Who Is She?

The next day, Evelyn woke up earlier than usual. Making sure to check on Gracia to her right, she got out of bed to get ready. Since Zevian seemed to have attended meetings last night, she didn't disturb him or Kiana and walked over to the kitchen. Picking up the ingredients, she started preparing breakfast for her mother while the chefs made for everyone else.

Once Evelyn was done, she took the tray to Gracia's room. She was already up and was standing in front of the dressing table, getting ready. 

"You should have slept more," Evelyn chided with a pout. Placing down the tray on the coffee table, she walked over and Gracia wrapped in a hug. 

"I have rested well enough, don't worry," Gracia replied with a smile. She patted her daughter's head, both enjoying the moment for a while. 

Evelyn brokea hug and turning to the table, she said with a smile, "I made breakfast for you."