WebNovelMaster Gu72.50%

By any means necessary

"Put all the wine under the bed," Fang Yuan instructed the four waiters of the inn.

Each of them carried several jars of Qingzhu wine. After extorting the other students, Fang Yuan had come to the inn and purchased twenty more jars in one go.

Each jar cost two primeval stones, and Fang Yuan spent a total of forty primeval stones for the sake of the Wine Insect.

His recently filled money pouch was now deflated by half, leaving him with only thirty-nine primeval stones. However, it was worth it, as this wine would sustain the Wine Insect for a considerable period.

"Got it," the waiters responded quickly. They dared not show any disrespect to a Gu Master.

Moreover, Fang Yuan was a big customer of the inn, buying such a large quantity of wine. A single word to the innkeeper could easily get these waiters fired.

After the waiters left, Fang Yuan closed the dormitory door and sat cross-legged on the bed.

It was already nighttime.

The sky was dotted with a few stars and the moon, and a fragrant breeze flowed in the night.

No lights were lit in the room. Fang Yuan calmed his mind and focused his spirit on his primeval sea.

The primeval sea surged and ebbed, its waters emitting a bronze glow. Every bit of water was the unique bronze primeval essence of a Rank One Gu Master.

The primeval sea filled only forty-four percent of the aperture, a limitation of Fang Yuan's C-grade aptitude.

The walls of the aperture were a thin layer of white light membrane, supporting and enclosing the aperture.

Above the primeval sea, there was nothing. The Spring Autumn Cicada, under Fang Yuan's control, had hidden itself again, resting in slumber.

However, floating on the surface of the primeval sea was a plump, adorable Wine Insect.

It frolicked freely in the primeval sea, sometimes diving in, sometimes splashing around, causing droplets to scatter.

With a thought from Fang Yuan, the Wine Insect responded immediately, stopping its play and curling into a ball, floating up to the center of the aperture, away from the bronze sea.

"Go," Fang Yuan directed, channeling ten percent of his primeval essence into a thin stream, which surged upward and was absorbed by the Wine Insect.

The Wine Insect, already refined by Fang Yuan, accepted it all, absorbing the essence into its body.

Instantly, the surface of the primeval sea dropped slightly.

Using the primeval essence as power, the curled-up Wine Insect began to emit a white radiance. A wine fragrance arose within the glow, eventually forming a misty, pale white cloud of wine.

This wine mist was peculiar; it did not disperse but enveloped the Wine Insect.

"Rise," Fang Yuan commanded, directing another ten percent of his primeval essence.

The bronze seawater merged with the wine mist, which integrated into the seawater, diminishing until none remained. Meanwhile, the ten percent bronze primeval essence reduced by half.

However, this half-portion of primeval essence was more refined than before. Originally a greenish-bronze hue, it was now a deeper green, a dark green.

Dark green primeval essence was characteristic of a mid-stage Rank One Gu Master. The function of the Wine Insect was to refine primeval essence, elevating the Gu Master's essence by a small level!

Gu Masters had nine major levels, from Rank One to Rank Nine. Each major level was subdivided into four minor levels: initial stage, middle stage, advanced stage, and peak stage.

Fang Yuan was currently an initial stage Rank One Gu Master, but with the help of the Wine Insect, he now possessed half a portion of mid-stage Rank One primeval essence!

"To refine half a portion of mid-stage primeval essence, I must consume two portions of initial stage primeval essence. To convert the forty-four percent primeval sea in my aperture into mid-stage primeval essence, I would need to consume nearly eighteen portions of initial stage essence. To achieve this quickly, I must rely on primeval stones."

With this in mind, Fang Yuan opened his eyes and took out a duck-egg-sized complete primeval stone from his pouch.

A primeval stone was an oval, semi-transparent stone, gray-white in color. As its natural primeval essence was depleted, it would gradually shrink.

He slowly closed his right hand, holding the primeval stone tightly in his palm, absorbing the natural primeval essence within and continuously replenishing his aperture.

The primeval sea, which had just lowered, began to rise again.

Primeval stones were meant to be used. Fang Yuan was neither stingy nor frugal with them.

"I have no backers, no friends or family to support me, so I can only rely on robbery and extortion. Today was just the first time; from now on, every seven days when the academy distributes primeval stone subsidies, I will continue to block the academy gate."

One act of robbery and extortion would never satisfy Fang Yuan's appetite. For a Gu Master's cultivation, primeval stones were indispensable.

As for the repercussions of this robbery, Fang Yuan wasn't worried at all.

This world was different from Earth.

"On Earth, schools often prohibit fighting to maintain stability and harmony. But in this world, combat is the norm. Whether Gu Masters or ordinary people, everyone fights for survival. Sometimes it's against terrifying beasts, other times battling harsh and violent weather, or fighting other Gu Masters for resources.

Therefore, controlled brawling is actually encouraged and promoted here.

From childhood to adulthood, from scuffles to life-and-death battles, this is the life for most humans.

This world is vast beyond measure. Just the Southern Border where Fang Yuan lives is larger than seven or eight Earths combined. The living conditions here are extremely harsh, prompting humans to typically build strongholds in the form of family clans, huddling in a corner.

Every so often, there are beast tides or extreme weather assaults on these strongholds.

Gu Masters become the backbone defending these strongholds, and the annual attrition rate is quite severe.

Life here demands individuals with strong combat will. Families need combat-ready Gu Masters, and the more, the better.

Moreover, Fang Yuan is judicious in his actions.

He never strikes the jaw, as it could easily cause basal skull fractures and lead to fatalities. Nor does he attack the back of the head. During fights, he uses palm strikes rather than fists, elbows, or finger jabs. His kicks are also few and calculated.

When students fall, they suffer no serious injuries, at most minor wounds.

Fang Yuan is not bloodthirsty; he simply views killing as a means to an end.

Each time he acts, he has a clear objective in mind. Whatever method can swiftly achieve that objective, he employs.

In other words, he is unscrupulous in his methods.


Dark clouds drifted over, obscuring the moonlight.

A shadow enveloped the ancient moon stronghold.

The night watchman struck the gong, reminding everyone it was late night. Be cautious with torches, guard against beast attacks, and the possible infiltration of outsiders.

Many lights still burned within the stronghold.

In the study of the Chi clan, Chi clan patriarch, Chi Clan Chi Lian, was speaking in a gentle tone, consoling his grandson Chi Cheng: "I heard you were beaten by that Fang Yuan today?"

Chi Cheng's right eye was blackened, and he replied angrily, "Yes, grandfather. That guy Fang Yuan, despite being just a C-grade, is so arrogant. He blocked us all at the gate, disregarding our camaraderie, and extorted our primeval stones. What's more infuriating is that the academy turned a blind eye. The guards only arrived after Fang Yuan had left. Grandfather, you must help me settle this score!"

Chi Clan Chi Lian shook his head: "This is a matter between you youngsters. You were merely extorted for a single primeval stone and not seriously injured. I cannot intervene in this matter. Do you understand why?"

Chi Cheng was stunned, pondering deeply before hesitantly replying, "Grandfather, I think I understand your meaning. You hope I'll rely on my own strength to regain face, right?"

"You've grasped one aspect of it," Chi Clan Chi Lian nodded. "Remember, you not only represent yourself but also the image of our Chi Clan. Our clan has been in conflict with the Mo Clan for many years. Your every action represents the future hope of the Chi Clan. I can assist you discreetly, but you must establish an image of self-reliance. Otherwise, the elders supporting us will lose hope for the future and might desert our Chi Clan."

With a sigh, Chi Clan Chi Lian continued, "That's also why I helped you cheat to pretend to be a B-grade aptitude. Our Chi Clan needs a strong successor to keep those supporting us motivated."

Chi Cheng finally understood, "Grandfather, I understand."

Chi Clan Chi Lian shook his head, "Understanding is not enough; you must strive diligently. This incident with Fang Yuan is a minor trouble. Moving forward, you must diligently practice the basics of boxing and footwork to regain your standing. Simultaneously, do not forget to strive in cultivation to advance to the mid-stage as soon as possible. It would be best to seize the position of class head, which is a great honor and a help to our Chi Clan."

"Yes, grandfather," Chi Cheng replied loudly.

"Hehehe, this spirit befits the future heir of our Chi Clan. Work hard, my grandson, and I will do my utmost to support you," Chi Clan Chi Lian chuckled.