Chapter 13 - the first mission of the student council

After the commotion with them, Its seem Hana is really close to me this morning. In the dining table, she slam at the table.

"During lunch time pick me up and stay at the podium got it!!! I'll make sure to prevent any bad girl is taking you away…"


She is now my bodyguard making sure, I'm not into girl trouble. That Mariam💢

"Got it!!?" 😡

"Yeah, yeah, finish your breakfast!!"


We eat breakfast, last night I saw a message in my email, Natalie message me

Dear Alex

Did she find out!! I hope she does not…because I will die of embarrassment. I'm with my dad now in UCLA I got in!! I can't wait to get this done and I will find you…"

Love Natalie

P/s - here is picture so you could not find any other babe..

Wow she is now a university student. Eh!? She did that!! Wow. At least she is doing fine.

Now getting ready to school, and mom send us. We reach there, and I had to sent Hana to her class.

"Remember pick me up at lunch!!"

"Yeah, yeah got it…"

"Don't forget!!"

"Got it!!"

When in class is even worst, looks like Mariam is doing something. She give an envelope, OH shit!! 🥶 is a picture of me and Sylvia kissing.

"How do you…get…this…?"

"Kukuku, i got my ways…"😛



"Keep it as a memory…" not a chance😑, if Hana finds out I'm dead. She really wanted me to have a short life here.

Hazlan said to me

"Alex Melissa is calling us"

"Got it" I wonder what happen

We meet Melissa in the library.

"After school, get ready because we going to have a school visit…."

"Oh we got a permit?"

"Yeah, Mr Rahman, me, and you only got it…while the others will focus on the preparation of the school festival"

"Well then…"

"We handle the arrangement here, while you people head there…"

Seems like only me, Melissa and Mr Rahman will be there. But I felt there is something is about to happen again, I have this uneasy feeling right now. First is Sylvia now that girl.😓

"Hey Alex!! Don't get to anymore girl trouble again hah….or else I'm going to add another story to Nat you know…"😒

"Got it, I will forget it"

We return back to class, we learning English at least is quite familiar, plus she is once teach students in America. We get along really well.

"Student, practice as if you lived with it, then it will be easy for you."

"Got it!!" everyone

"Well then let us begin with someone here…Maya would you mind to read the phrase in page 12 of William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet?"

"Umm..from Juliet phrase…

Wilt thou be gone? it is not yet near day:

It was the nightingale, and not the lark,

That…. pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear;

Nightly she sings on yond pomegranate tree:

Believe me, love, it was the nightingale."

"Good Maya, next is Mariam"

" From Romeo phrase

It was the lark, the herald of the morn,

No nightingale: look, love, what envious streaks

Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east:

Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day

Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops.

I must be gone and live, or stay and die."

"Good Mariam!! This phrase is the sentence that is made in old English or we called Shakespeare word. It may look complicated but its a good start. Then next is Amin"

"From the phrase from Juliet.

Yond light is not daylight, I know it, I:

It is some meteor that the sun exhales

To be to thee this night a torch-bearer

And light thee on the way to Mantua:

Therefore stay yet, thou need'st not to be gone."

He said it with high tone while posing like a woman.

Everyone laugh including the teacher 😂

"That is something Amin would you act like Juliet at the theatre festival later on"


"I will recommended you with the arts teacher, she is looking for a Juliet character, and its fit your style"

"Wait! I'm a guy…"😅 this guy is something acting the joker of the class, and now he is back with the jokes.

"I will take note on this, good job next is Alex"

I stand and read it

"Let me be ta'en, let me be put to death;

I am content, so thou wilt have it so.

I'll say yon gray is not the morning's eye,

'Tis but the pale reflex of Cynthia's brow;

Nor that is not the lark whose notes do beat

The vaulty heaven so high above our heads:

I have more care to stay than will to go.--

Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so.--

How is't, my soul? let's talk,--it is not day."

People look at me really amaze what the hell…

"Alex, you have talents in acting, I will take note on this" Huh!? No!!

"Umm, I'm not interested in acting"

"Teacher!! Don't worry I will make sure Alex and Amin will be part of the theatre later on!!"

Oi!!! Don't you do it!! 💢

"Yes, I have found the Romeo will be Alex and Juliet will be Amin"

Everyone laugh

"Oi Mariam!!"🤯 Me

"Honey!!!" 😰

"I really can't wait to see my honey wearing girls dress and ....kukuku"

We definitely not going to do that part at all - me, Amin

The class ended with me and Amin be the part of Mariam and teacher crazy idea.

After school, Amin and Mariam head to the festival committee since they already the president and vice president. I head to meet Melissa while I tell Hana to stay at the library, seems Steward is really close with Hana. I will leave them both. We ride Mr Rahman's car and head to the Siti Aishah All-girls school.

"Seems the vice -principal Sister Agnes will attend us with the school visit and meeting"

"Very well…"

"You okay with this because I'm worried with your condition of your pregnancy"

"I'm fine…don't worry about it Mr Rahman…"

"Alex you better behave…"

"Huh!? What did I do? What is that suppose to mean?"

"With that current stunts you made with our next door neighbour, is something that we tried to avoid at the moment, we basically still under Borneo College"

"Uh…yeah but I was looking for potential players"

She glared at me and warn me again

"At least have a courtesy of visiting not just barging-in like that!!😠, Later if you don't behave, I will make sure you going to work in my office later on"

Now she is like a mother to us now

"Ugh…." 😨

"Hah…Is a bless I got a capable person to help me.."

"You also at least control this guy!!"

Even Mr Rahman is being lectured, I wonder who is the principal now😓

Melissa become a capable, she is no doubt our student leader in SIGMA. With everything she had plan, seems to be in safe hands as long she is here.

"Well then, I'm going to invite them to our festival as part of school to school friendship"

"This will a good start because at the same time Alex will find out that teacher remember?" She glared at me again

"Yeah I remember Nur Sahara Binti Hamid"

"Good that is your focus while me and Mr Rahman visit the vice principal you check out the school for us, and I don't want to hear any stunts from it?"

"Yeah…got it…"

We reach the school, is really close to the beach. The school is right next to a church and a mosque. We saw a nun is waiting at the entrance, we park the car at the parking. We introduce ourself.

"Oh my, a student that is pregnant?"

"Sorry, I'm Melissa I'm the student president of SIGMA

"I'm Mr Rahman the school principal…"

"Well then, my name is Sister Agnes I'm the vice principal here, the principal is away at the moment welcome to Siti Aishah All-girls school even though is name after the muslim Prophet wife but we are the first to integrate between Christianity and Islam together in one school. Come let us enter the office"

We entered the school, it's really integrate what a sight to see. We could see they do not have problems with between religion which most I heard in the news. When we entered the office. All of them are women.

"We don't have any mens in this institution due to avoiding any problems between gender…"

"Basically the toilet is only for female." Why I ask that kind of question. Melissa glared at me again and pinch me. Ouch that really hurt, that is mean pinch.


"Then is okay for me and the boy to be here"

"Your our guest please have a seat"

Melissa properly introduce herself

"I'm Melissa 16 years, as you can see I'm pregnant because I have commitment with my partner and he agreed after the age of 18 I will be married. I'm also the president of the student council"

"I'm Mr Rahman we are part of the special sector project SIGMA to oversee if this method of school is an effective way to improve the social society within the school. We are part of Borneo College but we are a different entity as a private school. We do hope this will not create confusion between other school later on."

Its my turn to introduce but I don't remember which position I'm in with the student council.

"I'm Alex 15 years, I'm part of the student council member as well"

"Oh good, you at a young age are already part of the student council but what is a student council?"

Mr Rahman answered her question

"The student council is also part of the special project that I have implement, this method is loosely based on the western part including Japan. Their function is assisting the school administration in managing student in welfare, including club activities. Their function is also as our voice and ears to the student. Like Prefect system but without enforcement or control. We are trying to make the place to be in a little governance system in place. We have also have parliamentary and local elections within the school and the administration is guiding them"

"Wow…seems to be align with us because we also have problems with this integration, criticism between school council has always been a problem with us."

"Because maybe we need to make a change, it will be problems in the future but that is SIGMA is all about because in preparation for the real world situation."

"It is amazing that Mr Rahman would create such eco system like that, I'm pretty sure that other school will be interested as well…"

"This is 3 year project, and Melissa here will assist me as she is the one that manage to pull funding and creating this ecosystem."

"So down to business"

"We would like to invite Siti Aishah All-girls student to be part of our school festival within a month like that we are still preparation phase…"

"Let me discuss with the principal and the other members of this institution but we'll be honoured to be part of it.."

"I mean all of the student…."

"Huh!? That is a big thing we will try to discuss about it but I can't promise anything yet but I'm sure the principal will be interested"

"Thank you.."

Mr Rahman give her the invitation letter.

"Since you are here you must wanted to know about our school"


"I will lead you the way"

"Very well"

We shown a lot of place, seems like a normal school here, but I haven't seen the teacher yet. The student here is a mixed together. Mr Rahman and Melissa is chatting with the vice principal. I've never been to a single gender school before. Since they have class I have yet seen any student yet, all their class is closed to prevent noise what the vice principal explain. Suddenly a ring sound and the vice principal explain its their club activities. All of the student went out and didn't even run, they walking elegantly. Some of them did not even talk to each other. While walking with them. Someone pull me to the other side. Someone that I want to avoid.

"What are you doing here!!?"


"Forget about me already…?"

"uh….I think you got the wrong person here…"

"Why would I would forget that cute face in the library…"🥰

Oh no…its Siti….she recognise me and now holding my arm. Shit I gotta get out from here!!

"so🥰, since you are here…how about I show you around…"

"Huh…?no….i really think you got the wrong person here…."

"Where is Hana?"

"Uh….yeah you got the wrong person here….who is Hana anyway..?" I tried to lie

"Your cute little sister🥰"

"uh….nah you really got the wrong person here"

Other student is calling her

"Who is that, you know him Siti?" Now I got attention, shit, talk about looking to be anonymous is now down to the drain.

"He is my boyfriend" 🥶huh!? What the!? What the hell this bitch saying!! I'm not her boyfriend!!

The girls are shouting "eyaa!!!"

"Lucky you!! That is a cute guy as well" Siti is smiling

"uh…seriously you really need help…"

"Aww..aren't we a couple hanging around the library with your little sister?🥰"

Another trouble, that is why I got this uneasy feeling just now. She is really holding me like a couple now.

"I mean you got the wrong guy…"

"Come on lets go!! I'll show you🥰!"

"Are you even listening?"💢

She pull me dragging me to her classroom where her classmate is there. They are really excited looking at me.

"Wow, Siti!! Who is that?"

"My boyfriend…🥰"

I show my head gesture that is not but they seems to be interested in looking at me. Oh shit, Melissa going to be pissed. Gods know what if Mr Rahman see this. One of her classmate ask me

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Uh…." I better lie

" Darrel…." Sorry Darrel I have to use your name here.

"He is Alex… he is just shy🥰" Siti, oh shit!!

"Hi Alex, which school you in?"

"Uh…SIGMA institution…"

"Sound interesting…hey any cute boys there?"

"Huh!?... What is that suppose to mean?💢" this girls here never seen a male before?

"Ai…I thought you in Borneo College…."

"You really need to see a doctor… better check for appointment"

"You lie down on my legs before…🥰" oh shit!! Not that

The girls shouted "eyaa!!! That is really romantic!!!" Please don't 😓 encourage her

I had to get out from here, but she is really griping me really tight. Maybe I could ask her to somewhere

"uh…I wanted….to see the teachers first…"

The girls shouted again "eyaaa!! He is like gentleman!!" Gentleman!? What!? Dammit this is getting annoying!!

"Now, now girls I'm going to bring my boyfriend to see the teacher…"

With this commotion I hope Melissa does not see this or hear it. We reach the teachers room, she still with me locking my arms.

"This is the teachers room…" all of them is female. One of the teacher calling her

"Hey lover girl, who is this guy?" Oh please don't!!

"My boyfriend🥰" I shaken my head in disagreement.

"You know boys are not allowed here…"

"Umm, I with the student council and I got lost along the way but I'm looking for them though…is Sister Agnes here?"

"No…seems she had guest I assume you must be one of guest…quite bold"

Bold my ass!!! She suddenly kidnap me!! Help me for once teacher at least let her go or whatever it is…

"You know your English is pretty good, I'm almost mistaken for a foreigner"

"uh…yeah…." But at least I want to find the teacher.

"Do you know teacher Sahara?"

"Yeah she is in the library….why you want to see her?"

"Because I want to ask her something…about her education method"

"Wow…okay, Siti guide your boyfriend there" I'm not her boyfriend!! 💢

"Got it!!🥰"

"And Siti don't go crazy okay?"

She thumbs up.

She look like over the moon. Now I saw Melissa and Mr Rahman there, I pulled her to hide.

"You know Alex, you quite bold…"

"Huh!?" I pull out my arm

"Oh sorry…"

"But I like it!!" She hug me, oh god please just let me go!! 🥶

I saw them left the place and I walk towards the library and she still follow me

"Sorry but you wrong person here, I think you need to see a doctor"

"Nope my eyes could not lie…"

Dammit, when I entered the library I saw a lady who is sitting at the counter. I approach her

"Oh, quite rare to see a male here, what can I do for you?"

"uh…do you know teacher Sahara"

"In the flesh, what doing here?"


"He is my boyfriend…"🥰 stop spreading that!! You going to create a misunderstanding!!

"uh…just ignored her, I'm just wanted to find out the teaching method that you once use in the last school…"

"Oh okay, have a seat"

I take a sit and Siti sitting next to me. Looking at me. I tried to ignored her. While asking her,

"I want to find out if a class lecture will make like this.."

I explain about the method that SIGMA is practicing and she is intrigue

"This is a method that I always wanted to use but my previous school feels that its not suitable"

"Yeah…my school is practicing that…"

"This is an interesting school but what is SIGMA?"

I remember what Mr Rahman explain and I answered to her

"School of International and Government Model of Assessment, we are part of a social community project that our principal is doing"

"Oh but you know we have exams that is only valid with the current education system"

"Yeah but not many teachers is capable in teaching that method.."

"Oho…very well, let me think about it, because I'm really interested in this…I hope I can be a part of it"

Just as I wanted to leave, Melissa and Mr Rahman entered, oh shit…

Melissa glared at me. Mr Rahman is getting other ideas about me.

"Very well this is our teacher and professor, she is the one that devise our teaching method here"

"Ah, there you are Alex….so you found her.."


"Seems like he going place heh"😉 don't asshole!!

"Siti introduce herself"

"I'm Siti , form 2…"

"Ah hi Siti does Alex give you trouble?" Please don't😓 more like Siti giving me trouble

"Oh no..I'm just giving him a tour of my school, he is really sweet, and a gentleman.."

"Oh really….well Alex, what do you think about this school?"

"Yeah seems normal, nothing of sort to note"

"good…"💢 she is really pissed.

"Good Alex, you have familiarize with them already that is good start"

Melissa whisper to me "did you manage to talk to her?"

"yeah..she is interested"

"I'm Mr Rahman, the school principal of SIGMA institution"

"Yeah, Alex gives me a head up, I'm interested but I loved this school maybe I could be part of the project"

"Very well, glad you be part of this project we would like to invite this school to be part of our school festival this month"

"Oh very well, I'm will join, would you Siti?"

"Oh I'm really!!😍 can't wait to visit Alex again"

"Now we have to leave Alex"

"Yeah got it.."

Siti hold my hand and smile at me

Melissa giving me a glare and Mr Rahman is smiling like a devil.

As we at the entrance, Siti still followed me.

"Wait Alex!!"

She kiss my cheek

"….🥰 catch you later" she run off.

Melissa tease me

"Instant playboy…."

"You getting popular with girls eh?"

"Shut up…not like I wanted to…"

"At least we accomplish our mission and this school will join, good job Alex, I know you pulled it off"

Yeah right my ass, I have been sacrifice.


We return back and head to the office but suddenly Melissa had a labor pain.

"Hey!! You alright?"

"Seems like I'm going into labor"

We head straight towards the hospital and called William.

We waited for her while William have arrived

"What happen?"

"She is about to give birth…"

William hug us both

"Thank you….I'm going to be a father"


He head into the labor room.

Mr Rahman said to me

"She is underage, I'm worried that its going to have complication with her child"


"In America have also had this kind of case right?"

"Yeah, it does happen…"

I remember when Natalie's friend is also pregnant when she is only 16 years old. I remember she asked me to help her.

"Alex!! Come on I'm going to help her with my mom for her labour"

"Hey why not we going to the hospital?"

Natalie shaken to disagreed, then her friend Luna is in labor pain, she stayed with us in Natalie's home for a reason because she was rape by her ex-boyfriend and her parents disown her. Natalie treated her like a sister.

"Alex!! Get me a hot water and towel!! And hurry!!!"

I've got my share of experience in doing natural labor. Natalie ask me to setup a pool. I work with Mr Hawk.

"This method is water birth, but its a risky process, it helps the mother ease her pain and buoyancy promotes more efficient uterine contractions and improved blood circulation resulting in better oxygenation of the uterine muscles, less pain for the mother, and more oxygen for the baby. Immersion in water often helps lower high blood pressure caused by anxiety."

"Got it…"

We setup the pool and add warm water inside. Natalie and her mom help her. While her big sister Phylis setup the place for the baby. Natalie ask me to help Luna by holding her hand while Natalie and her mom help her in giving birth.

"Well now you take a deep breath and start pushing got it Luna?"

"Yes, Mrs Hawk…."

"Nat, Alex help her okay"

"Its okay Luna just try to relax and PUSH!!"


"Okay lets try again, and PUSH!!!"


"Luna good!! you getting close I could see the head!!!"

She has strong grip. She is trembling. While Natalie is consoling her.

"One last time, and PUSH!!! HARDER!!!"


A cries of a baby while Natalie's mom carried the baby out of the water.

"Congratulations it's a boy!!"

She carried the baby and give to Luna to carry. Me and Natalie carried Luna slowly to the living room. I still remember Natalie carried the baby, she is smiling looking at the baby.

"Hey Alex, you know…that is labor pain, every women must gone through that… that is how your mom and my mom give birth"

Now I started to miss her voice. Natalie, she really could do anything. Then we heard the cries of a new life. Congrats William you're a father. Mom and Hana with Sam arrived at the hospital seems Mr Rahman inform her.

"How is she?"

"She is safe senior…"

"Alex…you okay"

"Yeah…I kinda remember something like this when with Natalie…"

"You have experience.."

"Oo so you have experience helping labor?"

"Is a water birth…but Natalie is the one that doing all the job, I'm just help her friend by giving her strength"

"Natalie huh, is that your girlfriend…?"


"Good at least you experience it…"

We head to the ward, and saw Melissa and William, they look really happy. It's a baby girl. Mom greets her and William.

"Congrats you two…"

"Thank you Puan Mas…"

"Thanks Alex…"

"William you going to be father…"

"Yeah…." He is crying with joy, a former gangster is crying.

"Congrats, Melissa let the Alex and others prepare okay…"

"Yeah…just call me if you got if could not control them…"

"Hahahaha will do, I got Alex…here…"

"Yeah right…"

"Congrats big sis Melissa!! The baby is cute"

"Thanks Hana"

"What will be her name?"

"Chloe…Chloe William"

"That is a cute name…"


"Don't worry Alex, you going to get married anyway😁"


"Yeah!! Big brother is going to get married with big sis!!"

"Hehehe, Sylvia is not going to like this…." Please don't…huh!? Married!? is that what Natalie told mom and Hana? I'm happy and I really wanted to be with Natalie but why she did not tell all of this?

"But before that, this idiot needs to get experience with girls other than Natalie because…"

"He is stupid!!😛" Hana!?😅

Everyone laugh

We part ways, I waited in the car with Sam and Hana. Seems Mr Rahman is taking to mom. Mom entered the car and said to me

"I'm the one that asked Mr Rahman to let you attend Borneo College, Mr Rahman is my apprentice one time during in Long Pasia research expedition."

At least I'm glad is not dad is pushing me to this school. But realise that school maybe….or maybe not. We return home and looking the dark skies with the stars and moon. I head outside back door of our house.

"Natalie…." i smile while looking at the picture that she took a selfie.