Shadowed Pursuit

Alaric leaned against the wall in the school hallway, watching as the last few students filed out of the classroom. His mind had been running in circles all day, the same thought gnawing at him. He needed answers.

As Evelyn approached, her usual calm demeanor now mixed with a subtle wariness, he took the opportunity to ask her the question that had been plaguing him.

"Evelyn," Alaric began, his voice low but direct, "do you have any more clues about who cursed Lucy?"

Evelyn hesitated for a moment, her gaze drifting over his face before she spoke. "I've narrowed it down to two families," she replied quietly. "The Silverclaw family and the Hargrove family. Both have reasons to target you, and both have the capability to cast such a curse. But..." she paused, her brow furrowing, "I'm not entirely certain. There are things about the curse that don't match either family's usual methods. It's strange."