Entrance Examination 4

Adams stepped forward confidently. "Actually, I wanted to challenge one person, but due to certain reasons, I would like to challenge Alec Albert, Dave Lockhart, and Hilary Baston."

The entire battleground fell silent.

The examiner blinked, taken aback. "What did you say?"

"I said I want to fight with those whose names I mentioned."

"But you can only fight one person. Why all three?" the examiner protested.

Adams, growing tired of the questioning, snapped his fingers. Instantly, he and the trio were teleported to the battle stage. The onlookers gasped, even the officials were taken aback. They tried to stop what was happening but found themselves unable to penetrate the barrier surrounding the stage. Quickly, they sent someone to fetch the Sect Master and the Grand Elder.

Elsewhere in the sect, two men were deep in conversation in a secluded area.

"What do you think of this year's entrance examination?" asked the Sect Master.

"As I said before, it is going to be hectic," the Grand Elder replied.

"Come on, it won't be that bad, right?"

"I hope so."

As they spoke, they sensed someone rushing towards them. They exchanged glances.

"What could it be?" the Grand Elder wondered aloud.

"We'll just have to ask him," the Sect Master replied.

An inner sect elder burst into the room, panting. Before he could announce his presence, the door swung open, allowing him entry.

"Greetings to the Sect Master and Grand Elder. I have something urgent to report."

"Go ahead. We are listening," the Sect Master said.

The elder recounted everything that had happened: from the astonishing second-round rankings to the current situation with Lucifer and the trio.

"What did you just say?" the Grand Elder demanded, disbelief etched on his face.

"Everything I said is true, Grand Elder."

Without another word, the Sect Master and Grand Elder flew out of the room and headed to the battleground. They arrived to see Lucifer and the trio glaring at each other.

The Sect Master spoke first, his voice authoritative. "Young man, what's the meaning of this? You know this is the Imperial Sect, and we don't condone what you are doing."

The Sect Master tried to probe Lucifer's cultivation level but was unable to detect it. His initial confidence faded, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Adams, unfazed, responded, "I'm not obliged to tell you that, old man."

He turned to the trio with a smile. "I don't have anything personal against you guys, but you disrespected me and my friends, so I have to put you in your place."

He explained his reasons for challenging Dave and Hilary, then turned to Alec. "But for you, this is personal."

Alec, confused and defiant, retorted, "Who do you think you are to put us in our place? And what do you mean by 'personal'? I don't remember meeting you anywhere."

"You will remember in due time," Adams replied. "Now, let's begin your bullying session."

The trio, though initially scared, were too arrogant to back down. They took their fighting stances, convinced that despite his apparent strength, they outnumbered him and could win.

Adams smiled, seeing their resolve. "It's a shame one of you has to die. I would have said, 'Let's dance,' but that would be disrespectful to the original. So, give me your best."

Alec felt a bad premonition, recalling someone who resembled Lucifer, but dismissed the thought. **Adams is dead. So who is this guy?**

Dave rushed at Adams, attacking with his signature skill, [Razor Wind]. Sharp wind blades surrounded Adams, but he brushed them off effortlessly.

"Is this the best you can do?" Adams taunted.

Dave widened his eyes in disbelief but chalked it up to luck. "Don't get cocky!"

He used [Air Infusion], fusing with the wind to increase his speed. Despite his high-speed assault, Adams caught his hands mid-punch.

"You are quite good, but your arrogance blinds you," Adams remarked, crushing Dave's hand. Dave screamed, and Adams proceeded to cripple him, depriving him of his ability to cultivate.

The onlookers were stunned. The Sect Master tried to break the barrier but to no avail. He turned to his fellow cultivators for assistance, but they too were powerless against it.

"What is this barrier made of?" the Sect Master wondered aloud.

Adams turned to Hilary and Alec. "Who's next? I advise you to come at me together. I have to meet someone in a few minutes."

Alec noticed Adams glancing in the direction of his family. **Who could he be expecting? Maybe I should stall him**

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that, Alec," Adams warned, reading Alec's thoughts.

Alec looked as if he had seen a ghost. **How can he read my thoughts?**

With no other option, Alec turned to Hilary. "We have to attack together to stand a chance."

Hilary, terrified by Dave's fate, hesitated. "Are you sure, Alec?"

Alec nodded, though even he was unsure of their chances.

Adams, growing impatient, declared, "If you aren't coming, I'll take that as you giving up."

Jack and Janice knew this was only the beginning. They saw Adams looking towards the Albert family and understood that the real show was about to start.

"Well then, since you aren't answering me, here I come," Adams said.

With a wave of his hand, Hilary was thrown across the stage, his cultivation destroyed. Adams made Alec kneel, cutting off his air supply. Alec gasped for breath when a familiar voice boomed across the battleground.


It was Frank, Alec's father and Adams's uncle. He wasn't alone; the family elders, Dave's family, and Hilary's family were all there.

"Finally, you came," Adams said, dropping his disguise, revealing his true identity. "I was wondering how long I'd have to continue this charade, Uncle."

Everyone was shocked into silence.

"Did you miss me, Uncle?" Adams asked with a cold smile.