Beast Continent

The capital of the Dragon Empire, Beastaria, was a place of wonder and strangeness, where the streets teemed with beings who bore the traits of various beast kinds. It was a land where the fantastic seemed commonplace, and its capital was a vibrant testament to the empire's unique culture. Founded by the Dragon Lord not long after Lovigary, the Dragon Empire was the second oldest empire on the Divine Plane, with a rich history woven into its bustling streets.

The empire was established in the aftermath of a great war between the dragons and the other primordial races. The Dragon Lord, Draconis Rex, was a formidable creature who had risen to power through sheer strength and cunning. His scales were said to be as hard as adamantine, and his fiery breath could melt even the strongest metals. Seeing the chaos that plagued the land, Draconis Rex sought to bring order by founding an empire where dragons and other beast kinds could coexist peacefully. The Dragon Empire became a sanctuary for those who wished to live under the protection of the mighty dragons, where strength and honor were revered above all else.

In an unassuming inn nestled within the city, a group of individuals gathered with purpose.

"I've picked up the location of the Lust Empress," John announced, his voice a low murmur meant only for the ears of his companions. "She is currently residing in our very inn."

Adams nodded, appreciating the information. "Thanks, John. Tomorrow, Anderson, you will go alone to the dragon palace and wreak havoc. Meanwhile, John and Awar will disrupt the reinforcements hidden around Beastaria, planted by the queen. I'll handle the old fogies if they decide to attack, so you can focus on your revenge and, in the process, give us a chance to make our name known throughout the Divine Plane."

Anderson's eyes gleamed with a mixture of gratitude and determination. "Thank you for making this possible," he said, his voice heavy with emotion.

Adams shrugged, a friendly smile on his face. "It's the least I can do for a friend. I could even bring back your mother if you want."

Anderson hesitated, wrestling with the temptation. But after a moment, he shook his head. "Let her be. I should not disturb the dead."

Adams nodded in understanding. "Alright. If you say so. I'll be taking a walk. You all can do whatever you want."

Leaving the inn behind, Adams wandered through the lively streets of Beastaria, lost in thought. It had been over a year since he had arrived in the Divine Plane, inhabiting this powerful new body, yet he still found himself without a permanent home. Despite his immense wealth, he lacked the reputation he desired across the Divine Plane, his presence known only in Lovigary and the Lust Empire.

"Sigh," he murmured to himself, "it's been more than a year, and I still don't have a house despite having all the money in the world. I don't even have a reputation in the Divine Plane—only in Lovigary and the Lust Empire."

He recalled the protagonists of the web novels and light novels he used to read back in his home world. Most of them had already shaken their entire continent within two to three months, yet here he was, the most powerful being in the Divine Plane, still unknown to many.

"I guess after Anderson is done with his revenge, I will have to kick off my sect plan and make it a force to be reckoned with before ascending to a higher realm," he mused aloud. He wandered into a dark alley, contemplating his future and the whereabouts of Mabel, who was with Jack, Janice, and Cresil at the auction.

"Mabel and Janice joined Jack and Cresil at the auction. God, I miss her," he thought, his mind drifting to the fond memories they shared. "But the good thing is that the auction is tomorrow night. By then, Anderson will have completed his plan, and I can gather everyone and head to the land immediately. I'm tired of staying at inns every time I visit somewhere."

Adams had become a regular patron of inns, finding their temporary nature both convenient and stifling. As he walked, he became aware of a presence behind him—a subtle shadow that had been trailing him for some time.

"Sigh," he said, coming to a stop in the alley. "Don't you think you've been following me for far too long?"

From the shadows emerged a woman, her presence both commanding and alluring. She had long, flowing white hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall of moonlight. Her skin was pale and flawless, a porcelain complexion that glowed faintly in the dim light of the alley. Her eyes were a deep, crimson red, as if they held the secrets of centuries past, and they seemed to pierce into the very soul of anyone who dared to meet her gaze.

The woman's lips were a vivid shade of crimson, and when she smiled, she revealed a set of elongated canines that marked her as a vampire of high rank. Her movements were graceful and fluid, each step exuding an aura of confidence and predatory grace. She wore a form-fitting black dress that accentuated her lithe figure, adorned with intricate silver embroidery that shimmered in the light.

"So you knew I was following you all this while," she said, her voice smooth and confident. "And yet, you didn't even put up any defense against a sneak attack. How confident are you in your strength?"

Adams turned to face her fully, his expression calm and unperturbed. "You don't get it, do you? I'm not the one trapped here. You are. So I'll ask you this one time: why are you following me?"

The woman, undeterred, stepped closer. Her crimson eyes never wavered, holding his gaze with an intensity that could freeze even the bravest of souls. "I smell an intoxicating scent from you that makes my soul calm and my heart flutter," she confessed. "So I followed you to see what makes you special."

Adams regarded her with a knowing smile. "And do you now know why I make you feel that way, Lilith?"

Lilith's eyes widened slightly, surprised that he knew her name. Yet the mere mention of it from his lips made her heart flutter again. "As expected of you," she said softly. "You are truly worthy of being my mate. You see, we vampires, werewolves, beasts, and some demons have what we call a mate bond with someone else. Think of it as a soulmate thing you humans talk about. And from what I've seen and felt so far, I think you are my mate."

Lilith was a vampire of the highest order, a Pureblood. Her lineage traced back to the ancient vampires who first emerged in the Divine Plane. Unlike lesser vampires, she possessed abilities far beyond the typical nocturnal predator. Her powers included heightened senses that could detect the faintest heartbeat, the ability to manipulate shadows to conceal her presence, and the rare gift of telepathic communication with those she deemed worthy.

Adams looked at her, recognizing the allure she held and knowing she would be a part of his life. But he wasn't one to give in easily. He decided to play hard to get, enjoying the thrill of the chase.

"I'm sorry, but you must have the wrong person," he replied, turning away. "So if you don't mind, I'll be taking my leave."

"Wait," Lilith called, a hint of desperation in her voice. "Can I come with you? If I stay with you a little longer and don't feel anything thereafter, I'll leave you be."

Adams paused, considering her words. "But what if you still feel that way? What are you going to do then?"

Lilith didn't answer immediately, her gaze dropping to the ground before lifting to meet his with a fierce, determined smile. "Then I will make you mine."

Adams found himself intrigued by her boldness, her crazed smile captivating in its intensity. He chuckled, nodding slightly. "This is going to be interesting," he said, and began walking again, with Lilith close behind.

They returned to the inn, Lilith's presence a constant shadow beside him.

"Don't you have anywhere to go?" Adams asked, glancing at her as they entered the inn.

"Of course, I have," Lilith replied with a playful smirk. "I'm also staying in this inn. That was how I caught your scent and followed you."

Adams sighed, shaking his head. "Are you still feeling what you were feeling earlier?"

"Yeah," Lilith admitted, her voice filled with a mix of wonder and certainty. "And it seems to have intensified more than before."

"It can't be helped, can it?" Adams said, a hint of resignation in his tone.

Lilith shook her head, her happiness evident at having found her mate after centuries of searching.

"Well, you should go to bed. Tomorrow, we'll talk about it. As of now, I'm feeling sleepy," Adams said, stifling a yawn.

Lilith nodded, her eyes bright with anticipation. "Alright, you said it yourself, so don't go back on your word."

As Adams headed for his room, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of the intriguing woman he had encountered. Lilith watched him go, her mind filled with thoughts of the young man who had captured her interest so effortlessly.

"What an interesting young man," she mused aloud. "I would have made him mine, even without the mate bond. But things worked out for me."

With that, she turned and made her way to her room, eager for what the future might hold with Adams by her side.