chapter 3 dao child comes

Han Yixue's cold and beautiful face was full of astonishment.

His father had told him many times that he had to find a way to get close to Master Dao Child, but she was still unmoved.

It's just because she has seen too many so-called proud sons of heaven, none of whom are mere mortals.

It couldn't catch her eye at all.

But when she actually met Xiao yan, it overturned her view of men and refreshed her cognition.

It turns out that there really is such a man who is like an immortal in this world.

And from his eyes, Han Yixue did not see any worldly desires.

Those bright eyes are like a clear spring, refreshing and refreshing. Just one look at them is enough to make every woman in the world fall.

Dressed in black like ink, with an unparalleled handsome face, a faint spiritual mist lingering around him, and the faint and slightly evil smile on his face made Han Yixue freeze in place.

Such a man is truly the only one in the world.

It wasn't until a burst of elegant fragrance blew past her like a breeze that Han Yixue suddenly came back to her senses.

At this time, Xiao yan had already walked to the extremely gorgeous chariot.

The chariot is extremely luxurious, like a moving palace, and is pulled by four powerful wind and thunder unicorns.

These four wind and thunder unicorns, with thunder and lightning all over their bodies and powerful auras, have obviously reached the inscription realm cultivation level.

This level is even enough to become the master of a city's territory, and it has a considerable status even in the Mysterious Heaven Sect.

But now, he was being treated like an ox and a horse in front of Xiao yan

"Dao... Mr. Dao Child, please... please get in the car!"

Han Yixue hurriedly walked behind Xiao yan. At this moment, her pretty face had two blushes.

She never thought that she would have such a bad day.

And it was just because of seeing the man in front of her, this wonderful feeling made her snow-white skin feel faintly hot.

Hearing the sound, Xiao yan turned his head slightly and looked, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

Glancing up and down at Han Yixue's plump and attractive body, the smile on her face suddenly became meaningful.

"Han Zhantian is quite aware of current affairs. Is he planning to give his daughter to himself?"

Xiao yan said to himself, his eyes bright.

He had no impression of Han Zhantian. The only thing worthy of praise for this old guy was his knowledge of current affairs.

But what's interesting is that his daughter's physique is somewhat interestingly tight.

Without thinking too much, he turned around and looked at these four wind and thunder unicorns, which were unique in the entire Zhongzhou. Xiao yan also nodded with satisfaction.

"Sect Leader Han is really interested."

The Mysterious Heaven Sect covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, and the mountains are numerous.

Although Xiao yan could fly to this distance in an instant, how dare Han Zhan let Xiao Zizai fly there by himself? !

Naturally, you have to give enough face.

And this Qilin pulling a cart that could grow into a sect-protecting monster in the future was the greatest face that Han Zhantian could give him.

You know, the strongest person in the Mysterious Heaven Sect is only in the Venerable realm.

These four-headed wind and thunder unicorns are extremely ferocious and extremely fast, making it difficult for even the strongest in the Formation Realm to suppress them.

This shows Han Zhantian's sincerity.


As Xiao yan approached, the four originally unruly Wind and Thunder Qilins began to stir uneasily, and bursts of whimpering came from their mouths.

The eyes looking at Xiao yan were full of fear and awe.

The old man driving the car suddenly frowned when he saw this. The strong man in the formation level came out with power and shouted in surprise.

"Beast! How dare you act so arrogantly in front of Mr. Dao Child!!"

The reins made from Flood Dragon's sinews suddenly tightened, but the four-headed wind and thunder unicorns were still mad, roaring, and instinctively wanting to escape.

No matter how much the powerful people in the Array Realm tried to suppress him, they were unable to make Qilin submit.

At this time, even the old man, who was a strong man in the Formation Realm, panicked.

If these four-headed wind and thunder unicorns in the inscription realm really try their best to break free, then even if he exerts all his strength, he will not be able to suppress them at all.

At that time, the impression he has worked so hard to create in front of Lord Dao Child for so long will collapse in an instant!

When the time comes, even if he dies, he will not be able to escape the blame!

Will be the sinner of the entire Mysterious Heaven Sect!

Just when the old man turned pale and was about to suppress it with all his strength, an extremely terrifying pressure swept out of thin air.

The four violent wind and thunder unicorns suddenly trembled all over and knelt down.

The extremely domineering wind and thunder unicorns, which were dozens of feet in size and surrounded by lightning and wind and thunder, were all kneeling on the ground at this moment, moaning in fear from their mouths.

And their eyes all converged on the same place.

Xiao yan!

At this moment, everyone, whether it was the old man or Han Yixue, was shocked.

His pupils were filled with shock and shock.

Xiao yan just looked at him and directly suppressed the four wind and thunder unicorns.

What a terrifying power this is? !

Even the sect leader may not be able to do this...

Everyone didn't know much about Xiao yan . They only knew that he came from the upper world and had a respected status. But this alone was enough to make them respect him like a god.

Upper Bound! For the small Canglan world, it is simply an unreachable Heavenly World!

Any person who descends from the upper world is a fairy-like existence.

It's simply not something they can figure out.

Let's go."

Xiao yan ordered as he stepped onto the chariot calmly.

"Yes, Master Dao Child!"

With awe in his eyes, the old man responded respectfully, and then commanded the four-headed wind and thunder unicorn to rise in the wind.

Han Yixue, like other maids, followed outside the chariot.

From time to time, he looked at the figure in the chariot, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"System, is my disciple also in this ceremony?"

On the chariot, Xiao yan leaned casually on the soft body, closed his eyes, and thought about the system inquiry in his mind.

On both sides of him, several maids from before were serving him respectfully.

The eyes were full of admiration and awe.

Although Xiao yan is a monk, a young Supreme, and a transmigrator, he never refuses to enjoy such things.

I worked hard all my life without complaint in my previous life, but what happened to enjoying myself in this life?

"Host, don't worry, we will meet you if we are destined."

The system did not answer directly, but made a riddle.

Hearing this, Xiao yan also smiled. The answer may have been obvious.

"It really makes me look forward to it!"

Xiao yan chuckled lightly, closed his eyes and said no more.

Not long after, accompanied by the domineering roar of the four-headed wind-thunder unicorn, the jaw-droppingly luxurious palace chariot flew over everyone's heads and landed in the center of the square.

At this moment, countless monks have gathered in the huge square, and the number is staggering.

Among them are many nobles from various parties, sect leaders and direct descendants of the dynasty, all of whom have noble status.

They are all respectable people, and the way they appear is naturally very particular.

But at this moment, looking at this huge palace being pulled by the four-headed wind and thunder unicorn, I was still extremely shocked.

His face was filled with shock and surprise.

"Lord Dao Child, the Holy Spirit is here!"

At this time, the old man's vigorous and powerful voice spread respectfully in all directions...