Chapter 12:Where are you?

 Koji was chatting with the board director. He possessed a remarkable talent - Multitasking, he could effortlessly ponder about something utterly unrelated while engaging in conversation. His brother had mentioned that a particular individual appeared to fancy him, and ever since that day, he had been discreetly monitoring that person. As he blabbered on, he sneakily scanned the room for Rei. No luck. Suddenly, his phone buzzed - it was Chizu. "It's been ages since we hung out in person. I've sent you a location," she said. "I'm at a party," he protested. "Oh, come on. I'm your childhood BFF," she insisted. Reluctantly, he agreed and slipped out, desperately searching for Rei one last time. Little did he know, someone had spotted his sneaky exit. 

 Alexis woke up with a start, realizing he was the first one up for once. He glanced over at Rei-kun, still fast asleep in his room. Checking the time, he assumed Rei-kun had overslept, only to discover he was actually the early bird this time. Shocked, Alexis hurriedly prepared breakfast, a first in his life. Waking up Rei-kun, they both shared a moment of disbelief as they realized there were still 5 minutes left until his 7:15 alarm. With lightning speed, they readied themselves and dashed off to the office. Upon arrival, Rei-kun took his place, and Alexis sauntered past a couple of rows before plopping down in his seat. In a sudden turn of events, Alexis was summoned to the CEO's office. He made his way to the elevator, feeling a bit uneasy as he reminisced about the wild events of yesterday. As he timidly rapped on the door, praying it wasn't something that would land him in hot water with the big boss, a friendly voice beckoned him inside. Alexis cautiously entered, his eyes glued to the ground, avoiding any eye contact with Shuji. The air was thick with not only Shuji's intimidating presence, but also Koji's icy, disdainful aura. Koji dramatically declared, "I shall take my leave for the time being. Please, think upon my words." Shuji solemnly nodded in response. Meanwhile, Alexis paid no heed to Koji's words, completely engrossed in anticipation of Shuji's next utterance. The tension was palpable, as Alexis feared he was on the brink of trouble. The moment Koji exited, the icy air suddenly turned warm as Shuji presence took over the entire space around them. He approached Alexis, who was anxiously standing in the middle of the office, staring at the floor. Shuji gently lifted his chin and inquired, "Are you truly that terrified of me?" Alexis gazed into Shuji's eyes and pondered, "Perhaps he was tipsy yesterday. That must be why he kissed me. But let me double-check." Without any notice, Alexis kissed Shuji. Shuji was surprised by this, yet he relished it and kissed him right back. Shuji gently placed his hands on Alexis's waist. Alexis surrendered to Shuji's lead and wrapped his arms around Shuji's neck. After a grueling five minutes of intense eye contact, Alexis finally mustered up the courage to ask, "Do you truly have feelings for me?" Shuji, with a dramatic pause, responded, "Yes, Al. I would give up everything just to bask in your presence." Alexis pondered, "Why 'al'?" The only one who ever used that was Usami. He adored the way 'al' sounded from Shuji. Shuji exclaimed, "Hey, can I call you 'Al'?" as he slyly slid his hand from Alexis's waist down to his butt. Alexis quickly recoiled and retorted, "You can call me whatever you want, you creep!" Alexis dramatically stormed out of the room, cheeks ablaze with embarrassment, leaving Shuji behind. As he made his exit, Shuji shot him a perverted glance that would make anyone stay out of his way.