Lin Yuanzheng

When Zhang Daoyan was a child and first learned the Golden Light Mantra, he often fantasized about displaying great power when encountering demons and ghosts. However, as he grew older, the monotony of the practice and the busyness of his studies, especially in preparation for the college entrance exams, left him with no time to practice. After the exams, he finally had some time to rest and played until late every night, neglecting his training. His parents also believed that in this era, being a Taoist had no future, so Zhang Daoyan, while playing cards today, had to secretly try the mantra to make sure it still worked.

For instance, Zhang Daoyan's father, although listed at a Taoist temple, lived in the secular world, running a funeral service, doing fortune-telling, and feng shui consultations to earn extra money. The temple's stipend of just over 300 yuan wasn't enough for the family to survive.

After all, Zhang Daoyan's father, Zhang Chengping, was born to Zhang Daoyan's grandfather, Zhang Fulin, after he came down from the mountains due to wartime chaos. With a family to support, he chose not to return to the mountains. Although Zhang Chengping inherited all of Zhang Fulin's skills, he grew up in the secular world. Even though his name was on the registry at the Taoist temple, he never visited it, believing that the only way to succeed was through education. Only by studying hard, getting into a good university, and finding a good job was the right path.

Thus, he only taught Zhang Daoyan the Golden Light Mantra, which was mainly for self-protection.

Now, Zhang Daoyan held great reverence for these supernatural beings. Even though he often boasted about his bravery, the current situation had him terrified.

Even Chu He, who was usually quite brave, was scared by the bizarre circumstances.

"Let's go back!" Zhang Daoyan gritted his teeth, grabbed Chu He and Liu Bi's hands, and ran towards the pavilion.

The three quickly ran back to the pavilion.

"What do we do? What do we do? Is Chi Xifan dead? Shit," Liu Bi mumbled incessantly, looking mentally unstable. "What do we do?"

"Shut the hell up," Zhang Daoyan kicked Liu Bi, unable to bear his own fear.

"I can't take it anymore, I'm leaving." Liu Bi stood up, and Chu He nodded. "This place is too creepy. We might get into trouble if we stay. Let's go."

"If you leave, Luo Yaxi will be mine," Zhang Daoyan said, trying to mask his fear.

"Then we're really leaving, Xiuge. Take care." Liu Bi and Chu He, those two cowards, decided to leave.

"Hey, are you really leaving?" Zhang Daoyan felt a bit guilty. In such a spooky place, who wouldn't be scared? Especially with the eerie incident involving Chi Xifan.

But thinking of Luo Yaxi's beauty gave Zhang Daoyan courage, and he was prepared. He still had the spirit money, after all.

Liu Bi and Chu He tried to persuade him a few more times, but seeing his determination, they left together.

"Hey, are you really going?" Zhang Daoyan called out as they walked away, but they didn't turn back.

Watching them disappear into the distance, Zhang Daoyan felt a bit anxious. He wanted to chase after them, but they were already out of sight.

"Screw it, with them gone, Luo Yaxi is all mine." Zhang Daoyan muttered. He had no intention of staying the night there; he wasn't sure if his qi from the Golden Light Mantra would last till morning. However, if he stayed a little longer and told Luo Yaxi about how these guys chickened out, she might see him in a new light.

Zhang Daoyan dreamed of becoming a CEO and marrying a rich, beautiful woman.

Becoming a CEO seemed unlikely, but winning Luo Yaxi's heart depended on tonight.

Thinking of the shamelessly happy life he would lead with Luo Yaxi, he couldn't help but smile.

Zhang Daoyan quickly took out the spirit money from his backpack, placed it on the ground, and lit it with a lighter. He then lit the incense, bowing and muttering, "Dear spirits, I mean no offense. Please don't trouble me, and take this money as a token. Thank you."

Later, Zhang Daoyan realized he had made a big mistake.

You can't randomly worship ghosts. If you do, you must specify which ghost you are offering the money to. His vague offering might attract all kinds of unclean spirits.

Before he finished his prayer, he suddenly heard a wedding procession's suona music outside the pavilion.

Weird, who's getting married at this hour?

Looking towards the sound, he saw four people carrying a red sedan chair towards the pavilion.

In the middle of the night, seeing people was better than nothing, so Zhang Daoyan prepared to greet them.

But he quickly realized something was wrong.

The suona music had changed to a funeral tune.

A chill ran down Zhang Daoyan's spine.

White smoke rose around the sedan chair like in a ghost movie.

The four bearers wore white funeral robes and hopped along. They looked like paper effigies used in funerals, their faces pale and painted with rouge, eerily disturbing.

Zhang Daoyan crouched down, peeking at the sedan chair from the pavilion. The curtain of the sedan chair fluttered open in the wind.

Inside, he saw Chi Xifan, dressed as an ancient groom, eyes closed as if asleep.

Just as Zhang Daoyan was about to shout to wake him up, a hand covered his mouth from behind.

In this desolate place, someone suddenly covering his mouth scared him nearly to death.

"If you don't want to die, don't make a sound!" a stranger's voice whispered in his ear.

Too scared to move, Zhang Daoyan stayed still until the sedan chair passed and disappeared. The hand then released him, and he gasped for air.

Turning around, he saw a man around thirty years old, wearing a blue Taoist robe and holding a peachwood sword.

"Kid, coming to a mass grave at night? Looking to die?" the Taoist glared at Zhang Daoyan.

"Fuck off, who the hell are you?" Zhang Daoyan stood up, angered by the hand that had covered his mouth.

Before he finished speaking, the four paper effigies stood outside the pavilion, staring at him.

"What are you looking at? Get lost!" the Taoist shouted at the effigies.

The paper effigies seemed scared, turned, and ran, occasionally glancing back at Zhang Daoyan.

"Wow, Taoist, your shout scared them away!" Zhang Daoyan regretted insulting the Taoist earlier; this place was too creepy.

"Scared away my ass! What are you doing here? Do you think you're invincible with your Golden Light Mantra? How long can your qi last?" the Taoist glared at Zhang Daoyan. "If I hadn't arrived, you'd be dead by now."

"Thank you, Taoist. I'm fine now," Zhang Daoyan said. "By the way, my friend Chi Xifan is in that sedan chair. Please save him."

"Do you think I'm blind? I saw it. But that can wait," the Taoist said. "You, on the other hand, running around with your half-baked Golden Light Mantra. Have you seen ghosts before? Scared shitless?"

Zhang Daoyan forced a smile, "I've seen some unclean things occasionally, but I'm not really scared."

When he was younger, Zhang Daoyan often saw unclean things, but they had become less frequent in recent years.

The Taoist looked him up and down and then smiled, "Unexpectedly, you have Dragon-Phoenix Eyes."

"Dragon-Phoenix Eyes?" Zhang Daoyan frowned, knowing it meant the ability to see spirits.

"Little brother, I'm Lin Yuanzheng. I'm here to capture that ghost. She's quite cunning and ran away when she saw me. I need your help," Lin Yuanzheng said.

"Taoist, you're too kind. I would love to help, but I just remembered I have something to do. I'll leave you to your ghost-hunting," Zhang Daoyan quickly said.

Help catch ghosts? No way!

"Try leaving. Those paper effigies are made by the ghost and were drawn to you by your Dragon-Phoenix Eyes. Your left eye is yang and useless to ghosts, but your right eye is extremely yin. If the ghost eats your right eye, she'll become even more powerful, a malevolent spirit that few can handle," Lin Yuanzheng said. "Leave if you want to die."

"Taoist, on second thought, I'd better help you," Zhang Daoyan said, too scared to leave.

Whether the Taoist was lying or not, the ghost he saw was real.

Sitting on a stone bench in the pavilion, Zhang Daoyan asked, "Taoist Lin, how can I help you?"

"That ghost is quite pitiful. She was a lady from the Republic era, defiled by bandits and committed suicide here," Lin Yuanzheng explained. "Her body is a gift from her parents, so suicide is a great disrespect, making her a wandering ghost unable to reincarnate."

"Poor ghost," Zhang Daoyan sympathized.

"Poor? She seduces men resting here at night. Anyone who succumbs to her ends up dead by morning," Lin Yuanzheng said.

"How do you plan to capture her? How can I help?" Zhang Daoyan asked curiously. Honestly, he was still very intrigued by this ghost business. Especially now, with a Taoist here to ensure his safety, he wasn't as scared anymore.

"It's simple. As I said earlier, your right eye attracts her. Use you as bait, and she will definitely appear," Lin Yuanzheng said.

"Bait?" Zhang Daoyan felt something was wrong.

Before Zhang Daoyan could react, Lin Yuanzheng rushed over, pinned him down, and tied him to a pavilion pillar with a rope.

"Hey, Taoist, tie it looser. I won't be able to run when the ghost comes," Zhang Daoyan said urgently.

Lin Yuanzheng scolded while tying, "With me here, what are you afraid of? Besides, when the ghost comes, just use your Golden Light Mantra to hold on for a while."

Lin Yuanzheng's strength was overwhelming, and Zhang Daoyan couldn't resist.

After being securely tied to the pavilion, Zhang Daoyan resignedly said, "Taoist, don't go too far away."

"Don't worry." Lin Yuanzheng sat cross-legged beside Zhang Daoyan, holding his sword. His righteous aura made him seem reliable.

Suddenly, Zhang Daoyan heard a rumbling sound.

"Uh-oh, I think I ate something bad today." Lin Yuanzheng's face turned pale as he clutched his stomach. "I need to take a dump. Be careful."

"Hey, Taoist, if you need to go, at least untie me first."

"Untie you? You'll run away. Don't worry, it's fine." Lin Yuanzheng ran to a bush outside the pavilion and squatted down.

"Taoist, hurry up! What if the ghost comes?" Zhang Daoyan yelled, seeing Lin Yuanzheng squatting in the bushes.

Lin Yuanzheng's head popped up from the bush, "Don't be afraid. I'm here. The ghost wouldn't dare to come out."

As soon as Lin Yuanzheng finished speaking, Zhang Daoyan felt a chill from the pavilion, as if the air conditioner had been turned on.

"Taoist, hurry the hell up!" Zhang Daoyan was on the verge of tears.

Lin Yuanzheng's face stiffened, "The ghost is already here. Hold on for five minutes…"

Then came the sound of diarrhea from Lin Yuanzheng.

"You bastard! Untie me!" Zhang Daoyan cursed Lin Yuanzheng and his ancestors.

Suddenly, a hand rested on Zhang Daoyan's shoulder. Swallowing hard, he turned around.

Whatever, at least this female ghost should be beautiful. Using his handsome looks, he could seduce her and stall for time.

Turning around, Zhang Daoyan almost vomited. The female ghost wore a red qipao, her body looked great, but her face was rotting, with maggots wriggling on it.

"B-beautiful lady, what's your name?" Zhang Daoyan tried to buy some time.

The ghost seemed stunned that he asked her name. "Xiang Piaopiao," she said.

Xiang Piaopiao? I might as well be Youlemei, Zhang Daoyan thought, forcing a smile. "Miss Xiang Piaopiao, the moonlight is nice tonight. How about we admire it and chat?"

The ghost's grotesque face smiled, "Come, kiss me."

She puckered her lips, revealing maggots inside.

A wave of nausea surged in Zhang Daoyan, and he vomited.

The temperature around him dropped. The ghost's lips met his, and it felt like eating shit. Maggots wriggled at the corners of his mouth.

Lin Yuanzheng, you bastard!

Suddenly, a burning sensation emanated from Zhang Daoyan's chest. The ghost recoiled, staring fearfully at his chest.

Looking down, Zhang Daoyan saw his jade pendant glowing faintly red.

Damn, this pendant grandpa made me wear is a treasure!

"Lin Yuanzheng, you son of a bitch!" Zhang Daoyan shouted.

"Quit whining, I'm here." Lin Yuanzheng, sweating and clutching his stomach, glared at Zhang Daoyan.

"It's like taking a dump is as urgent as saving your life," Lin Yuanzheng scolded.

Thinking it over, it indeed felt like life and death. Afraid Zhang Daoyan might run away, Lin Yuanzheng had tied him tightly.

Seeing Lin Yuanzheng approach, the ghost fled.

"Trying to run?" Lin Yuanzheng threw a red string, which wrapped around the ghost's neck. He pulled her close and slapped a yellow talisman on her forehead.

"Ah!" The ghost screamed in agony.

Lin Yuanzheng took out a wine gourd, formed a sword sign with his fingers, and commanded, "Expel!"

The ghost was sucked into the gourd. Lin Yuanzheng quickly sealed it with a talisman.

"All done." He hung the gourd on his waist, which kept shaking.

"That easy?" Zhang Daoyan was amazed.

"This ghost wasn't strong, just hard to find. She appeared because you were the bait," Lin Yuanzheng explained, putting the gourd on his belt.

"Taoist, untie me now," Zhang Daoyan sighed in relief.

Lin Yuanzheng untied him. As soon as he was free, Zhang Daoyan punched Lin Yuanzheng in the chest.

Dodging, Lin Yuanzheng scolded, "Hey, kid, dare to hit me? There are more wandering ghosts here. And don't forget, your friend is still in trouble."

Thinking of Chi Xifan, Zhang Daoyan forced a smile, "Taoist, how could I hit you? Just brushing off the dust."

"Enough, follow me." Lin Yuanzheng took out a black compass and led the way.

He soon led Zhang Daoyan to the grave where they saw Chi Xifan's photo.

Lin Yuanzheng kicked the old tombstone in half. "Dig. Your friend is inside."

"Dig?" Zhang Daoyan hesitated.

"Should he climb out himself?" Lin Yuanzheng glared.

Reluctantly, Zhang Daoyan started digging. The soil was loose, typical of a mass grave. In less than ten minutes, he hit a broken coffin.

Opening the coffin lid, Chi Xifan lay inside, pale but alive.

"Carry him. Let's go."

Zhang Daoyan hoisted Chi Xifan and followed Lin Yuanzheng out of the mass grave to a nearby bus stop.

Lin Yuanzheng's Mondeo was parked on the roadside. They got in.

"Where to?" Lin Yuanzheng asked.

"Will my friend be okay? Shouldn't we take him to the hospital?"

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. Just needs to rest for a few days," Lin Yuanzheng said indifferently.

"Please take us to Normal University." Zhang Daoyan said.

During the ride, Lin Yuanzheng was silent. Zhang Daoyan tried to make conversation but was mostly ignored.

Arriving at Normal University's gate, Lin Yuanzheng asked, "What's your name?"

"Zhang Daoyan."

Lin Yuanzheng handed him a note. "You have Dragon-Phoenix Eyes. If you encounter supernatural problems you can't handle, call me."

"Oh, a master indeed. No wonder the sun was so bright this morning. I must have met a noble man," Zhang Daoyan flattered.

Though he could see spirits, encountering them scared him. His family could help, but as the saying goes, "Distant water can't quench a nearby fire." Having a local Taoist wasn't a bad thing.

"Don't get too happy. I charge. One thousand per hour," Lin Yuanzheng warned.

"Damn, you might as well rob me," Zhang Daoyan glared.

"Robbing is harder," Lin Yuanzheng laughed.

"Get lost," Zhang Daoyan cursed, then carried Chi Xifan back to the dorm.