Chapter 203: Barbarian discrimination.


Dressed in my red attire and armor, I placed my left hand on Jor, secured at my hip, and slowly ascended the expansive staircase where Jin and Rose stood at the top.

Surrounding us were thousands of members of the Drusa tribe—young and old, strong and weak—without exception. 

Despite belonging to one tribe, their numbers were staggering. Few cities could contain them, and strangely enough, they were all linked by blood. Relationships between cousins were permitted, as were those between distant relatives. Only siblings, parents, uncles, and aunts were off-limits—for now. Given their dwindling numbers, it wouldn't surprise me if even those boundaries were relaxed soon.

Barbarians lack any semblance of common sense. Only now have I come to truly realize this. I was nearly fooled by someone who wasn't even a quarter as clever as me, all because of my yearning for a family I could rely on.