Act I | part 1

Ava was startled and gave a confused look.

"Wh-what do you mean?" she asked.

"Was it rude of me? I am sorry." Lynn took a step back trying to be polite. "I didn't mean to come as too forward, but... you are definitely not a human either, are you?"

"I am! What makes you say that?"

"Before I took you in, you were all bruised up. There was an open wound on your left temple, I assume from when you fell. As soon as I brought you home I proceeded to put on some bandages, but by the time I got the stuff from the medicine cabinet, there wasn't even a scratch on your face."

The sense of dread returned to Ava's mind. She took a moment to search her head for excuses to why it may be. But this time she was caught red handed. There wasn't really any other option in sight than to tell the truth.

"Does the name Gracefield sound familiar?"

"It's a beautiful town near the western border. Not many people live there as far as I know. It used to be home to one of the largest dairy manufacturers before the economy crashed."

"It's also home to the 'Splice' experiments, where they joined human DNA with that of a vampire. The results were me and dozens of other children."

"Hmm. Interesting." Ava could tell that her host's curiosity was piqued. "Please continue."

"The first 10 years of my life, I don't remember. Maybe it was because I was actively trying to forget them, but... all I know is that my body regenerates extremely fast for a human. I am not immortal by any means. My body ages just like anyone else's. I can go without food for weeks on end without collapsing. If a limb is cut off, I can regenerate it completely for about a week. I will die if my body takes too much damage." She spoke with deep anguish in her eyes. The whole time trying to avoid his gaze. "Is there anything else you need to know?" She asked with her voice trembling.

"Oh, yes. What would you like for breakfast?" He asked with a gentle smile.

"Breakfast?" Ava was visibly confused.

"Yes. I need to prepare it before I go to sleep upon sunrise. Or, were you planning to leave before that? I wouldn't suggest walking outside while it's still dark."

"Why? Is it safer here? Under the same roof as a vampire? What do you want with me anyways?"

"I will make it simple for you: Give me your blood and I will in return take care of you. Food, shelter, you name it. I will provide. We already established that your regenerative abilities are far greater than the average folk, so I wouldn't stress about draining too much. What do you think? Do we have a deal?"

Ava pondered for a bit. He said it himself: if he wanted her dead, she wouldn't be breathing right now. It might really be safer to stay here, at least for a while. Although the thought of her being his personal meal prep didn't sit well with her either. It wouldn't be her first time being exploited for her 'gift'. She kept that thing a secret for a reason.

The man was patiently waiting for her response.

"Can you give me some time to think about it?" She asked nervously.

"Of course. Just please do it before sunrise. I will leave you here, I have some business I need to take care of." 

Before she realized it, the room was empty. There was only the sound of the tree branches knocking on the window, blown by the cold September wind. The girl looked around the house. It was as if the person who she spoke to a few minutes ago had suddenly disappeared. For better or worse.

"This is my chance" she thought. Going out in this freezing weather filled her heart with dread, but she had to do it. She knew better than to trust strangers. Thankfully her old clothes and backpack were sitting on the floor next to the couch she was laying on, so there was no need to search for them.

Ava made her way thought the hallway and to the front door. It was locked, but the keys were placed conveniently right next to it on a nail, hammered to the wall. As she exited she started hearing weird noises. Something that resembled the screeching sound of a bat, but louder. It was getting closer and more sinister. Two yellow eyes caught her gaze in the distance. They weren't a wolf's. The resemblance was similar to that of a wild cat, but there couldn't be one out here. Not in this part of the country at least.

The girl flinched. Something about this sight made her freeze in her spot. Her face was covered in cold sweat as she retraced her steps back to the house.

"Having a trip, are we?" A familiar voice greeted her. It was of course Lynn, who was wearing a butcher's attire. Drenched in blood. "Did you miss me? I was just finishing up cutting that deer I shot earlier. Wouldn't let all that game meat go to waste."

"I... uh... I was just looking for-" Ava stuttered.

"If you were trying to escape, you are free to do so. Though as I said, you are safer here." He removed his apron and then his shirt. His pale body was fit, like that of an athlete. There were scars on his lower abdomen, suggesting that he got them before he was turned. It was just now that the girl took a good look at him. He was tall, had a wicked charm and a sweet smile. If it wasn't for the fact that he was a monster, she might have even enjoyed his company.

Her cheeks turned red as she grew embarrassed for staring.

"So, do you have an answer for me?" Lynn asked, while putting his hands on his hips and leaning forward. His slender fingers had still sprinkles of blood on them, which stood out like a dark oil paint on a white canvas.

"Yes. I'll stay." Ava said firmly. "I only ask of you not drain too much of my blood, as it would give me a terrible headache."

"I was talking about what kind of breakfast would you like, but sure. We have a deal." He grinned and shook her hand.