chapter 5

as the days passed, I stared doing some stamina and chakra control training in a forest nearby, lucky me I found some abandoned kunai who were not sharp I tried practicing for my aiming

Don't get your hopes up, because I am not Itashi Uchiha, my aime is sucks although how many times I tried its still suck, can't even touch the tree with the kunai, so I decided to let it to the academy teacher, this is why we go to the academy, right?

maybe if I was reincarnated in one of the clans I am sure they would teach me some tricks

sometimes I feel like I am Nothing more than a piece of wet paper wich I am

if the clan kids have the potential and were determination to learn from their clans, I am sure I will be no match for them, so that's why I am trying to be step ahead so in the future I will be able to keep up with them knowing how they will become

and knowing that the academy is few days ahead, I must act like the other brats or isolated myself from everyone, I don't want to be suspicious, since I am an orphan

and since there is a library in the academy I will make sure to read all the scrolls, theories and books and learn the basic academy jutsus:

• Transformation

• Clone Technique

• Body Flicker Technique

• Body Replacement Technique (or Substitution)

• Tree Climbing Practice

• Water Surface Walking Practice

as the walking in the trees and water is done, although I struggled to finde a hidden river for water walking training

the most techniques that I will I focus on them is the body flicher and substitution techniques to make sure I can escape danger, you can call me coward but I really care about my life, and in this world danger is everywhere.

after that I will try to make them without hands signs, they say the more you practice the jutsu the more likely you can do it without hand signs, and finally I will see my chakra infinity

I preferre to have lighting since it is rare in the land of fire, most of them have fire infinity obviously wich I hope that I don't have! wind or water I don't mind them, earth is the most strong among them so I will be happy if I have it too.

days flew by, and I was busy training my stamina since my chakra control is excellent, and I am planning to learn the senju taijutsu style like tsunade and sakura after graduation, but the only difference is the speed since sakura was really slow in combat, that's why I am willing to focus on my speed

and I decided to have a special weapon to practice with that have chains like obito in the massacre and the nintaile attack, but I let that matter to the future, more important is today is the academy entrance

I woke up early and did my routine by brushing my hair and tied it to a high bun, then I eat breakfast with the other orphans who appear to be so excited for the academy... kids...

then I changed my clothes to a simple Hakama Aikido that I found by pure luck in our closest abandoned, I was sick wearing kimono every day, yes at first it was fun since I wasn't japanese in my last life, but I stared disliking it

and since we are orphan there are people who gives us their clothes or food, so in my case that Aikido was there for decades but still I like it

because lucky me the hakama was red and the top was white, since my left hair color is red so it does match

(photo above)

after I prepared the orphanage (thankfully) gave us a pen and a book without backpack and one of the caretaker took us to the academy since we will go in groups, and all of the kids were my age or older

the walk to the academy took ten minutes since the orphanage isn't that close and when we arrive... damn was it crowded, many kids my age are smiling and nervous for the entrance

my eyes twitched at their loud voice, then we Walked past the entrance and seattle in the academy yard with the others kids

my eyes traveled to the crowd as I spotted some character with their parents, I would be lying if I said I am not excited , they are cute especially when they are this young!

my eyes stopped at a specific selfless Uchiha... damn looking at him make me guilty, knowing what he suffered in the show by sacrificing himself and killing his whole clan for his brother... I really want to kill you Sasuke for not using your brain to understand the real reason your clan was massacred and go straight to avenge

I sighed this is such a drag...

after some time the Hokage finally appear and started his speech about the will of fire and the other Hokages how they sacrifice their lives for the village and that brainwashing crap that I didn't pay attention to and instead focused at my surrounding, hinata was with her jerk father who look like he have a stick in his ass and the others too except Sasuke who is only with his brother... cute...

after the Hokage speech that finally ended the teachers that were standing near the Hokage approach us and took us to our class room, their attention was mainly in the clan about unfairness

many kids glanced my way since my hair was... weird? really I don't care, and the adults have things better to do then seeing their kid classmates so they didn't pay attention

evry students from different years went to their classes except us the first year who were lead by some teachers

and it seems that there is only me and a boy from our orphanage in the first year, I didn't paid him any mind and walked past him, then I entered the classroom

the sigh I saw was a bunch of cute brats... damn now that I think about it I will go to school again and study with brats and have to pretend to be brat myself!

how many time did I use the word 'brat'? nevermind that question

most of them where arrogant by just looking at them... where do these kids get their confidence?

I saw many characters and I was fangirling in my mind at their cute appearance, I can't even tell who is the most cute, all the anger to going to school again faded because I don't mind spending my school days looking at them especially hinata... I am sounding like orochimaru... nah I am better to be compared to a snake.

some of the kids who passed by the door hit my shoulder and thats when I release I was standing in the doorway, I grumbled then choose a seat in the last table to the right, when I sat I put my text book and pen at the table then gazed at my surrounding to find them all, this time I finally saw him! the main character naruto! and damn was he cute

after some minutes Iruka entered the classroom with a gentle smile in his face and a textbook in his hand

"welcome to the academy! my name is Iruka Umino and I'll be your sensei until you graduate and become a ninja, today you will just introduce yourselves In class one by one by telling your full name, likes, dislikes, hobbies"

can't this end already I just want to go to the academy library!

the kids started introducing themselves one by one, until it was naruto turn and when he said he will become the Hokage most the classroom started laughing... I really feel bad for my son... augh stupid brats I can't do anything.

following by was the duckbutt turn wich made all class quite down especially the girls who looked intensely at him waiting patiently

no wonder he is arrogant

unfortunately for girls who were waiting to hear anything from him, he ended up just saying his full name and that he love training with his brother and his brother... I cringed at his introduction... poor Sasuke don't know that his brother will be the end of his clan

the only one that I really like in the Uchiha is sishui because of he is chill and fun and I really respect him what he did is really... man I fell myself getting depression

when my turn come, I wanted to do the same introduction as kakashi but I decided against it, I don't wanna get attention and list me as a genius since kids really like to blaballing so I keep it short

"yumiko" every one was silent since Iruka told them to quite down few minutes ago and since I am in the last row and the lastone who didn't introduce... well they all looked at me... now I regret choosing the last row...

I sat back after finishing saying my name and looked at Iruka with blank face who was dumbfounded with every one in the class who also had curious expression, Sasuke seems like he recognize me but I could care less

so Iruka clraned his throat to grab everyone attention and finally they didn't look at me anymore, who thought that brats will make me nervous...