The Schnees

"The Nexus Space?" Asher echoed as Mori continued.

"As the name suggests, it's not just an ability but an actual location. One that has fundamentally changed your mind. You must have noticed it, right? How everything seems... simpler now? How much easier it is to understand and process the world around you? That's largely thanks to the Nexus Space, the realm now linked to your mindscape."

Listening to Mori, Asher couldn't shake the feeling that the enigmatic child-like entity before him was telling the truth. Since awakening from his coma, he had felt different, as if something in him had shifted. Now, he finally had a name that properly honed in on that change.

And in that moment of realization, Asher suddenly found himself somewhere entirely unfamiliar to him. He was no longer within the confines of Schnee Manor, but instead, he was floating in a vast, empty void. There was no sense of gravity, no need to breathe, and as he looked down, he realized he was naked, his form faintly translucent and glowing.


Despite the weirdness of this place and the fact he had suddenly been brought here, he didn't feel any sense of panic or worry. It all felt oddly familiar—not because he'd been there before, but because he felt a strange sense of belonging. As if he were somewhere close to home. But before he got a chance to spend any more time there, Asher's field of view changed rapidly, and once again he found himself back in reality. 

"You know it's rude to zone out when someone is talking to you. I was still in the middle of explaining things. Though I guess I can forgive you since you went there subconsciously," Mori remarked.

"So that place… That was the Nexus Space?" Asher asked in a slightly bewildered tone, to which Mori nodded.

"That's right. Honestly, I didn't expect you to be able to access it so soon. Hmm, if just informing you of its existence was enough to grant you the ability to enter it, then... I'm starting to think you can figure out the rest on your own without taking too long. Though I will say one last thing about your new ability." A mischievous grin flickered across Mori's face.

"The Nexus Space, in a way, is sort of like a living creature. With or without your input, it will automatically assimilate and surpass nearly any form of substantial knowledge or information it comes into contact with. And since it's a space linked to your own mind, that means your mind shares that trait with it. Though that does come with a price." Hearing that, Asher frowned slightly out of confusion.

"And what does that mean? What's the price?" He asked, clearly curious. But, Mori put on a pondering expression before shaking his head. 

"Hmm, nope. I think I'll let you figure that out on your own. I only came here to speed things along, but since you are clearly grasping things fairly quickly, I don't think I'll need to interfere anymore, at least for now. So in the meantime, do put on a good show." Mori let out a childlike chuckle that reverberated through the air as his body began to slowly disappear.

As he vanished, Asher noticed that the world around him was once again regaining motion. Time, which had come to a stop, was starting once again, and just a couple of moments later, Mori was gone completely, leaving no trace that he was ever there, to begin with. 

And just like that, he's gone. 

After Mori vanished, Asher began to slowly stroll down the hall he was originally walking down while thinking to himself. 

He talked so much but left me with more questions than answers. Well, at the very least, he gave me a starting point. He said that I would have figured it out on my own eventually, which means it should just be a matter of researching this... ability, or whatever it is, and-

Asher's thoughts were interrupted as he turned a corner without thinking and bumped into someone. He managed to catch himself from falling, but the other person fell to the ground with a groan. Looking down, he saw he had run into a boy who looked even younger than himself and had hair as white as freshly fallen snow.

"I apologize; I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," Asher said as he offered his hand to the boy. Looking up at him, the boy looked slightly annoyed; however, after hearing Asher's apology, the feeling seemed to be pushed to the side as he accepted his hand and got up. 

"It's… It's fine; I suppose I wasn't paying much attention myself," the boy replied, brushing off his clothes. Asher noticed he was wearing tailored formal wear—far from what normal kids their age would typically be wearing—and undeniably expensive. A person wouldn't get used to seeing a child dressed that way unless they were born into high society.

The way he talks, his expensive attire, and that distinct hair color. He must be...

"Forgive me for being forward, but you wouldn't happen to be Whitley Schnee, would you?" Asher asked. The boy looked surprised for a moment before smiling.

"Indeed, I am. And you would be?" Whitley inquired.

"Asher Frostvale, of the Frostvale Family," Asher replied with a courteous bow and a smile of his own. At the mention of his family name, Whitley paused in thought.

"Oh, now I remember. Frostvale Enterprises—it's a name that's started popping up more and more in the company board meetings I attend with my father. In fact, there have been rumors of our families potentially collaborating soon," Whitley stated, his expression curious.

"Well, I can't confirm anything at this point. Nothing's set in stone yet," Asher responded, causing Whitley to shrug.

"Fair enough. Although I am curious why you're here in this part of the manor, most guests tend to stay near the main entrance hall," Whitley noted.

"Well, as soon as we arrived, my parents were surrounded by people who wished to speak to them, so I decided to take the opportunity to look around. I heard your family has quite the showings in terms of art," Asher remarked. Whitley's demeanor faltered slightly at this.

"Oh… Yes, I suppose we do," Whitley replied, his enthusiasm subdued. He seemed to have immediately noticed that his tone of voice had changed and was about to correct himself, but Asher spoke first.

"It seems even the Schnees grow weary of discussing the same topics repeatedly. In that case, is there anything else interesting you would recommend?" Asher asked casually. Whitley hesitated for a moment, studying Asher as if searching for hidden motives in his question. Finding none, Whitley reluctantly responded.

"Well… we do-" Whitley was interrupted as a voice called out to him.

"Whitley, there you are! Father's been looking for you; it's almost time for the concert, and you know how crucial it is that we arrive together. Especially on my-" The girl who was speaking halted abruptly as she spotted Asher, who was previously out of view. Immediately, she straightened her posture and adjusted her tone of voice. 

"Especially because it's my birthday today." Hearing this, Asher could immediately assign a name to the girl whose hair was only a slightly duller white than Whitley's own. 

So, she must be Weiss Schnee. If I recall, today marks her fifteenth birthday, making her a year older than me.

Whitley, hearing his sister looked mildly annoyed.

"Yes, I'm aware of the time. I was simply entertaining one of our guests," Whitley responded, prompting Weiss to shoot him a glare before turning to Asher.

"I see. My apologies for not introducing myself earlier; I didn't see you. My name is Weiss Schnee, and I appreciate your presence at my birthday celebration. However, my brother and I must depart now," she said as both introduction and farewell, giving a brief bow while lifting the hem of her dress, woven to resemble ice despite being fabric.

"That's quite alright; I wouldn't want to interfere with your plans or delay the concert. My parents have been looking forward to it," Asher responded warmly, glancing over at Whitley.

"I suppose you'll have to show me what you were about to mention another time. If that's alright with you, of course?" Whitley seemed slightly taken aback but nodded, offering a slightly more genuine smile than before.

"Of course. Meanwhile, enjoy the concert." With that, both siblings turned and walked down the hall, disappearing around a corner. As they vanished from Asher's view, his smile faded, his expression returning to the neutrality he wore while speaking with Mori.

"So those two were Weiss and Whitley Schnee," Asher mused quietly.

"It looks like they do their best to uphold the image expected of heirs to the Schnee Dust Company in public, though their real personalities are more typical of kids their age. They don't seem to get along well either, based on the glances they kept shooting at one another." Thinking over their brief interaction just now, Asher's thoughts went back to what his mother had said earlier, back when they were in her room. 

I know she said that father doesn't require any assistance, but even disregarding the business side of things, it would be advantageous for me to forge a connection with them now instead of later. Especially considering it might help accelerate my own plans.

As Asher entertained his thoughts, he felt the scroll in his pocket vibrate. Retrieving the device, which resembled the holographic tablet his father had been inspecting earlier, now shrunken into a collapsible smartphone, he noticed it was a call from his mother and answered it.

"Yes, mother?" Asher inquired.

"I was just calling to let you know that the concert will be starting soon. I'll message you directions to our seats," his mother replied.

"I see, I'll be there shortly." Ending the call, Asher paused, thinking to himself.

I suppose exploring the Nexus Space will have to wait until I get home.

Following the directions messaged to him by his mother, Asher found himself walking to the opposite end of the Schnee Manor and descending a flight of stairs leading underground to a row of doors. Upon opening one, he was met with hushed voices that drowned out the ambient noise, entering what could only be described as a concert hall. Dimmed lights cast a monochrome ambiance, shrouding guests in shadows.

Eventually, Asher located his parents, who motioned for him to sit between them. Further ahead, he could just barely see Whitley and two others, whom he could only assume were the rest of the Schnee family.

"I've heard the Schnee family's daughter has quite the voice; I'm eager to hear for myself," Asher's mother remarked, his father nodding in agreement. Soon, the lights dimmed further, and a spotlight illuminated the stage's center, where a microphone awaited. Moments later, the crowd fell silent as Weiss emerged from the stage shadows.

Even in front of so many people, she didn't seem nervous at all; she merely took a deep breath before beginning to sing, the music commencing on cue.

"Mirror... Tell me something. Tell me, who's the loneliest of all?" Weiss's voice resonated through the hall, enveloping the entire audience and entrancing them with its gentle rhythm. It was the kind of voice that, though not demanding attention, received it effortlessly, so much so that even Asher found himself captivated as he thought to himself.

Hmm... It's almost tragic that such a wonderful voice also sounds like it's burdened by so much sorrow. But perhaps it's because of that very sadness that her voice is so mesmerizing in the first place.

It was an idea that lingered in his mind as the concert continued and only faded away as it came to an end. There was thunderous applause from the audience that echoed through the hall the moment the music came to an end and Weiss stopped singing, and the applause only stopped after she had taken her final bows and left the stage.

"She truly lives up to her reputation. It's unfortunate that the Schnee family hasn't entertained the idea of marriage proposals yet. Her talent, combined with her status as heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, makes her practically perfect," remarked someone in the audience, clapping alongside their partner, who nodded in agreement.

"Indeed. I heard she even composed the piano arrangement for the song she just performed." Some guests remained seated, discussing the concert, while others, like Asher and his parents, headed towards the main entrance hall. As they walked, a voice called out from behind them.

Asher's father turned around and put on a smile as he recognized the older man in a white suit approaching them with his family in tow.

"Ah, Vance, I was hoping to catch you before you left. Did you enjoy the concert?" The man's voice was smooth and overtly friendly, his white hair making it evident who he was. 

"Why of course I did Jacques. Your daughter has an absolutely wonderful singing voice, doesn't she, dear?" Asher's father asked, turning to his wife, who agreed wholeheartedly.

"Oh, absolutely. It might have even taken the number one spot in my heart, if not for me constantly listening in on my son's musical lessons," she said, prompting Jacques to shift his attention to Asher. His gaze swept over the young boy, assessing him with the precision of someone accustomed to evaluating others' stature.

Was he looking at a snot-nosed brat who simply lived off the luxury of his parent's, or one who had been raised to the highest of standards like his own? Feeling the weight of Jacques' scrutiny, Asher introduced himself.

"Asher Frostvale, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My mother tends to embellish. While I can handle a few instruments, singing isn't my strong suit." Jacques chuckled softly at Asher's introduction, the answer to his internal question becoming clear based on Asher's composed demeanor.

"Oh, I see. So this is the heir to Frostvale Enterprises. I've heard rumors, but it seems he's as well-mannered as they say," Jacques remarked, his tone reflecting a blend of curiosity and approval. He didn't even bother prompting his wife to speak, who appeared distant and unresponsive, and was instead, about to introduce his own children before Whitley interjected. 

"Actually, father, both my sister and I have already met him before the concert." Whitley alongside Weiss stepped forward to extend their greetings to Asher's parents while Jacques stroked his mustache thoughtfully upon hearing that.

"Is that so? Well, that's quite convenient, then. Tell me, how would the Frostvales feel about joining us for dinner within the next month or so? We could finalize our discussions at the get-together and perhaps even arrange a duet between your son and my daughter. Your praise for him has piqued my interest," Jacques proposed warmly, directing his gaze towards Asher's father and mother.

Vance, after a brief exchange of looks with his wife, nodded in agreement.

"That sounds delightful. Please arrange a date, and we'll ensure our schedules are clear," Vance replied, his tone polite. Jacques smiled in satisfaction as the two of them outstretched their arms and shook hands.

"Excellent! I'll have my secretary handle the details as soon as possible. Now, if you'll excuse me, there are other acquaintances I must attend to. Weiss, Whitley, don't stray too far or trouble our guests," Jacques concluded, his tone carrying a hint of warning as he addressed the siblings.

Both Weiss and Whitley nodded and lowered their heads in acknowledgment.

"Yes, father."

After their reply, Jacques walked away, with his wife following closely behind, behaving like a loyal dog, never straying too far, never leading, and speaking only when spoken to. Asher had noticed that during their first interaction, as had his parents, which explained their lack of acknowledgment towards her. Trophy wives were commonplace in Atlas high society, and ones who seemed almost robotic were nothing new.

Whitley seemed to have a similar demeanor towards his mother, not sparing her a glance throughout the entire interaction. Weiss, however, watched her mother as she departed with her father, a clear sense of loss in her eyes mixed with other buried emotions.

"Asher, are you ready to go?" Asher's father asked. Asher nodded, then turned to face Weiss.

"My parents and I really enjoyed your concert. If you're up for it, I'd love to take your father's offer and perform a duet with you if we get the chance." Weiss seemed a little taken aback by Asher's straightforwardness, but after a moment, she collected herself and smiled.

"Well, as long as my father is okay with it, I suppose we could..." Seeing her reaction, a glint flashed in Asher's eyes as he nodded and turned to Whitley.

"And I guess what you were going to show me will have to wait until the next time I visit. If you're still willing, of course." Whitley perked up slightly, looking a bit surprised that Asher was still interested in his offer. But his surprise quickly turned into a smile as he nodded.

"Of course, I'll be looking forward to it." As the three wrapped up their goodbyes, Asher and his parents made their way back to the main entrance hall, pausing to say a few more farewells to some business partners and friends.

As they headed down the stairs toward their car, Asher's mother asked him a question.

"So, Asher, what do you think of the Schnees?" Her tone was completely neutral as she glanced over at him. Asher didn't give the question much thought as he answered. 

"Well, their grandeur and influence certainly live up to what people say. I don't think I've ever seen so many of Atlas's tycoons in one place." His father's gaze narrowed, and he exchanged a look with his wife, who gave a slight nod.

"We want your honest opinion," his father reiterated, the shift in tone causing Asher to take the question more seriously. He paused for a moment this time before giving his response.

"Alright then... On the surface, they appear almost perfect, and any news articles or interviews with them reflect that. But even after a short time with them, it's clear that nearly all of them are putting on a facade. The brother seems to be adapting the best by mimicking his father's mindset, while the sister relies on acting to get by." Asher's thoughts drifted to the various expressions on the Schnee family's faces as they interacted, and he shook his head slightly.

"As for the mother... she's a lost cause. Even though I haven't met the older sister yet, unless someone intervenes, the Schnee Family is destined to fracture within a few years." His mother nodded thoughtfully at his assessment.

"It seems we all had the same thoughts about them then. Forming ties with the Schnee family benefits us now; however, it will harm us in the future if we become too entangled." Her voice was entirely analytical, devoid of the warmth she had shown when she was talking to other guests at the party.

"In that case, the best course of action is to act fast. We need to get what we want from them through our cooperation and then cut ties just before they fall apart," Asher's father stated without hesitation. Asher and his mother both nodded in agreement as they arrived at their limousine. 

That's definitely the most effective route, as things stand. But... even though the Schnee Family has little chance to recover, the Schnee Dust Company, on the other hand, still has plenty of potential. It just needs someone to lead it in the proper direction. Jacques… is a lost cause, too set in his ways. But his younger children... It seems they're still moldable.

Asher's mother, who was sitting across from Asher noticed his focused expression, and asked, "What are you thinking about so deeply?" 

Her tone had returned to being just as motherly as always. Asher smiled faintly at her, glancing out the window at the gleaming city of Atlas, which reflected itself through his eyes.

"Oh, nothing. Just... the future."