The next night Lynn tried to put on a record on the turntable, but the needle was broken. It made him cuss out loud, which was unusual for someone as well mannered as him. He was looking forward to play some of his favorite music for his new found friend. As you'd expect, he didn't have many guests and saw this as an opportunity to let loose.
"I might have to go to the city soon to get a new vinyl player. This damn thing won't work again." He muttered with annoyance. "We are also running out of IV bags."
"Can you put some coffee on the list as well? I hadn't gotten any since I came here." Said Ava as she hopped down from the chair she was using to hang the wood carving. "Wait, I haven't thought about until now, but how can you afford all this stuff? Don't tell me you just... steal it."
"I pack and sell the meat from the animals I hunt or exchange it for goods with the vampire community over at Edlan."
"There is a vampire community?"
"Yes. Of course there is. We are all social creatures after all."
"Then what are you doing here all alone?"
"It's nice to have some peace and quiet."
They sat down at the dinner table. Ava was wearing a short white dress with lace straps. Another one of her finds from the attic. There weren't an awful lot of clothes in the house that fit her. The fact that were any at all was a blessing. As far as she knew, the house used to belong to an old couple before they fled to another country, or at least that's what Lynn had told her.
She poured herself a glass of wine and leaned back on her chair. The taste was dry and bitter at first, but she grew to like it with each sip. She rearly had the money to buy alcohol. She saw her roommates get wasted every night on the cheap stuff. She risked being an outcast when she refused to join them each time, but in her eyes it was better to be alone rather than get drunk on antifreeze out of desperation due to the harsh reality of the world.
Lynn was staring at her, wearing a playful smile, with his arms crossed, not saying anything. Perhaps waiting for his turn, she thought. She was reminded of the night he killed that rouge vampire, he had the same look in his eyes as when he sucked the blood from her arm. She could remember the feeling of his tongue against her skin and for a moment it gave her chills.
"After you finish your drink , shall we play a little game?" He said leaning forward and resting his face on his hand.
"I'm not very good at games. I can barely remember the rules of poker, let alone play it."
"Not that kind of game. Let's make a bet: If you can guess for how many decades I've been a vampire, I'll answer any question you ask me honestly, no matter what it is. And if you fail, I get to ask you anything. You have 3 guesses."
"Deal." Ava downed her glass of wine, which was immediately filled with another one. "So..." she took a minute to ponder. "Given your taste in music I'd say... ten?"
"You were close the first time. It's nine. A little before our country went to war, I was still human."
"I guess it's my loss then." She took a sip with slight disappointment in her eyes. "You can ask me anything now. Go ahead - shoot."
"Are you a virgin?"
The question took her a bit of guard. Perhaps there was some truth to the myth about vampires obsessing over virgins.
"Well... I didn't have much time for romantic relationships. I was too busy trying to make a living or surviving whatever shitty situation I found myself in. Hope that answers your question."
"It's your turn now. What do you want me to guess?"
"What letter does my last name start with?"
"That's tricky. I don't remember you ever telling me your last name. I'll go with either an S, J or a W. These are the most common, I think."
"Neither. My full name is Ava Ramirez." She said
with the tone of victory in her voice. "It's your loss. Tell me how many people you've killed."
"I wish I could give you an exact number, but I honestly don't remember. It's anywhere between 30 to 45, maybe 50. Most of them I've killed when I was still a human soldier."
"I didn't know you fought in the war."
"There is a lot you don't know about me. Shall we continue on with the game?" He received a nod. "This time let's raise the stakes a little. If you win, I'll get you anything you want from my next trip to the city and if you lose, you will let me drink your blood again, directly."
"Fine by me." She said calmly.
"But this time - I get to choose the spot."
The hesitation was written on her face. She took a second to think about it, though her mind was already clouded from the alcohol. Without any further consideration she nodded in agreement.
"Can I start first?" She asked."I'll give you only one shot though."
She tried thinking of something that's hard to guess, but still not impossible, so to not make it seem unfair.
"What is my blood ty-"
"AB+" He answered without even giving her a chance to finish off her sentence.
It seemed that he had already known the answer. Ava bit her lip, a little annoyed at herself that she didn't think of something better. She downed her third glass of wine and leaned forward, looking him in the eyes.
"A deal's a deal." She said, lifting her long curly hair behind her shoulder and exposing her neck. Assuming he wants to drink her blood straight from the carotid artery.
"I want to drink it from your thigh." He uttered with a neutral face.
Those words made her heart skip a beat. She started regretting the fact that she agreed to the conditions so easily, but now it was too late to protest. She didn't want to go back on her word and the alcohol made it difficult to search her head for a way out.
She nervously walked to the armchair and sat down, lifting one leg on the stool.
"Go ahead then." She invited him, resting her head back. She took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling before closing her eye in effort to relax and ignore the fact she was about to get bitten.
Lynn didn't say anything, just kneeled down lifting up her skirt slightly. He sank his teeth a foot above her kneecap and started sucking. She felt the sharp pain strike through like a knife stab, but then it slowly started to fade away and so did her consciousness as the hight amount of wine, combined with the blood loss made her dizzy.
She was still half awake when she felt his lips move up her thigh. Their gentle motion turning into kisses, sending goosebumps through her entire body. At first she thought it was just a dream, that she was imagining things, that her mind was playing tricks on her. But that was until she felt his warm breath between her legs.
His tongue pressing against her, sucking and licking. Moving in circles, then sinking inside, making her toes twirl in pleasure.
"Lynn... what are you..." she tried to form a sentence, but her words turned into moans, that grew louder and louder.
Ava attempted to move away, but his big veiny hands were wrapped around her legs, holding her in place.
She wanted to tell him to stop, though her entire body was longing for him. Burning. It was like falling into ecstasy. Her heartbeat was rising like crazy, lungs filling with hot air, eyes watering from the rapture. She tilted her head back and bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, as she finally reached climax.
"Mmh.." she let out softly, struggling to catch her breath. A single tear went down her cheek as she eventually came back to her senses.