Old habit.

The café outing had left Jason feeling exhilarated and eager for more time with Emma. Throughout the following week, they exchanged texts and found excuses to linger in each other's company at school. Jason couldn't deny the growing excitement every time he thought about Emma.

One afternoon, after their last class, Jason found himself walking beside Emma as they headed towards the school gates. They were discussing a recent art project Emma was working on when Jason decided to broach a more personal topic.

"Hey, Emma," Jason began, his tone a mix of curiosity and sincerity. "I've been meaning to ask you something."

Emma turned to him, her eyes bright with interest. "Sure, what is it?"

Jason hesitated for a moment, unsure how to phrase his question. "I've been wondering… what made you decide to help me study that day in the library?"

Emma's expression softened, and she smiled gently. "Well, I saw you struggling with math, and I thought maybe I could help. Plus, you seemed like you could use a hand."

Jason nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude. "Yeah, I really appreciate that. It meant a lot to me."

Emma shrugged modestly. "It was no big deal, Jason. I'm always happy to help."

They walked in comfortable silence for a few moments before Jason spoke again, his voice quieter this time. "You know, Emma, I've been thinking a lot about our friendship lately."

Emma glanced at him, a curious expression in her eyes. "Oh? In what way?"

Jason took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I've never had a friend like you before. Someone who gets me, who sees beyond the troublemaker image."

Emma smiled warmly. "I'm glad, Jason. You're more than just a troublemaker, you know."

Jason chuckled softly. "Yeah, I guess so. But seriously, Emma, I feel like we have something special. Something different."

Emma nodded thoughtfully. "I feel it too, Jason. It's nice to have someone who understands."

Encouraged by her response, Jason decided to take another leap. "Would you maybe want to do something together this weekend? Like, hang out again?"

Emma's eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly. "I'd love that, Jason. Count me in."

Jason felt a surge of happiness. "Great! How about we catch a movie or something?"

Emma grinned. "Sounds perfect."

As they reached the school gates, Jason couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. He had taken another step forward with Emma, and each moment they spent together only deepened his admiration and affection for her.

Later that week, Jason began plotting a harmless prank to lighten the mood during their movie outing. He knew Emma appreciated his mischievous side, and he wanted to show her that he could still have fun while being himself.

On Saturday afternoon, Jason met Emma at the movie theater, a bag of popcorn in hand. They settled into their seats, chatting animatedly as they waited for the movie to start. Jason waited for the perfect moment during a particularly suspenseful scene to execute his prank.

When the tension in the movie reached its peak, Jason discreetly pulled out a fake spider from his pocket and placed it on Emma's arm. He watched with anticipation as Emma's eyes widened in surprise and then burst into laughter as she realized what he had done.

"Jason!" Emma exclaimed playfully, swatting at the fake spider. "You scared me!"

Jason grinned mischievously. "Just adding some excitement to the movie experience."

Emma shook her head, still chuckling. "You're impossible, Jason."

Throughout the rest of the movie, they laughed and joked together, enjoying the shared experience and the playful banter. As they walked out of the theater, the evening sun casting a warm glow over everything, Jason couldn't ignore the flutter of excitement in his chest.