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Body parts and gifts

"Have you heard? Fang Yuan killed someone!" a student whispered to his tablemate.

"I heard too. He really killed someone." The tablemate clutched his chest, his face pale.

"Many guards saw it. Fang Yuan chased that person, who begged for mercy, but Fang Yuan didn't allow it and cut his head off directly!"

"Not only that. After killing him, Fang Yuan didn't even spare his headless corpse, dragging it back to his dorm and hacking it into minced meat."


"It's as true as it gets. I came early this morning and saw the bloodstains left in the cracks of the stone bricks."

"Why would I lie to you? Just now, the school elder summoned Fang Yuan because of this incident!"

The students in the school were all whispering, unable to focus on their lessons.

For these fifteen-year-olds, killing someone was still a foreign and terrifying concept.

From childhood, under the protection of their clan, they had at most engaged in fistfights and slaughtered chickens and dogs.

As for killing people, it was still quite distant from their reality.

"Who did Fang Yuan kill?"

"I heard it was a servant from the Mo branch."

"Oh, I know all about this. Last night, I saw it with my own eyes. Mo Yan from the Mo family brought a group of servants to trouble Fang Yuan."

"The Mo family? This is bad, Mo Bei is in trouble now."

Many students glanced at Gu Yue Mo Bei.

Mo Bei sat pale-faced in his seat, having only learned the news that morning. Fang Yuan had actually killed someone, and it was someone he knew—Gao Wan!

Gao Wan was very familiar to Mo Bei, an active servant who was good at flattering and had practiced his fighting skills diligently, making him a reliable lackey.

Not long ago, Gao Wan had even sparred with Mo Bei. To think he was killed by Fang Yuan just like that!

This made Mo Bei's shock and disbelief even stronger than the others'.

Beyond the shock, there was also a sense of worry and fear.

Facing a murderer like Fang Yuan, it would be a lie to say that fifteen-year-old Mo Bei wasn't scared.

In fact, not only he, but the other students were also afraid.

Fang Yuan had robbed them twice; each of them had fought with Fang Yuan.

"I actually fought with such a vicious killer? And I'm still alive." Many of them patted their chests, feeling a lingering fear.

It wasn't just that Fang Yuan killed someone; the key was that he dismembered the body, chopping it into minced meat.

This was just too ruthless!

Such terrifying criminal acts deeply shocked the innocent hearts of the students.


In the room, there were only the school elder and Fang Yuan.

The school elder sat while Fang Yuan stood. Neither spoke, and the atmosphere was heavy with tension.

The school elder looked at Fang Yuan silently, a complex light flashing in his eyes.

Early in the morning, guards had reported Fang Yuan's act of murder to him. This news had both shocked and puzzled him.

He was an elder Gu Master of the third rank and was responsible for the school, so he naturally knew the combat capabilities of a first-rank initial stage Gu Master.

For Fang Yuan to kill Gao Wan could be considered a victory of the weak over the strong.

In fact, guards had already reported yesterday evening that Mo Yan had brought Fang Yuan into the school by force.

At that time, he had not paid attention or intervened.

As the school elder, his goal was to train future Gu Masters, not to protect them. As long as no students were killed or injured, he encouraged secret conflicts.

He was pleased to see Mo Yan causing trouble for Fang Yuan.

For one, he knew that regardless of victory or defeat, the fight would benefit Fang Yuan's growth. Secondly, he also wanted to curb Fang Yuan's momentum.

Fang Yuan had blocked the school gate and robbed all the students twice in a row, garnering too much attention. It needed to be curbed.

However, what he did not expect was that Mo Yan would return empty-handed, leaving behind the servant Gao Wan, who couldn't defeat Fang Yuan and ended up being killed by him!

In this world, power is paramount. Killing is not unusual, especially for Gu Masters; it is an extremely common occurrence.

But for a fifteen-year-old to kill someone on their first attempt, that's no simple feat.

The school elder vividly remembered his own first time killing someone. He had already been a Rank 2 Gu Master at the age of nineteen, and in a conflict, he killed a Gu Master from the Bai family village.

After killing the person, he vomited profusely, his heart filled with panic. For several days, he had no appetite and couldn't sleep well. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw the man's angry eyes staring at him in death.

Now, looking at Fang Yuan, his expression was calm as usual. There was no panic, no discomfort, as if he had just had a good night's sleep, and it wasn't him who killed someone last night.

Moreover, the school elder had heard that after killing the servant, Fang Yuan didn't even spare the corpse. He dragged it back to his dormitory and hacked it into minced meat out of anger. Such ruthless methods were terrifying just to hear about!

Therefore, at this moment, the school elder looked at Fang Yuan with a complex expression.

On one hand, he was amazed at Fang Yuan's indifference to life and his ice-cold demeanor. On the other hand, he admired him; Fang Yuan was a born combatant. He had just mastered the Moonlight Gu and was already using it to kill. Ordinary youths, even those top talents, might not be able to do this. This was battle talent! If nurtured, he would be a nightmare for the clan's enemies.

Thirdly, there was worry and frustration.

He worried that after this incident, Fang Yuan's momentum would grow even stronger, making him harder to control. Fang Yuan was too bold, not only violating clan rules by using Gu in the school but also killing someone. He must curb his momentum, or how could he manage the school?

The frustration came from figuring out how to handle the aftermath of this incident, especially since it involved the Mo branch of the clan.

"Fang Yuan, do you know why I summoned you?" the school elder broke the silence with a deep voice.

"I know," Fang Yuan nodded. "I used the Moonlight Gu in the school, violating the clan rules. According to the regulations, for a first-time offense, I should be fined thirty primeval stones."

He avoided the main issue, not mentioning Gao Wan's death at all.

The school elder was taken aback, not expecting such a response from Fang Yuan.

His expression darkened, and he snorted coldly, "Don't play dumb in front of me! I'm asking you, what happened with Gao Wan's death?"

Fang Yuan's eyes narrowed. "Hmph! Gao Wan was insubordinate and had malicious intentions. Last night, he blocked my door and tried to kill me. I had no choice but to use the Moonlight Gu in self-defense and luckily killed this scoundrel. I suspect he might have been a spy from another village. Please, elder, investigate!"

The school elder frowned, unsure of what to say.

Now that Gao Wan was dead, Fang Yuan could say whatever he wanted. Gao Wan was just an outsider, not a clan member, so his death didn't matter to the school elder. But he was concerned about the Mo family's reaction since Gao Wan was their servant and died in the school. As the one managing the school, he had to give the Mo family an explanation.

After thinking for a while, the school elder stared intently at Fang Yuan and asked, "Then tell me, how did you handle Gao Wan's body?"

A cruel smile appeared on Fang Yuan's lips. "I dismembered Gao Wan and put his remains in a wooden box, placing it at the Mo family's back door at dawn."

"What?!" The school elder was shocked, almost jumping out of his seat.

Not only did Fang Yuan kill their servant, but he also dismembered the body and placed it at the Mo family's back door—an outright provocation!

To the school elder, who wanted to settle this matter quietly, this was a real disaster.

Fang Yuan was just a lowly Rank 1 Gu Master. What would the powerful Mo family do in response?

The school elder felt a headache coming on as things spiraled out of his control. Fang Yuan was truly a troublemaker!

"Sigh, since what's done is done, there's no point in saying more. You should leave now. Punishment will be decided in a few days, so be mentally prepared," the elder waved his hand, dismissing Fang Yuan. He needed to calm down and carefully think through his next steps.