right. The others were only caught up while trying to stop the vice-unit leader! The vice-unit leader clearly attacked first!"

"He must be punished!"

Even in the midst of this, Hye Yeon, with a pale face, continued chanting without any specific rebuttal.

'This is...'

Baek Cheon's face naturally turned troubled.

This was a difficult situation. If things continued this way, there would be no choice but to take Hye Yeon away.

But then, what about Hye Yeon's position? Would he be able to maintain his authority as a sub-head and lead these people after such a disgrace?

Moreover, simply ignoring and moving on from this situation wasn't an option...

At that moment, Yoon Jong asked with a cold gaze.

"What were you discussing?"


"You mentioned there was a discussion before this incident happened. What was it about?"

"Is that important right now?"

"If it's not important, there's no reason not to say. Is it difficult to tell us?"


Baek Cheon nodded at Yoon Jong's aid. This needed to be heard.

Perhaps feeling pressured by Yoon Jong's gaze, the person frowned slightly and sighed before speaking reluctantly.

"We were talking about Shaolin."


At those words, Yoon Jong's face turned pale.


The person who was speaking raised his voice as if he was emboldened.

"This whole situation was caused by Shaolin, wasn't it? In such a context, we were just questioning how we could trust and follow the words of a monk. That's all."

" ...What did you just say...?"

"Did we say anything wrong?"

As Baek Cheon looked incredulous, the person who received his gaze shouted back angrily.

"How many people died because of what Shaolin did! How can we trust and follow a disciple of Shaolin, especially one favored by the abbot? And how can we trust such a person? Does anyone know what will happen to us?"


"What if he is colluding with the abbot right now..."

"Do you think you can just say anything you want!"

"Jo Gol!"

Yoon Jong pulled Jo Gol's shoulder strongly. Otherwise, he looked ready to draw his sword and charge.

"Let me go, Sahyung! That guy is just..."

"Quiet! Shut your mouth!"


Jo Gol reluctantly stopped but gritted his teeth and glared at the person who had spoken. Intimidated by Jo Gol's murderous intent, the person stepped back.

Baek Cheon did not get as excited as Jo Gol, but his gaze grew colder.

"Do you usually call such a thing a 'discussion'?"


"Isn't it just a pretext to push someone out?"

"What's wrong with that?"


Being pushed to the limit, he shouted back more aggressively.

"Did I say anything wrong?"

"Of course, it's wrong, you punk! Monk Hye Yeon is not the kind of person who would do such a thing! If you keep talking nonsense, I'll tear your mouth apart..."

"I told you to stop!"

Yoon Jong reprimanded and grabbed Jo Gol's shoulder again. Baek Cheon took a deep breath and spoke.

"Hye Yeon is someone the Heavenly Comrade Alliance guarantees."


"Doubting him is the same as doubting the alliance and questioning the capability of the Sect Leader and the leaders who decided on this."

Hearing the mention of the Sect Leaders, the person who had been shouting turned pale.

"That, that wasn't my intention!"

"Then you know what's wrong."

There was a short silence as if they were really desperate for an answer. The person seemed genuinely at a loss for words and fell As he hesitated and tried to change the subject, others who had been silent until then began to speak up.

"Is that important right now?"

A person who appeared to be from the Jeonghwa family interrupted with a cold and arrogant tone.

"The vice sect leader is obscuring the essence of the issue. Regardless of whether their logic was wrong or their intentions weren't good, the crucial fact is that the monk attacked people after an argument, isn't it?"

Baek Cheon was momentarily at a loss for words.

"If we don't discuss right and wrong here, how is it different from saying it's okay to attack someone if you win an argument? The reason the alliance can be what it is, is because everything is handled according to the alliance's rules and laws. If an individual can use violence against an alliance member based on personal feelings, how is that different from the evil sects?"

A troubled expression crossed Baek Cheon's face.

There is no mistake in what he said.

No one spoke. Moreover, it seemed others around were also nodding in agreement with the person from the Jeonghwa famous.

"…So, what is it that you want?"

"You speak strangely. What could we possibly want? Just..."

Zhuge Yan calmly continued.

"All we wish is for everything to be handled fairly according to the alliance's rules. Isn't it proper for the guilty to be punished?"

"That bastard...!"

"Jo Gol!"

But even Jo Gol, who was boiling with anger, felt the same anxiety and awkwardness. He knew that Zhuge Yan wasn't entirely wrong.

After all, Hye Yeon had indeed acted out of turn and resorted to violence. It was difficult to defend him.

"Is it really necessary to go that far?"

Baek Cheon asked, and Zhuge Yan let out a small scoff.

"You spoke of breaking down the barriers between sects, but it seems the people of Mount Hua find personal ties very important?"


"If those with power insist, what can a powerless person like me say? Let's just see whether rules are more important or personal connections."

At those words, everyone gathered in the training hall focused their gaze on Baek Cheon.

Everyone knew. They knew who would make the decision here and who would bear the responsibility.

"What will you do?"

Even passersby, curious about the commotion, gathered around. Under countless gazes, Hye Yeon slowly opened his mouth.

"…Dojang. Arrest me. It is the right thing to do. Everything is my fault."


"Hurry, it must be done."

Baek Cheon let out a short sigh without realizing it, then reluctantly nodded.

Zhuge Yan spoke calmly, as if everything was proceeding as it should.

"Yes. Of course, it should be done. Only then will the alliance be just..."



"I said it's bullshit."

Zhuge Yan gritted his teeth and turned his head. He was shocked to see who had spoken out so suddenly.

But when he saw the person squatting beside him, he turned pale instead of getting angry.

"Ch-Chung Myung…?"

Chung Myung was looking up at him with his characteristic sullen expression.

"I've heard all sorts of nonsense, but this takes the cake."



"W-Why…why are you like that....?"

"Do you know all the alliance's rules? Have you seen them properly?"

"That, that's…"

"I've never distributed them, so how do you know about them and dare speak of fairness and justice? Did you sneak into the leader's office and steal a look?"

Zhuge Yan shook his head with an aggrieved expression.

"Of course not."

"Then why are you running your mouth, you bastard!"



Chung Myung, still in his seated position, kicked Zhuge Yan's shin. Je Gal Yeon couldn't even resist and rolled on the ground in pain.

After a while, Chung Myung slowly stood up.

"You're all acting like lunatics. Huh? What, are you playing stars?"

As he scanned the area, everyone quickly lowered their heads to avoid his gaze.

Jo Gol whispered to Yoon Jong.

"Sahyung, that guy's lost it."

"I see that."

"Shouldn't we be worried?"



Jo Gol, who was alternating his gaze between Yoon Jong, Baek Cheon, Hye Yeon, and Chung Myung, quietly nodded.

Well, there was no need to interfere...

"Yeah, punishment. I like that too."

Chung Myung smirked.

"Let's see you take your punishment, you bastards."

His eyes, which had been rolling wildly, turned completely white.