Maybe there's Hope

Zen safely crossed the threshold into the mortal realm. When she had done so, she saw that the civilization Zemyna had helped come into prominence during her visit was still thriving.

"I expect no less from our peerless goddess. But this is no time to marvel at her work. I have a mission to complete. Alas, I have no way to find this man she has chosen." Zen realized she had moved too hastily. She came all this way with little knowledge of Elijah or where to find him. She used this as an opportunity to speak to Zemyna before her rite of Ascension began.

"Princess Zemyna, can you hear me, supreme goddess?" Zen reached out to Zemyna through their divine tether.

Zemyna chuckled when she felt Zen calling her. "Give me a moment, Mordecai. Our baby sister needs my help." Mordecai nodded at her words and the two of them halted their travel towards the Sacred Gate. Zemyna then closed her eyes and began to communicate with Zen.

"Zen Zen, how many times must I tell you not to address me so formally. We are family and this conversation is private. No one else can hear us."

"I do not dare to address you carelessly, Princess. We may both be goddesses of the royal family, but I do not feel qualified to be called either a goddess or royalty in your presence."

Zemyna sighed at her sister's words. Their conversations always started like this. Zemyna wanted Zen to treat her like she really wanted to, but Zen always refused.

"Then do be sure to work on your self-esteem while I'm away Zen Zen. We have the same Creator and parents after all."

"I appreciate, your concern for me, Princess Zemyna. However, there is something else I must work on first. Locating your human consort."

The air about Zemyna went still when Elijah was mentioned.

"So, Mother sent you to guide him to the temple in Ur."

"Yes, goddess. Yet I incompetently came to the mortal realm with no way to find him."

Zemyna knew Zen had done this on purpose so that they could have a chance to speak for perhaps the last time in a while, but she didn't mention it.

"Oh, Zen Zen. What am I to do with you? Very well. I will help you. Close your eyes and relax. I will show you where he is. I can always feel him after all."

Zemyna and Elijah shared a strong bond. One of the benefits of that connection, was that Zemyna could always feel Elijah's presence. Every living thing in Creation emits a specific frequency that makes it unique. Zemyna and Elijah were so close, that she could use her divine intuition and perception to ignore everything else in the world, and hone in on Elijah's energy and frequency no matter where he is in the vast Cosmos.

As Zen closed her eyes and relaxed her mind, images began to enter her mind's eye through her divine tether with Zemyna. She could see a dark-skinned man with long, black locks and a muscular build meditating at the peak of a mountain. He was absorbing the rich life energy around him and using it to make himself stronger. Clearly preparing for the challenge Zemyna must have told him was coming.

"So, he's a child of Anak. And a spirit warrior at that. When was the last time we saw one of those?" Zen pondered these thoughts privately before speaking to Zemyna.

"Thank you, goddess. I have his location. I will guide him to the place he needs to be." Zen said after she slowly opened her eyes.

"Thank you, Zen Zen. I trust you to do as you say. And perhaps you will be the first to see what everyone else will in time." Zemyna said ominously.

This peaked Zen's curiosity a little.

"Oh? See what, Princess Zemyna?" Zen couldn't help but ask.

"Why I chose him."

With that Zemyna ended their conversation and resumed making her way to the Gate of Ascension with Mordecai.

"Is everything fine with Zen?" Mordecai asked.

"Oh, yes. She was just a bit lost and needed to be pointed in the right direction." Zemyna answered with a smile.

Mordecai decided not to probe any further and they continued their journey.

Zen felt conflicted at Zemyna's words. She couldn't see how anyone could be worthy of Zemyna. Much less a mortal. But she would not go against her in any way or stand in the way of her happiness. So, she secretly hoped that this Elijah would be able to create a miracle by becoming an immortal for her sister's sake.

As Elijah delved deep into the abundant energy all around him, he began to notice the arrival of a different kind of energy. Something otherworldly. It felt similar to Zemyna, although not as intense or warm. So he ended his meditation and immediately bowed his head.

"This mortal greets you in reverence, divine one."

"So you could sense me, huh? And not of drop of fear in your heart either. Even when in the presence of celestial royalty. I suppose spending so much time with the princess of heaven has enhanced your spiritual faculties somewhat." Zen said as she made herself visible to him.

"You may lift your head. The Supreme Goddess has chosen to acknowledge you so I will try to forget that you are mortal for the time being. Do you know why I have come?"

Elijah lifted his head and said, "It is time I prove myself worthy of standing beside her by breaking the shackles of mortality. Are you here to show me the way, divine Archon?"

Zen nodded and asked him, "Are you prepared to go now?"

"Yes, goddess." Elijah answered as he stood up.

"Very well." Zen then paused before teleporting them.

"Did the Princess of Heaven tell you my name?"

Elijah could feel a bit of displeasure from Zen when she asked him this so he chose to respond in a way that might put her at ease.

"Yes, I have been told your name, divine Archon. But I would not disrespect you by using it without permission."

Zen exhaled and said, "Good. You will have my permission once you have succeeded."

Elijah was shocked by her choice of words and couldn't stop himself from asking, " You have faith I will complete the rite of Immortality, goddess?"

Zen's glare became a bit cold when he asked this question. But it was too late to take it back now.

"I am choosing to speak life to your situation for the sake of the Supreme Goddess. Should you fail, she will have endangered herself, compromised our family, and made herself an enemy of those who wish to preserve the staus quo all for naught! Would you let such a disgrace come to pass?!"

Elijah fell to his hands and knees as the pressure coming from Zen had become to intense for him. He struggled to breathe, but still managed to speak.

"I will not betray her with failure."

Zen searched his aura to see if she could sense any fear in Elijah now. And to her surprise, there was none. So she decided to relax her energy and let him rise once again. Maybe this mortal DOES have what it takes. She was only testing him, but for Elijah to maintain his composure in the face of an angry Archon is no small feat. He is sure to face much worse. But still, there is hope...