Chapter 79: A Demon's Return [2]

'This is bad...' thought Jin as he watched the exchange between father and son.

Things were not supposed to turn out this way at all. Cassian's analysis was entirely wrong; releasing this monster was never part of the plan.

Jin was a prodigy character, but he still felt helpless in front of Lionel, who hadn't even fully acclimated to his body yet. Even Lucas was of no use against him; without the nature of his skill, he wouldn't have lasted a single second against him.

Lionel before the removal of the seal was merely an empty shell cast aside, but now he was the entire ocean. They should have anticipated this. After all, how could Lucius StarHold's son be useless?

Lucius StarHold, the father of Maximus, Octavius, and Lionel. The grandfather of Cassian, Darian, and Lucas.

Everyone with his blood was impressive, so how could Lionel be any different?