Chapter 172: Far Lands

"I never thought I'd end up in this mess..." Killian muttered under his breath as he looked at the awe-inspiring scene around him.

After Cassian gave him information about a certain skill located in the east, he decided to head there as soon as possible.

He couldn't go to the academy with Daristan, and slacking off for several months seemed like a terrible idea, so he chose to follow Cassian's advice and work on strengthening himself.

He traveled for a month around the east without rest, gathering a strange type of insignia made from unique materials. Afterward, he headed to a cave hidden beneath a secluded lake covered in black water.

The idea of diving into the water didn't seem appealing, but he didn't sense any immediate danger, and he trusted Cassian enough to believe he wouldn't lead him into a death trap for no reason.

He bought some gear with the gold he had earned from the Puppets Society and spent a few days searching for the cave.