First Day of School (2)

With a racing heart, I left my desk, holding myself back from running. After all, in this elitist school, students from groups above Class D laugh at our faces, and those in Class D laugh at those below or equal to Class E.

Even though the school is attended only by top-tier individuals, Burialle Academy categorizes the top-tier into seven classes: S, A, B, C, D, E, and H. Yes, the school skipped F and G, I know.

Class S is for people akin to heroes, Class A for those with the strength of commanders and generals, Class B for strong individuals, and Class C for those who are strong but couldn't stand a one-on-one with someone from Class B.

The other three classes are considered shameful: Class D for those just above or near average, Class E for nobility with average talent or no talent, and Class H for those who are just there to fill space.

Turning the corner towards the bathroom, I saw three students in deep blue uniforms bullying a kid in a green uniform. This school doesn't just have social classes; Burialle also encourages students to bully others to relieve stress.

The reason is simple: in the academy's eyes, the strong relieve stress from training and study, and the weak gets motivated to train harder and rise from their class during the festival.

"What festival is that?" Easy, it's the epicenter of the fourth episode. The festival is called the Grand Festival of Academic Demonstration, or G-FAD among the students.

Inside the academy, it's an opportunity, while outside this fortress-like institution, it's an event akin to the Olympics where promising students are bet on for quick money, and parents get to see how much their children have improved.

There is also the hunters company, which is like a place where strong people go to become hunters of that company to wipe out Magrents. Which is similar to wild animal but in a magical world.

There is also that thing where people can purchase a hunter for their own motives.

Ahem, off-topic. The guild and the army also gets the eye to look out for promising hunters or soldiers.

"Please, stop! I have to get to attend to get my sword," the boy in the green uniform pleaded.

Well, since it's not my fight, farewell, extra character number whatever.

I ignored my urge to use the bathroom to avoid getting involved with those guys. Making enemies here is like asking to die. Just at the start of the story, there are six. Six student factions. Is that important now? No.

But I'm not heartless; I would help the guy, but I'm just a Class D student. So imagine me going up to a bunch of Class C students to stop them from bullying someone from Class E. What authority would I have? I'd probably make the poor guy's situation worse...

So I decided to dip just like that.

As I wandered through the lavish halls of Burialle Academy, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the grandeur of the place. The corridors stretched endlessly, each one a testament to the institution's wealth and prestige.

The walls were lined with intricately carved wood panels, their dark mahogany gleaming under the soft glow of crystal chandeliers. Each door I passed was painted a deep, regal violet, indicating a staff-only room, while the others were the color of the class they belonged to.

The windows, spaced precisely eleven steps apart, offered a glimpse into the well-manicured gardens outside, their lush greenery a stark contrast to the cool, sterile interior of the academy. The sun's rays filtered through the stained glass, every detail screamed opulence, a reminder that I was in a place where only the elite thrived.

But these details, while impressive, were not my focus. I was searching for the stairs to the ground floor, trying to familiarize myself with the layout of this school.

I could feel that my emotions were a chaotic mix of excitement and anxiety. Even though I know what will happen or my fantasical situation. But still reguardless of what my emotions were trying to tell me, I had to navigate this maze.

As I walked, I passed several classrooms, each one marked by the color of the class it belonged to. The doors to Class S were a dazzling white with star details, a clear symbol of their superiority. Class A had golden doors, Class B orange, Class C deep blue, Class D light blue, Class E green, and Class H a dull gray. Each door I passed felt like a reminder of the rigid reality that defined Burialle Academy.

Students milled about in the corridors, their chatter a constant hum in the background. Groups of Class S and A students stood out, their pristine uniforms and confident postures a stark contrast to the more subdued demeanor of those from lower classes.

'I wish i had been transported here as a S class student!' I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as I watched them. They moved with an air of certainty, as if they belonged here, while I still felt like having a wild dream I had no control of.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I spotted the staircase leading down to the ground floor. Relief washed over me as I descended the steps, the sound of my footsteps echoing in the empty stairwell.

The ground floor was even more impressive, if that was possible. The white marble floors gleamed under the soft lighting, and the walls were adorned with portraits of the past great honor students. Yep they definitely won't be appearing later in the game right developer?

Each painting seemed to watch me as I passed, their eyes following my every move. 'Okay, that's just creepy, dude.'

As I approached the hall where the distribution of magical tools was going to take place, which it was the subjulgation training room, I could feel the tension in the air. The room was filled with students, all eyes fixed on the stage where the professor was supposed to be speaking.

My heart raced yet again as I stepped into the hall, taking in the sight of my classmates, each one eagerly awaiting the ceremony start.

The professor, a tired-looking man with drooping eyelids, struggled to stay awake as he waited. He was giving some advice to some people, mainly students in orange uniforms. His voice was barely audible over the murmurs of the students.

I scanned the room, and my eyes land on a shining figure, Liora. The one and only female lead of the game. Well, she isn't the only one since one of the three action character is also a female so...

I just shruggled my shoulders and went to the place most of same light blue uniform students were.

I couldn't help but feel a certain hostility surge of anger being sent at me. I felt threatened, but this wasn't the time to make enemies. I had to focus on my goal: finding my new placement in this academy and proving my worth.

Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for what lay ahead, determined to make the most of this opportunity.

A bunch of grey uniforms students got here a little after I did. Thank god I found my way before them, or else I might had been sent to the principals ofice...

"Well, with all the students here, I... will give... some..." The professor said, collapsing onto the table after just a few words, "notes that you... can resonate with..."

"Spit it out, old man! I can hardly stand being near these academy trash!" a student in a deep blue uniform shouted, pointing directly at the students in green and gray uniforms.

Curious about who it was, I was stunned to read the name "Tristan Vaelhurst."

The room fell silent for a moment until the professor decided to continue, "You can... resonate with the magical swords..."

"Which clearly none of these... losers will manage or need magical tools!"

'Ah! I remember this scene!' I thought, recalling the game whose name must not be mentioned here.

"Why waste budget on these pieces of trash?! What will they do? Save the world by lifting a little book with basic wind control?"

Several glances were directed straight at Tristan, among them all four playable characters, including the protagonist.

And this was the perfect opportunity to know exactly where in the plot I was. Was I in the action-only, romance-only, or a crossover between action and romance? And which characters were chosen!?

"You there, that's too cruel!" A gentle and slightly weak female voice emerged amid the murmurs.

"Cruel? But what I said is true, show me if you think it's not."

[Advance and challenge Tristan?]

[Yes or No]

...With that, Tristan challenged the voice, which clearly belonged to the protagonist.

'Why is my vision a bit blue now?'

"Eh? But I don't like fighting; fighting is bad. No one should fight!" Liora complained, as my head sliding across what had turned blue for some reason.

Apparently, it was only happening to me, as everyone else was focused on one point: the drama of any elitist school.

'Okay, this is already annoying me.'

The world returned to normal. 'Ah! Back to normal. It must be something with my low mana... I'll check with the doctor or something.'

[Time limit reached]

[Assuming the player chose "No"]

"Hey!" Another female voice entered the scene. "What did you call us from Class D?"

I turned to the source of the voice, and I could already tell who it was.

"I challenge you to a duel after I get my magical tool."

" 'Tool'? You haven't even decided what you'll use for the rest of your life, and you dare challenge me? Tell me your name."

"Isabella Fiorelle. Only daughter and single." She was slightly below average height, with bright red hair tied in a loose ponytail. Her eyes were a petrifying emerald green, and she wore a light blue uniform.

"Tristan Vaelhurst, I accept your duel, middle-class nobility!" He was taller, with carefully styled hair to match his shining platinum blonde. And to complete his look, his eyes were a ice-blue color.

The two stood side by side, glaring at each other, Isabella looking up and Tristan slightly down.

But to interrupt my amusement at knowing I was on the half-and-half route with "Izzy" as the chosen character, the professor, who previously had been falling asleep while talking on the stage, quickly stepped in to separate them and said:

"Wow, another duel involving first-years on the second day of school? This year at Burialle will definitely be exciting!" the professor said enthusiastically, smiling while separating the two.

"Since my dopamine is hitting, to resonate with the magical sword or tool, just talk to the weapon. Imagine it has a consciousness and converse with it," he said normally, then added:

"In my case, I just told mine that I would use it to destroy monsters and enemies, period," the professor returned to his pathetic state of exhaustion and walked back to the podium.

"With that out of... my speech... we have... nothing else, great!"

Unlike the professor, who quickly recovered and did a poor job of ending the dispute, the students were anxious about Isabella and Tristan. Some whispered, "Fight! Fight!" while others just trembled.

And me? Smiling at my glorious rise in Burialle Academy.

"You're dismissed, choose with... care."