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Close combat demagogues

Three days later.

"Ducking is a common technique to counter a swinging punch. When the enemy attacks, quickly squat down and take the opportunity to counterattack, targeting his groin and abdomen. Don't be afraid of the swinging punch. Those who start with it are often brainless and impulsive."

On the training ground, the academy's martial arts instructor was speaking while demonstrating the movements.

A wooden dummy swung its right fist horizontally. The instructor swiftly ducked, avoiding the attack, and then punched the dummy's abdomen. With a few strikes, he knocked the wooden dummy down.

The students formed a circle around him, but most of them showed little interest, appearing bored.

The academy offered various courses, and this session was on basic martial arts. Using physical strength in hand-to-hand combat seemed far less cool and stylish than the Moon Blade attack, so the boys were mostly inattentive.

"The next class is the Moonlight Gu usage test. How's your practice going?"

"Not bad. I can launch three Moon Blades, but rarely hit all of them. Usually, two hit the straw dummy."

"Hmm, that's about the same as me. I even bought a straw dummy to practice for this test."

The boys whispered among themselves, their minds already preoccupied with the next class's test.

They had been practicing hard for this test and were now eagerly anticipating it.

The instructor's voice penetrated their discussions, and he turned sharply, shouting, "No talking during class. Pay attention!"

He was a Rank 2 Gu Master, with well-developed muscles and a robust, scarred bronze body. His commanding shout immediately silenced the group of boys.

The training ground fell silent.

"Basic martial arts are of utmost importance. Especially in the early stages of a Gu Master's cultivation, they are more important than anything else. Focus your attention!"

After scolding them, the instructor summoned another wooden dummy.

This pale yellow wooden dummy was two meters tall. Its wooden feet made a crisp sound on the stone floor as it opened its arms and clumsily charged at the instructor.

The instructor dodged its attack, then suddenly grabbed its waist and forcefully pushed forward, toppling the tall wooden dummy to the ground. Immediately, he straddled the dummy's waist and rapidly punched its head.

The wooden dummy tried to resist but was soon incapacitated by the instructor's barrage of punches, lying motionless on the ground.

The instructor stood up, his breathing still calm and steady, and explained to the students, "In close combat against a taller opponent, don't be afraid. Disrupting their balance is a smart tactic, like I just demonstrated—grabbing the opponent's waist, controlling their hips, and pushing forward. Then, straddle them and unleash a fierce attack. Anyone without a solid defense will quickly be overwhelmed."

The students nodded repeatedly, though many still appeared unconvinced.

The instructor saw their expressions and sighed inwardly.

It was always like this with young people, who were naturally drawn to flashy and glamorous things. Without firsthand experience, it was hard for them to understand the importance of basic martial arts.

In fact, especially for early-stage Gu Masters, basic martial arts, though seemingly unimpressive, were more important than the Moon Blade attack.

"Remember, in close combat, don't just focus on the opponent's eyes; watch their shoulders. Whether they punch or kick, the shoulders will move first..."

"Speed is crucial in close combat, not just the speed of your strikes but also your footwork..."

"Distance is the best defense..."

"Keep your legs flexible to generate explosive power..."

"Maintain a triangular stance when moving and punching. Otherwise, you might lose balance and fall before your opponent does..."

The instructor demonstrated while patiently explaining. These were valuable lessons he had accumulated through years of combat experience.

Unfortunately, the students didn't realize this. They gradually resumed their whispering, still focused on the upcoming Moon Blade test.

"This martial arts instructor is practical, but his teaching method is flawed," Fang Yuan thought, observing silently from the crowd. He nodded in approval but also shook his head.

The instructor taught without any clear system, following his own interests and teaching whatever came to mind. As a result, his lessons were disorganized and overwhelming, causing many students to lose interest and focus on other things.

Only Fang Yuan listened intently. For others, it was learning; for him, it was revision. His combat experience far surpassed that of the instructor, but listening to others was a way to validate his own training.

A Gu Master's combat style typically included close combat and long-range attacks.

The Moon Blade attack was a long-range type but, strictly speaking, was more of a mid-range attack since its effective range was only ten meters.

For close combat, the martial arts instructor was the best example. They usually chose Gu worms that enhanced their physical abilities, such as strength, agility, reflexes, and endurance.

Like the instructor, whose skin was bronze-colored, not naturally but due to the Copper Skin Gu.

The Copper Skin Gu significantly increased a Gu Master's skin defense, allowing them to withstand more damage.

"One Moon Blade consumes ten percent of primeval essence. How many times can a Gu Master use it in battle? Very few, especially beginners, can't make effective attacks. It's more of a trump card, its deterrence greater than its lethality. For a Rank 1 Gu Master, basic martial arts are truly useful. Fist and foot attacks are more sustained and reliable. Sadly, they don't understand this yet without personal experience," Fang Yuan thought, glancing coldly at his peers around him.

The basic martial arts class finally ended. After a short break, the academy elder arrived, much to the boys' anticipation.

He waved his hand and pointed to a row of straw dummies by the bamboo wall, getting straight to the point. "Alright, today we're checking your progress. You'll go in groups of five and use the Moon Blade to attack three times each."

Swish, swish, swish.

The first group of students stepped up, and Moon Blades flew through the air.

After three rounds, only nine Moon Blades had hit the straw dummies.

The academy elder shook his head slightly, somewhat dissatisfied. The hit rate was too low, and two of the five students had only managed to launch two Moon Blades each.

"You need to practice more, especially you two," the elder reprimanded briefly before waving his hand. "Next group."

The two scolded students walked off dejectedly. One of the girls, her eyes red with tears, felt a sense of grievance.

She had only C-grade aptitude and was unwilling to use primeval stones to quickly restore her primeval essence, so her practice over the past three days had been minimal, making her unfamiliar with launching Moon Blades.

Gu Masters need money for refining Gu, feeding Gu, and practicing with Gu worms, but where could she get so much money?

Although her parents supported her, every family has its own struggles. Financial constraints were a common issue for Gu Masters.

"Anyway, I have no hope of getting first place, so I might as well save my primeval stones," she thought, feeling at ease with her decision.

Many others shared her mindset.

Due to the lack of practice, many students performed poorly.

The elder's frown deepened.

Fang Yuan watched and shook his head inwardly. "These people are so pitiful. For the sake of a few primeval stones, they give up on advancing. Primeval stones are meant to be used. If you hoard them like a miser, why become a Gu Master?"

In other words, short-sighted people often focus on trivial gains, neglecting the bigger picture. Those with lofty ambitions tend to be more generous and willing to make sacrifices.

"Finally, it's my turn." At this moment, Gu Yue Mo Bei, his horse-like face full of confident smiles, walked onto the field.

He had a robust build, exuding a fierce aura. After taking his position, he launched three Moon Blades, all of which hit the target. Two struck the dummy's chest, and one hit its left arm, slicing off some green straw.

Such performance naturally drew a wave of admiration from the boys.

"Well done." The elder's frown eased slightly.

Another group stepped up, including Gu Yue Chi Cheng.

Chi Cheng was short, with a pockmarked face, and looked slightly nervous.

He launched three consecutive Moon Blades, all hitting the dummy's chest and leaving intersecting scars. The scars faded after a few breaths as the straw dummy healed itself.

Nonetheless, his performance equaled that of Mo Bei, earning him the elder's praise as well.

Chi Cheng walked off with his head held high, giving Mo Bei a provocative glance along the way.

"Hmph!" Mo Bei snorted but didn't glare back at Chi Cheng. Instead, he looked at Gu Yue Fang Zheng, who had yet to step up.

He knew that his real threats were Chi Cheng and Fang Zheng.

The former had B-grade aptitude and a steady supply of primeval stones. The latter had A-grade aptitude and, although he might not have as many stones, his natural primeval essence recovery rate allowed for extensive practice in a short time.

With Chi Cheng's score already in, matching Mo Bei's, only Fang Zheng remained.

In the final few groups, Gu Yue Fang Zheng finally stepped up.