
The car glided to a smooth stop in front of Morgana's grand mansion, a timeless edifice of stone and elegance nestled within sprawling gardens. Alaric stepped out, taking a moment to soak in the familiar surroundings. The air felt different here—charged with magic and history, a sanctuary that had withstood the test of time and turmoil.

Gilbert exited the car behind him, ever vigilant, scanning the grounds as they made their way up the stone steps. Alaric felt a strange mix of relief and anticipation. Today, they would finally confront his grandmother about the implications of their recent victories and the state of their family.

As he entered the mansion, the scent of aged wood and fragrant herbs filled the air. Alaric's heart quickened at the thought of his family being here again—Lucy, his mother, and his grandmother. It was a bittersweet feeling, knowing they had been forced away due to threats and danger.