All of this was my fault

They tracked the signals to an empty building in the society and captured the criminals, who were selling eillegal items. As Aarav searched for the holographic devices, he discovered the criminals were using his technology, the Scroll, to commit their crimes. Embarrassed and frustrated, he whispered to Jarvis.

"Jarvis, delete all the holographic options from all my Scrolls. Now."

"Understood, Aarav," Jarvis responded promptly. "Commencing deletion of holographic features from all devices."

Aarav watched as Jarvis executed the command. The criminals, now in handcuffs, were being escorted out by the officers. Inspector Kavi approached Aarav, having noticed his frustration.

"What's going on, Aarav? Did you find something?"

Aarav nodded, his expression grim. "Yes, Inspector. These criminals were using my technology, the Scroll, to carry out their crimes. I've just removed the holographic capabilities from all devices to prevent this from happening again."

Inspector Kavi looked impressed. "That's quick thinking, Aarav. It's unfortunate they misused your innovation, but your response shows great responsibility."

Diler Kumar, still holding one of the confiscated Scrolls, examined it closely. "This device is remarkable, Aarav. It's a shame it was used for such purposes, but it shows how advanced your technology is."

Aarav sighed, feeling a mix of pride and disappointment. "I just want to make sure it's used for good. I never intended for my creations to be misused like this."

Inspector Kavi placed a reassuring hand on Aarav's shoulder. "You've done well. We'll ensure these criminals face justice, and we'll work to prevent your technology from being misused in the future."

As the police continued their investigation, Aarav reflected on the events. He knew he had a responsibility to safeguard his innovations and ensure they contributed positively to society. With renewed determination, he vowed to continue creating and improving, while also being vigilant against those who sought to misuse his work.

The next day, news of Jarvis spread quickly, capturing the attention of the media and the public. Aarav had anticipated this and was preparing for the inevitable onslaught of reporters and curiosity seekers. Dr. Iyer, concerned for Aarav's safety and privacy, offered to take charge and protect him from the media frenzy. However, Aarav stopped him.

"No, Uncle Iyer," Aarav said firmly. "This is my responsibility. I knew this day would come, and I need to handle it."

As he looked out at the swarm of reporters gathered outside the Gokuldham Society, Aarav sighed, bracing himself for the inevitable confrontation. Baalveer, who had been by his side, suggested using a powerful mind-wipe spell to make everyone forget about Jarvis.

"Should we just use one big mind-wipe spell?" Baalveer asked, concern etched on his face.

Aarav shook his head. "No, Baalveer. It's tempting, but it's not the right solution. People have a right to know, and we have to deal with the consequences of our actions. We can't just erase people's memories every time something inconvenient happens."

Baalveer nodded, understanding the wisdom in Aarav's words. "Alright, but what's the plan? How are you going to address the media?"

Aarav took a deep breath. "I'll tell them the truth. Jarvis is an AI I created to help with various tasks. I'll explain how it works and assure them that it's designed for positive purposes. I'll also make it clear that measures are in place to prevent any misuse."

With renewed determination, Aarav stepped out to face the reporters. Cameras flashed, and microphones were thrust toward him as he began to speak.

"Good morning, everyone," Aarav began, his voice steady. "I understand there's a lot of curiosity about Jarvis, the AI I created. Let me start by saying that Jarvis is designed to assist with various tasks and improve our daily lives. It is not a threat, and I am committed to ensuring it is used responsibly."

He went on to explain the capabilities of Jarvis, emphasizing its potential for positive impact. He also addressed the recent incident, detailing the steps he had taken to prevent further misuse of his technology.

"As a young inventor, I understand the responsibility that comes with creating powerful tools. I am committed to using my skills for the greater good and ensuring that my creations contribute positively to society."

The reporters listened intently, their initial skepticism gradually giving way to admiration for Aarav's maturity and foresight. By the end of his speech, it was clear that Aarav had managed to assuage many of their concerns.

Before Aarav left the makeshift podium, he grabbed the mic once more, his expression resolute.

"One more thing," he said, his voice echoing with determination. "To all military and government officials out there: I will not develop Jarvis for your games or wars, nor will I create any weapons or technology for you. I am committed to peace, not war. My inventions are for the betterment of humanity, not for causing harm. Thank you."

The crowd of reporters and onlookers was taken aback by Aarav's bold declaration. His words were met with a mix of applause and murmurs of respect. It was clear that this young inventor had not only the intelligence but also the integrity to stand by his principles.

As Aarav walked back into the society, Baalveer joined him, a look of admiration on his face.

"That was impressive, Aarav," Baalveer said. "You really stood your ground."

Aarav nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "I had to. It's important that people know where I stand. Jarvis and my other inventions are meant to help people, not harm them."

Dr. Iyer and the other society members, who had been watching from the sidelines, greeted Aarav with proud smiles.

"You handled that very well, Aarav," Dr. Iyer said, patting him on the back. "You've shown everyone that you're not just a brilliant inventor but also a person of strong moral character."

Aarav smiled, feeling the weight of the past few days lift off his shoulders. With the support of his friends and family, he knew he could face whatever challenges came his way. And with Baalveer by his side, he was ready to continue making the world a better place, one invention at a time.

The next day, Aarav was working on Bhide's old scooter, determined to fix it up rather than see Bhide get a new one. Bhide, ever the cautious observer, watched with trepidation as Aarav methodically took the scooter apart piece by piece. There were moments when Bhide's soul seemed to leave his body, especially when Aarav disassembled parts that seemed essential.

Madhvi stood nearby, trying to keep Bhide from fainting as he saw the scooter in various stages of disarray. Aarav worked with precision and focus, his hands moving deftly as he incorporated some of his advanced technology into the old scooter.

After several hours, Aarav finally stepped back, wiping sweat from his brow. He looked at his handiwork with satisfaction. The scooter, now painted a sleek yellow, looked incredibly futuristic. It had sleek lines, advanced control panels, and even a holographic display.

"There you go, Mr. Bhide," Aarav said with a grin. "Your scooter is now new and improved."

Bhide, who had been clutching Madhvi for support, took a tentative step forward. "Aarav, what have you done to my scooter?" he asked, his voice a mix of awe and apprehension.

"I've upgraded it," Aarav explained. "It's now more efficient, safer, and has some new features. I even added a small AI to help with navigation and maintenance."

Madhvi, who had been holding onto Bhide to keep him steady, now looked at the scooter with wide eyes. "This looks amazing, Aarav! It's like a scooter from the future!"

Bhide gingerly approached the scooter, touching it as if to make sure it was real. "I can't believe it," he said. "It's incredible."

Aarav demonstrated some of the new features, showing how the scooter could self-balance, had an improved fuel efficiency system, and even a small storage compartment that could keep items cool.

As Bhide gingerly took a seat and started the scooter, he couldn't help but smile. "Aarav, you've done something even Sodhi couldn't do. This is fantastic!"

The onlookers in the society, who had gathered to see the transformation, clapped and cheered. Sodhi, who had been watching from the side, nodded in approval. "You've outdone yourself, Aarav," he said.

Aarav beamed, happy to have been able to help Bhide and showcase his skills. As the scooter drove smoothly down the society lane, the sense of community and the support of his friends and family filled Aarav with pride and determination to keep making positive changes in their lives.

As Aarav saw the system reward him with 600 points for his work on Bhide's scooter, he couldn't help but smile inwardly. He realized that by upgrading the scooter, he had effectively altered the course of several future episodes. Bhide's scooter had been the source of numerous mishaps and comedic moments, and now, many of those events would never come to pass.

Watching Bhide and the others marvel at the transformed scooter, Aarav felt a sense of accomplishment. The society members, who had once been shocked by Aarav's innovations, now seemed to take his extraordinary feats in stride. They had come to expect the unexpected from him.

Bhide, still in awe, rode the scooter around the society compound, showing off its new features to everyone. "This is amazing, Aarav!" he exclaimed. "You've really outdone yourself this time."

Madhvi nodded in agreement, "Yes, Aarav. You've made my husband day, and ours too. Thank you."

Tapu, standing nearby, couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and envy. Aarav's talents were undeniable, and he knew his brother was making a significant impact. "Great job, bro," he said, clapping Aarav on the back. "You've really changed things around here."

Aarav smiled, feeling a warm glow of satisfaction. "Thanks, Tapu. I'm just glad I could help."

As the evening wore on, the society buzzed with excitement over the new scooter. Children and adults alike gathered around, taking turns to examine it and ask Aarav questions about its features. Aarav patiently explained the upgrades, enjoying the attention and admiration of his neighbors.

Later that night, as Aarav lay in bed, he thought about the day's events. He had not only improved Bhide's scooter but also contributed to the community's happiness and well-being. The system points were a bonus, but the real reward was the appreciation and respect he had earned from his friends and family.

With a contented sigh, Aarav closed his eyes, ready for whatever challenges and adventures the next day would bring.

The next day Aarav was eating, food as the phones was ringing as Daya picked the phone

As Daya was listing it the call. Aarav it is for you

Aarav just rolled his eyes. If is another military, or government official tell them what I say

Daya Heard what she said as she kept speaking. Actually it is another scientist his name is Professor Agrawal and he wants to meet you

Hearing that name Aarav stopped eating recornised the name from another Seb TV shows Y.A.R.O he was expecting this of call, the man was unable to have a kid with his wife so he created a robot son, aka the Yaro, and the sharks Y.A.R.O was started.

Aarav finished his food as he looked at his mom. Mom can you give the phone I would like to talk to Mr Agrawal.

The next day Aarav was eating, food as the phones was ringing as Daya picked the phone

As Daya was listing it the call. Aarav it is for you

Aarav just rolled his eyes. If is another military, or government official tell them what I say

Daya Heard what she said as she kept speaking. Actually it is another scientist his name is Professor Agrawal and he wants to meet you

Hearing that name Aarav stopped eating recornised the name from another Seb TV shows Y.A.R.O he was expecting this of call, the man was unable to have a kid with his wife so he created a robot son, aka the Yaro, and the sharks Y.A.R.O was started.

Aarav finished his food as he looked at his mom. Mom can you give the phone I would like to talk to Mr Agrawal.

Actually I do have a question for you. Aarav said looking at Dr Agrawal. Why did you ask for my help and not Dr Vaseegran

Professor Agrawal sighed, understanding the weight behind Aarav's question. "Dr. Vaseegaran is indeed a brilliant scientist and the creator of Chitti. However, his approach, especially after the incidents with Chitti, has made many wary of integrating advanced AI with human-like capabilities. The military's interest in his work also complicates matters."

Aarav nodded, recalling the events from the movie "Robot" and understanding the potential risks associated with such powerful AI. "So, you wanted someone who isn't entangled with the military or large institutions, someone who can focus on the ethical and practical aspects of this technology."

"Exactly," Agrawal affirmed. "Your work with Jarvis demonstrates not just technical prowess but also a balanced and responsible approach. That's why I sought your help."

Aarav felt the weight of the responsibility but also the excitement of contributing to something significant. "Alright, Professor. Let's make sure Y.A.R.O can learn and feel, but in a way that's safe and beneficial for everyone."

The two of them began working, discussing the design and ethical considerations. Aarav shared his insights on creating an empathetic AI while ensuring it remained under control. They brainstormed ways to integrate emotional intelligence without compromising safety and functionality.

As the day turned into evening, Aarav and Professor Agrawal made significant progress, laying down the foundation for Y.A.R.O's emotional learning capabilities. They agreed to continue their collaboration, with Aarav providing regular input and guidance.

Returning home, Aarav felt a sense of accomplishment and a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that this project could change the future of AI and robotics, and he was determined to make it a success.

The next day, as he continued his daily routine and projects, Aarav couldn't help but feel excited about the possibilities. The Gokuldham society was bustling with its usual activity, but Aarav's mind was already thinking ahead, planning the next steps in his collaboration with Professor Agrawal.

To be continued

Give me power stones