The Return of the Brother

Several days had passed since Celesia and Henry's engagement, and preparations for the wedding were in full swing at Castle Ryoger. As Celesia spent her days in the castle, she received royal lessons on protocol, etiquette, and nobility, trying to adapt to the significant changes in her life.

One morning, while Celesia was practicing swordplay in the garden, a servant approached her to inform her that her father wished to see her in the grand salon. Celesia rose from her place, her heart filled with curiosity and apprehension. Upon entering, she found her father standing next to a young boy, thirteen years old, with yellow hair and golden eyes brimming with strength and vitality.

"Celesia, I would like to introduce you to someone very important... This is your older brother," her father said with a warm smile.

Celesia froze for a moment, unable to believe what she was hearing. "My older brother?" she said in astonishment.

The young boy approached her with a gentle smile. "Yes, Celesia. I'm your older brother, Felix."

Celesia knew she had a brother, but she hadn't seen him since she was very young. Her memories were hazy, but she remembered the love and warmth in his eyes.

"Felix..." she said softly, feeling a rush of emotions welling up inside her. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I was away, studying at the academy. I couldn't come back due to circumstances, but I always thought of you and watched over you from afar," Felix said, approaching her gently to embrace her.

Celesia felt her brother's warmth and his unchanged tenderness. "I missed you so much," she said, trying to hold back tears.

"And I missed you too, Celesia. But I'm here now, and I'll always be by your side," Felix said firmly.

It was a touching moment between siblings, and the conversation continued for hours. Felix told her how he used to sneak into her cell while she slept to heal her wounds, ensuring no scars remained on her body. He cared for her even in the darkest moments.

"I thought I was alone in those days," Celesia said, her voice trembling.

"Never. You were never alone. I was always here for you, even if you couldn't see me," Felix replied, gently holding her hand.

Felix also told her about his friendship with Henry and how they trained together at the academy. "Henry is a loyal friend, and I'm glad he'll be your husband. You'll be safe with him," Felix said confidently.

"I heard you're going to become a swordmaster soon, so what do you think of a sparring match with me?" Celesia asked eagerly, her eyes sparkling with challenge.

"Alright, but I won't go easy on you," Felix accepted her challenge with a bright smile and a glint in his eye.

They headed to the training hall, each wielding a wooden sword. The atmosphere was tense and exciting as they prepared for the anticipated battle.

"Are you ready?" Felix asked, his golden eyes carefully watching her movements.

"Of course, let's begin!" Celesia replied confidently, gripping her sword firmly.

Celesia started using Water Fusion, suddenly disappearing to reappear behind Felix and deliver a powerful strike. Felix barely parried it using ice bars, causing ice pillars to appear from the ground to deflect the blow.

"Amazing! Where did you learn these skills?" Felix asked in admiration.

"When I fought monsters in the mountains, I met an unknown lady. She taught me various skills and the art of swordplay," Celesia replied confidently. "But now, let's continue the duel."

Felix smiled and began using Moment Freeze, slowing down time around him to increase his speed and deliver rapid and precise strikes. Celesia evaded some blows using a water shield, giving her enough time to counter with a water whip.

Celesia's quick strikes with the water whip pressed Felix, but he used Ice Blade to transform his sword into a powerful icy blade, beginning to strike back with doubled strength.

The battle continued with successive moves, each displaying their extraordinary skills in using natural elements. The sound of wooden swords clashed, echoing through the hall with their sharp sounds. Tension increased with each passing moment, both feeling the weight of the battle on their bodies.

Celesia began using Water Vortex, creating a water vortex around Felix that slightly hindered his movement. In return, Felix used Snowstorm, making it difficult for Celesia to clearly see his movements.

Felix moved swiftly using Moment Freeze, directing a series of powerful strikes towards Celesia. She narrowly evaded some strikes, using Water Fusion to dodge Felix's consecutive attacks. When the snowstorm began to fade, she used the water whip again to strike Felix forcefully.

"Are you tired?" Felix asked, slightly out of breath, but still maintaining his calm smile.

"Not yet!" Celesia replied, gathering her strength for one last assault.

Both rushed towards each other as if time stood still for a moment. Their final strikes were fast and powerful, until they ended up blocking each other's blows simultaneously.

Celesia stopped, panting and exhausted, while Felix observed her, also breathing heavily. They laughed aloud and admitted that the duel ended in a draw.

"You're amazing, Celesia. I think you'll truly be a great swordsman," Felix said with a smile, extending his hand to shake hers.

"And you too, Felix," Celesia said, the smile returning to her face as she shook her brother's hand with love and pride.


"That was a fantastic duel," Lauren said enthusiastically as she stood beside her mother.

"Oh... were you two watching? I didn't notice!" Felix exclaimed in surprise.

"That's right. Welcome home, Felix," Duchess Boud greeted warmly.

"Haha, thanks for the welcome!" Felix replied with a smile.

The evening settled in, and everyone gathered around the dinner table, exchanging lively conversation happily. Felix's presence added a cheerful and happy atmosphere.

Celesia felt a sense of comfort she hadn't experienced in a long time.