Family Matters 3

As the sound of soft, confident footsteps echoed through the rubble-strewn battlefield, everyone froze. The air seemed to still, the tension thickening as a familiar yet impossible voice rang out.

"Yes, son, it is more than enough."

Adams' breath caught in his throat, and even Laden, bruised and broken in the crater, widened his eyes in disbelief. Lovigary and Lokk both turned in the direction of the voice, their hearts pounding as they looked upon the figure that emerged from the shadows.


There she stood, radiant and alive, her presence brimming with energy and a quiet strength that none of them had seen in years. Her hair, flowing like a dark river, shimmered in the light, and her eyes—piercing, yet soft—took in the scene with an almost serene calm. It was as though time itself bowed to her, as if the world paused just for her entrance.

"Mother..." Lovigary's voice was barely above a whisper, disbelief evident in his tone.