Chapter 201: Cursed Royal Ritual

"The water in this cup never runs out, but there's something strange about it..."

For reasons unknown, Tactus took the cup and retreated to the far corner of the room. I didn't pay him much attention; I had something more intriguing in my hands.

Books on pharmacology, containing instructions on crafting three types of pills.

"You said you'd teach me yourself, but all you did was hand me these copies."

Tactus glanced at me. "These aren't copies; they're the original texts. The first two pills have widespread copies available for anyone to learn, but the third is exclusive to my direct lineage."

I examined the first book, which detailed how to craft the Thorn Pill. From the very first paragraph, I noticed something. "You don't have any skill in reading comprehension, do you?"

He tilted his head at my question. "Reading comprehension?"

"Clearly not..."