Chapter 186: To Be A Barbarian [2]

Just as before, the mutation took control of my body, yet I remained fully conscious, with all my senses intact except for my vision. Flames erupted, forcing my body to straighten, barely stopping me from crashing into the ground and meeting my end.

My body slowed down, and as my feet touched the ground, intense pain shot through me. Thorns... There were thorns embedded in the ground! And the pain was anything but normal.

The snakes Tactus talked about... Could it be?! These maniacs...

I gritted my teeth, unable to believe what was happening. Is he really trying to kill me? Truly?!

My body moved on its own under the mutation's influence. One foot lifted while the other supported me, but another thorn pierced me at that very moment.

If I could control myself, I would have used the "Jor" skill somehow, but the mutation had taken over...