WebNovelMaster Gu37.50%

History is written by the victors

In this secret cave, suddenly a voice from behind startled Fang Yuan. Even he, at this moment, felt his hair stand on end and his scalp tingle.

He was being followed! Could it be that his frequent outings in recent days had attracted someone's attention? Or perhaps it was someone sent by his uncle? The image of Jiang Ya, the one-grade Gu Master from the inn, flashed through his mind.

In an instant, countless thoughts and speculations raced through his mind, as he swiftly considered ways to resolve the situation. Fang Yuan could sense a deep murderous intent in those few words. This made him inwardly lament his current state—he was only a primary-level one-grade Gu Master, without even his own Gu. In terms of combat capability, he was close to zero against another Gu Master. How could he fight?

"You're too weak, too weak!" he roared silently in his mind.

"You've already been poisoned by my unique Gu. Without my antidote, you will surely die a pus-filled death in seven days," the voice behind him continued.

Fang Yuan clenched his teeth, his expression calm, his tone low: "Do you want the wine worm? I can give it to you."

He slowly stood up, moving deliberately.

But then, suddenly, another voice rang out. This voice was filled with fear, trembling: "I'll give it to you, I can give you everything, just spare my life, Lord Flower Wine Walker!"

"Wait, this is..." Fang Yuan furrowed his brows into a knot, abruptly turning around.

Before him, the light and shadows on the stone wall shifted, revealing a scene: a formidable Gu Master standing atop a mountain peak, with another Gu Master kneeling before him in supplication.

Around the two Gu Masters were collapsed pits and shattered rocks, clearly the aftermath of a fierce battle. Not far from them stood a group of elders, watching with expressions of shock, anger, and fear.

The victorious Gu Master in the center laughed heartily, "Hahaha, Hero Gu Yue, you're young and yet you possess the cultivation of a Five-Grade. I thought you were someone of importance, but you're truly disappointing. Hmph!"

This laughing Gu Master had narrow eyes and wore a flowing pink robe. The wide sleeves fluttered in the wind, revealing his sturdy, marble-like chest. Most strikingly, he was bald, with a smooth, shining head devoid of any hair.

"Flower Wine Walker!" Fang Yuan instantly recognized the identity of this Gu Master.

"Compared to Lord Flower Wine, I am nothing!" The kneeling Gu Master quivered, his voice trembling with fear. "I was foolish and offended Lord Flower Wine. Please, Lord Flower Wine, spare my life!"

"Lord Flower Wine, please forgive me!" The kneeling Gu Master trembled, sweating coldly, tears streaming down his face.

Fang Yuan squinted, carefully examining the scene. He noticed that the Gu Master was dressed in the attire of the Gu Yue clan's patriarch. Judging by his appearance, he was clearly the Fourth Generation Patriarch!

The elderly spectators were likely elders of the clan from that era.

"Heh heh, forgiveness? You dare speak of forgiveness!" Flower Wine Walker pointed accusingly at the Fourth Generation Patriarch kneeling before him, his laughter cold and relentless. "I came with sincerity, seeking to trade fairly with your clan for Moon Orchid flowers using primeval stones. I offered a fair price. Yet you, with malicious intent, deceived me, feigned hospitality, and attempted to poison me at the banquet. You underestimated me. I've traveled far and wide, renowned as Flower Wine. How could I fall for such a poison?"

Flower Wine Walker's eyes narrowed, flashes of malice glinting within. "Had you cooperated honestly, you wouldn't have met this fate. Instead, you sought to use my reputation to gain fame, your greed has sealed your own doom!"

"Lord, spare my worthless life!" The Fourth Generation Patriarch wailed, banging his head against the ground, blood flowing freely.

"Heh, stop groveling, I despise spineless sycophants like you! So-called Gu Yue genius, a Five-Grade master, yet nothing but a fraud. Serve me well, and your life may yet be spared..." Flower Wine Walker's expression suddenly changed, alarmed. He kicked the Fourth Generation Patriarch in the chest, sending him flying.

The Fourth Generation Patriarch, caught off guard by Flower Wine Walker's sudden aggression, flew through the air and crashed to the ground like a sack of potatoes.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, mixed with countless fragments of his internal organs.

"Have you gone mad? We could have negotiated properly..." He stared fiercely at Flower Wine Walker, his lips struggling to move. Before he could finish his sentence, he kicked his legs, his head tilted, and he died.

"Clan Leader!!"

"These devilish people, each one crazier than the next."

"Kill him! Kill this devil and avenge our Clan Leader!"

"He's been affected by Moon Shadow Gu, his primeval energy can no longer be freely controlled, and over time, even his primeval sea is under threat."

The watching elders roared in anger and surged forward.

"Hahaha, those seeking death have come!" Flower Wine Walker laughed loudly, facing the charge of the elders head-on.

A fierce battle ensued. Flower Wine Walker quickly took control of the situation, and soon the elders were either dead or wounded, all collapsed on the ground.

Just as he was about to finish off the remaining elders, his expression suddenly changed. He clutched his abdomen and exclaimed, "Damn it!"

"I'll deal with you later." Flower Wine Walker glared fiercely at the remaining elders, then swiftly vanished into the mountain forest, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.