12 Rings Of Chaos 1

Mabel sat on her bed in the Sect Master's Valley, gazing out the window. After a moment, she sighed deeply. "That bastard is going to get the Ethereal Sovereignty Realm destroyed before we even get the chance to set foot there," she muttered to herself. Rising to her feet, she walked outside, her expression a mix of frustration and determination.

She hadn't walked far when she found herself face to face with Adams, Enigma, Akira, and Inara, who were deep in conversation. "And here I was, on my way to meet you," she said, her voice resolute. "I have something to discuss with you."

Adams paused, a smile spreading across his face as he turned to the rest of the group. "Well, this is where we say our goodbyes for now," he said, his tone light yet serious. "It seems Mabel has something important to discuss with me."

The girls nodded in understanding, offering a few parting words before departing, leaving Adams and Mabel alone.