Showdown 1

"Apprentice," the master began, his voice low and filled with a resigned sorrow, "You've brought this upon us. And now, you must face the consequences."

Alan stared at his master as if seeing a stranger. The man he had always admired, the one who could look a True Immortal in the eye and tell them to go to hell, was now bowing to the will of a mere boy. Alan couldn't believe it. His master, a figure of power and influence, was submitting to someone so much younger, doing what he was told like a common servant.

The realization cut deeper than Alan cared to admit. His master, who once stood unyielding even in the face of mighty foes, was now trembling before Adams. The pain of this betrayal festered in Alan's heart, fueling his anger. If his master had lost his resolve, then Alan would have to restore it—even if that meant fighting him.