Adams Proposed To Inara And Akira

"Now," Adams said, his voice taking on a more serious tone, "let's talk about what happens next."

Inara's breath hitched as Adams' gaze shifted to her. His golden eyes, so piercing and confident, seemed to see right through her. Every inch of her body was trembling, the tension of the moment tightening around her chest like a vice. She had been standing there, frozen in place, watching the terrifying dance between Akira and Adams, her heart hammering in her chest with each near miss. And now, that intense focus was directed squarely at her.

"Please," Inara's voice came out barely above a whisper, her throat dry and tight. She felt a surge of panic, a wild and desperate urge to just end this torment, to stop whatever twisted game fate was playing with her. She took a shaky step forward, then another, until she was close enough to look directly into those unyielding golden eyes.