Chapter 10: Two months

I'm almost going crazy... I don't know how much time has passed, but I know two things.

First, I haven't slept since I came here, and second, I hate Jore so fucking much.

Without taking into account the daily skill show, he would only appear when I was trying to sleep or leave the arena, beating me up, and then disappear again.

Or when my body stopped working, and I was literally about to die, he would throw an energy pill at me and disappear again.

On the bright side, my body improved at an unprecedented rate, and my Wisdom stats also increased significantly.

But I honestly didn't care. I felt like I forgot my name sometimes.

I don't know how long ago (since there isn't a night in this place), Jore finally allowed me to practice with the sword, and the training hours increased to 7.

At first, I was waving vigorously and energetically, but now...

I waved at a plodding speed. Even a child could avoid it.

My body is not weak or tired—quite the opposite.

It was bursting with energy, but my mind couldn't keep up. If I waved too hard, I might fall.

How I swung my sword was similar to how Jore did on day one.

I felt helpless as I watched my blade move. My Stats have improved somewhat over the past few days. My body had gained some resistance against those sleep flowers, and that made me more comfortable.

I raised my sword high for the last time and lowered it quietly.

My breath flowed rhythmically, and I noticed the path the foliage created to the end of the arena.

I sighed, and the sword fell from my hand, and I felt broken.

I closed my eyes, trying to sleep, not caring about the presence of Jore above me, perched on the tree trunk.


Jore came down, barely making a sound, and hit me on the back of the head with a wooden stick.

But this time, I didn't care... Fuck the pain, the martial art, and the Demon King. If I didn't sleep now, I would genuinely lose my mind.

Jore hit me again and then again… it never stopped.

Only after a while he finally stopped, and I heard him sigh.

"You succeeded. Get up. I'll let you sleep after one last thing."

This time, although I hesitated a little, I ended up standing.

I would prefer my first sleep in a long time to be at least peaceful.

Jore left the arena, and I followed him. I was beginning to feel strange about leaving the arena. After all, I had eaten, trained, and meditated there for a long time.

"The goal of that training was to make you reach a certain stage of sleepiness and nothing more. The training and exaggerated food were only because your body is weak."

I looked at Jore's back and wanted to plunge the sword into him, but I knew it was impossible.

I completed the gaps myself, and I knew the details of the test.

So, to succeed, I had to reach a point of sleepiness where I wouldn't care about anything else. All I can think about should be sleeping and resting. I forget all the worries of life and settle into a state between consciousness and subconsciousness.

Does this mean that I could succeed from day one if I acted well enough?

This seems like a bit of an exaggeration.

It was ridiculous, and I hated it.

'Do you know what you did to me, you motherfucker? Talking to myself has become a common scenario in recent days..'

I didn't know how much time had passed; The absence of night made tracking time impossible.

I don't know if I spent several days, a week, or maybe even a month...

Was this intentional by Jore? To make me reach the peak of drowsiness without thinking about the time that has passed?

Anyway, it wasn't uncommon for me to be awake for several days in college, and none of them were as stressful as this.

Considering the strength of my body, it seems that at least more than a week has passed.

"I have to say, you surprised me with your solid mind. You broke my two-month record by a wide margin!"

What did this idiot just say? Two months?

I'm sure it hasn't been as long as two months. It feels like eons have passed, but not sleeping for two months should at least kill me.

"Maybe it's because I kept hitting you. Otherwise, three days were your max." Jore was joking. I thought it was because of the energy pills.

Well, this makes more sense now...

After walking for a long time (maybe it was just in my mind), I stood before a giant black obsidian door.

It looked strangely familiar.

"Yes, this is the exit of the temple."


"Be honest, are you firing me?"

Jore's expression softened slightly.

"I have taught you everything you need. Learning the remaining four moves depends on you! Go on an adventure! Gather some experience! Try to die once or twice. Watch people you love die! Become a slave for a while! You need this to become strong with this useless body."

Jore continued before I gave him the middle finger:

"Also...I almost forgot about this."

I blinked and found his finger touching the middle of my forehead.

"When you reach the peak of understanding of the first move, this seal will provide you with a hint about the next one, and then the same with each move. You can also use it as a storage space without limits."

I was somewhat astonished by this information and did not hesitate to move my belongings.

This seal mostly depends on the soul or other energy to work, so I didn't need mana to activate it. I was familiar with such seals.

When I finished moving the items, the door started moving quickly.

When it was fully opened, a side kick sent me outside without causing any injury.

"Also, don't let anything happen to the sword with you. It's our most precious inheritance!"

I didn't pay much attention to Jore's words as a huge, familiar creature looked at me with bloodshot eyes.

The Yeti that chased me that day stood at an unreasonable height before me, and I felt a thirst for blood coming from him His appearance became much more terrifying now.

"Show him your true colors! The temple has sealed his winter powers, so you should be fine!"

Is he messing with me? He does...

This Yeti is a C-rank creature, still immature. Fortunately for me, the problem is that it's still a legendary creature.

Also, even with the temple sealing half of its power, I doubt I'll do much...

I wanted to look at my stats to check if my progress was sufficient, but the upcoming Yeti made that impossible.

I sighed, took the sword in my hand, held it high, then waited for the Yeti to approach.

It seems much slower.

Also, why did it wait here for two months? Did I accidentally offend it?

I don't remember designing the Yeti to be such a grudge-bearing creature.

'Does it have a camel's mind?' I thought sarcastically while swinging my sword.

The swing is slow, as usual, but it's the best I could do.

The Yeti raised its arms up together, trying to crush me into a bloody pulp, and I felt like that was what would probably happen.

When my sword met his fist, I felt a little startled.

When we clashed, the Yeti sustained a gash several centimeters deep on its arm, while I merely took a few steps back.

What in God's name is happening? I don't believe My physical strength has increased this much. Is it the Commandment of sloth?

After all, it is a legendary- art, one that makes its owner capable of killing those stronger than him.

I noticed a bit of unconsciousness in the creature's eyes. Yes, I understand his feelings very well.

I walked slowly, each step taking a second.

The yeti was frozen in his place, perhaps wondering why a human had overpowered him in a power struggle or why his winter power wasn't working.

After all, that was half of his strength.

Without moving, the yeti allowed my blade to penetrate its heart so slowly, watching me do so with the same lack of clarity in his eyes.

He felt the same sleepiness that I did…. In the past months, I had realized how sleepiness might be a curse, and the Yeti in front of me had also realized that now.

At the same time, we both fell to the ground.

It's because I'm sleepy, and his heart has stopped working.

At that moment, my sword automatically disappeared inside the storage seal on my forehead, and I didn't realize the amount of commotion outside.


Miles away…

Although the Mountain of Fog was located nearby, that didn't prevent humans and other creatures from building cities nearby. For more than 300 years, no records of a living being emerging from it existed until a great warrior entered and exited it.

However, people in nearby cities saw a fantastic sight today.

The Fog they were accustomed to slowly disappeared, revealing the image of a vast, towering mountain with its peak reaching into the clouds.

People were worried, but on the coast, some pirates who had just arrived had another opinion.

"What do you think, Captain?"

A man with black hair almost turning white asked while stuffing a cigarette in his mouth. He looked to his right side, where a tall figure stood with a firm stance. A slender sword hung at his side, and his left hand was placed on top of it as if he were ready to pull it out.

His eyes glowed with a bit of greed as he looked at the mountaintop, where an intense light shone.

The captain didn't hesitate any longer. He jumped off the ship and ordered.

"Sail the ship to that side, and we will be back soon."

The man with the cigarette's expression quickly filled up, and he ended up jumping off the deck of the ship as well and running after his captain.

"What in the name of the God is he thinking...?"

Their speed was incredibly fast, faster than a Yeti when it moved at full speed, and similar to a transparent snake that was fast as bullets.

They reached the mountain in just half an hour, and then it took them only two hours to reach the temple.

The total area of the mountain was approximately the same as the east main city, but going up in a straight line at the speed of those two was not too difficult.

The monsters on the mountain were also in shock, and not as strong as they used to, so it wasn't hard to climb up.

It is known that a person who could live in the seas at this era Isn't ordinary.

They encountered C+ grade creatures at most, and their combined efforts were more than enough to defeat them easily.

Eventually, they reached the top, passed through the black temple, and found the corpse of a massive Yeti waiting for them.


The Captain was speechless.

"It's an immature mythical creature... Do you know how much we can sell this for? It's a huge fortune!"

The captain laughed loudly, and the black-haired man couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Ronald, you're too excited. Look past the yeti."

His eyes sparkled with a bit of worry when he saw that.

A person covered in black, rotting blood was lying on the ground, and his open eyes carried a massive heaviness that made the two of them unable to calm down.

"is he sleeping ?"


Ronald turned his body around a little, and when he was sure he was asleep, he did not hesitate to take out a strange-shaped cube from his dimension ring.

If Cassian were awake, he would've immediately recognized this item. It was dimensional space.

Cassian's body shrank, and he ended up inside dimensional space.

"He'll make a good slave."