Mabel Lovigary

Mabel Lovigary was a captivating jade beauty, standing about 5'7" tall with a slim and graceful figure. Her long blond hair cascaded down her back in soft waves, her red lips formed a perfect bow, and her emerald green eyes sparkled with intelligence and kindness. As the first daughter of the emperor of Lovigary, she was recognized and adored by all the males in the empire and envied by the females. Mabel was a genius of her generation, a talent found once in a thousand years. Countless young masters pursued her, but none could win her heart. She was polite, kind, and easy to converse with, yet she maintained an air of unapproachable elegance.

Seeing her as the target of one of the persons he feared most in his life, Jack couldn't keep his cool anymore and screamed, "NOOOOOOO!"

Janice quickly intervened. "Hey, keep it down. Everyone is looking at us weirdly."

Realizing where he was, Jack, being thick-skinned, just shut up and looked at Adams, demanding an answer.

Adams raised an eyebrow. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jack's eyes narrowed. "What do you plan on doing to her?"

Adams laughed lightly. "Oh, come on, it's not like I'm going to eat her up."

"Hmph," Jack grumbled, still suspicious.

While they were having their discussion, someone was staring at them. Mabel's gaze was fixed on the trio, curiosity piqued.


Mabel's POV

Everyone loved her because of her beauty, her genius, and her status as the daughter of the emperor. But they didn't know the secret about her that only her parents and siblings knew. She was born with the ability to predict some parts of the future, albeit for short periods of time, and she could tell a person's fate at a glance. Yet she couldn't discern the fate or predict the future of the three individuals in front of her. She had only encountered one other person whose fate she couldn't read, and she hadn't been able to find him since, as if he never existed.

While lost in her thoughts, someone approached her side. "What are you looking at?" Turning her face, a frown appeared when she recognized the speaker.


Mabel's POV ends

Mabel's expression hardened. "What do you want?"

"Oh, chill. I thought you were polite. So, what's with the tone?" said the young man, his voice dripping with arrogance.

"Only to those who are worthy of my politeness, not to some pests who refuse to go away," Mabel replied coldly.

The young man was offended by her words. He was Alec Albert, the son of the current head of the Albert family, who was also a duke. Even though she was the daughter of the emperor and a genius, that didn't give her the right to call him a pest. But he had to hide his anger for the moment and wait for the opportunity to make her pay for calling him a pest.

"If you don't have anything to say, I'm taking my leave," Mabel said dismissively.

She walked away, leaving a very angry Alec behind. He clenched his fists so hard they began to bleed.

"How dare you? First you call me a pest, and now you're walking out on me. I swear I will make you pay dearly," Alec thought, not knowing that his end was near.


Back with the J's and Adams, after answering Jack, Adams felt a gaze on him and turned to see who was staring. He laughed when he saw Alec with Mabel.

Jack and Janice saw him laugh and then saw what made him laugh. They knew he was cooking up something because while he was laughing, they saw a trace of anger in his eyes.

Jack asked, "Is that the guy you want to rough up?"

Adams nodded. "Yes."

"But he's the young master of your family," Janice pointed out, confused.

Jack explained, "Weren't you with us all this time? Technically, he's been targeting the Alberts from the start."

"Oh," Janice said, understanding dawning on her.

Jack sighed. "Don't tell me your head is filled with that muscular no-smiling redhead."

Adams burst out laughing. "Hahaha, you've gotten a lot braver now that he isn't here."

"Tsk, who said I'm afraid of anyone?" Jack retorted, puffing his chest out.

Janice tried to hide the blush on her face at her brother's words, but Adams noticed and smirked.

Before he could say anything, they were interrupted by some arrogant young masters who had taken an interest in Janice.

"Hey, beautiful, why don't you ditch these losers and hang out with us?" one of them sneered.

Jack stepped forward, his fists clenched. "Get lost before I make you."

The young master laughed. "Oh, really? And who do you think you are?"

Adams, sensing the tension, placed a calming hand on Jack's shoulder. "Let it go, Jack. We have more important things to focus on."

Reluctantly, Jack stepped back, but the fire in his eyes didn't diminish. The young masters, seeing Adams' calm demeanor, decided not to push their luck and walked away, muttering under their breaths.

Janice, grateful for Adams' intervention, smiled at him. "Thanks."

Adams nodded. "No problem. Let's keep moving."