Chapter 163: Fire against fire

At the main gate of the Mira faction, a dazzling scene unfolded before the eyes of all onlookers. Unlike the straightforward, bloody fight between Margo and Cassian, this battle was bright and electrifying.

Secret wielded two whips made of fire, and from their tips, more whips branched out, moving as if they had a will of their own, making it nearly impossible to dodge. Even if Darrow somehow managed to evade them, Iji's arrows, each the size and weight of a full bus, kept him from going on the offensive. And so the battle continued.

But this time, after analyzing his opponents' techniques for a brief moment, Darrow didn't dodge. Instead, he raised his long sword vertically, slicing the arrow in half as if its size were a joke, forcing Iji to halt.

The golden flames on Darrow's sword blazed more intensely than ever before.