Chapter II

Chapter II:

This wasn't my first time sneaking out. In fact, I'd say that I was quite a pro at it but there was something about tonight that was… different. I couldn't take dad's car. Firstly, I didn't want to drain it of petrol and secondly, it made me a lot more conspicuous so I was forced to go by foot, dragging along with me my dead landlord. Even though I had put him in a bin bag, the image of an eighteen year old dragging a suspiciously heavy-looking bin bag in a rowdy neighbourhood was weird so I pressed myself against the wall, trying to stay away from any kind of light source. It was easy enough as the flickering street lights were barely functioning as it was but I didn't want to take my chances.

Luckily, it didn't take long for me to reach my destination. Brunwell Close, known affectionately by the locals and I as Brunny, was (to put it lightly) a dump. It used to be one of the most pristine areas in Hutchton until it was burnt down. Although no one died in the fire, it left Brunny as nothing more than a wasteland. Its only residents now were scavengers who'd dig their noses in people's trash trying to find meals.

You might be asking if some 'public landfill site' is the best place to put a dead body and the answer to that is yes. I can assure you that I'm not the first twisted individual who thought of storing dead bodies here. Gangs all over the area have been doing it years before I have, so much so that the police don't even really see it as a point of concern anymore. That's not to say I wouldn't be arrested if I ended up caught. It just means that poor ol' Lennon here wouldn't be treated as anything different to other victims of the gang killings. There wouldn't even be an investigation which meant that the coppers would be completely off our backs. 

I felt around briefly until I finally came across what looked like a good spot. It was unremarkable enough at first glance but also ostentatious enough to mimic the murders carried out by the gangs. I winced again as I dragged Lennon's body out of the bin bag. I touched him lightly making sure that he was properly set in the old fire pit of the soot-covered house I'd chosen as this man's 'grave'. It was finally done. I wiped my hands on the carpet and sighed. I could finally just head home and forget all about… this. But just then… Bang! 

Of all the times these gangs decided to act on their feud, it had to be now. I checked my surroundings quickly before dropping down on all fours. All around me, bullets ricocheted around this abandoned 'no-man's-land' and the shouting voices grew louder and, as I feared, closer. I covered my mouth to stop my screams and the sound of my increasingly loud breathing. Almost instinctively, I crawled behind the couch, pressing myself as low to the ground as physically possible. And, it was a good thing that I did because just then I heard the anguished shriek of a woman and the dreadful sound of my makeshift hideout being invaded. The ancient door hinges creaked and groaned before falling unceremoniously and, in rushed in what felt like a hundred men. I could hear shouts and directions being whispered across the room as it began to fill with more and more people. I have to escape, I can't die here, those were the only thoughts running through my head. 

Just then, I felt a gaze on me, like how a predator stalks its prey. I tried to avoid his gaze but before I knew it, it was too late our eyes met and his frown changed into a sick, sadistic smile. And, to my dismay, it was him. The one guy who I loathed more than words can even begin to describe. Freddy Carlton.

"Hahaha!" he declared, "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Are you lost? This doesn't seem like the kinda area you hang about, Rosie. Out for a midnight smoke? Or perhaps… you're waiting for someone?"

His loud announcement startled his cronies and my heart sank as I saw them swivelling around and facing me one by one. Their faces ranged from disgust to joy and even though I knew there was no escape, I still pressed myself against the wall, as if that would somehow manage to make me invisible. I dug my fingernails into my palms and looked up at him, gritting my teeth.

That jackass still looked the same as always. His soft, blue eyes and slicked-back dark blond hair gave an air of innocence. He had a dark mole at the corner of his left eye and the only imperfection (if you could even call it that) was a angry red scar that went from his left temple to his right ear.

The pinching pain on my face brought me back into the present he glared at me once again.

"Are you deaf or just stupid?" another one of his lapdogs (Will) snapped, "Carlton asked if you were lost, Ivie."

Usually, when his lot were just messing about in class, I'd bark out snide comments but seeing him now, like this, I only looked down and flinched as I noticed his face change from amused to irritated.

"How about this?" he declared, "We can play a little game. The lads and I'll give you two minutes to hide and if you manage not to get caught, we'll pretend that this little incident didn't happen. Capiche?" I nodded, knowing that that was the only option that I'd had.




I don't even know when he started to count… or when I started to run. All I remember is the feeling of my heart beating out of my chest and an indescribable feeling of fear. Sounds of terror and violence surrounded me and all I could do was dodge the stray bullet or weapon coming at me from here or there.

As I mentioned before, the fire had absolutely desecrated this place so there weren't many spots that I could hide in. No matter where I looked, it seemed like every house wasn't right. This one's too exposed, and that one's too obvious, those were the only thoughts going through my head in what felt like an unending cycle.

Finally, after what felt like forever, I found a suitable spot. Diving into the hedge, I held back my help of pain as I crawled through piercing sharp thorns. But then…

"Ready or not, here we come!" Freddy yelled.
