Messing With The Master And Apprentice Duo 3

"It is good to finally hear your voice, I thought you were going to keep quiet the whole time, Enigma."

"So you knew it was me all along, didn't you?" Enigma, the woman concealed beneath the cloak, said, her voice a mix of curiosity and mild surprise. She studied Adams, her eyes narrowing slightly as she tried to gauge his reaction.

Adams simply smiled, a knowing, almost teasing expression on his face. "Of course I knew," he replied, his tone confident. "If I didn't know, then I wouldn't be Adams anymore." His words were delivered with a casual certainty, as though the idea of not recognizing her was unthinkable.

As he spoke, Adams took a step closer to her, his gaze locked onto hers. Without warning, he reached up and gently removed the cloak from her head, revealing her face to the onlookers. Enigma's eyes widened in surprise as Adams leaned in, his intentions clear.