An Attorney (2)

July 4th, 2033

The days following Liv's decision to become Asher's personal attorney were strange. She didn't regret it—the pay was excellent, more than she'd expected. Plus, she still had the freedom to do what she'd become a lawyer for: helping Faunus, who had no real support system in Atlas. But it was how she agreed that left her feeling... unsettled.

It felt like a rush at the time. What he said really resonated with me. So much so that, before I knew it, I ended up shaking his hand and agreeing to something that I feel like is going to be outside of my normal duties as an attorney. And then, to end it all off, we didn't interact for a few days, as his parents handled all the legal details. 

Looking back, she felt a little embarrassed that she'd been so swept up by the words of a fourteen-year-old boy. Still, that didn't change where she stood now—at the bottom of the stairs leading up to Frostvale Manor. Asher had called her today, asking her to co-sign a business contract.

The sudden request raised a lot of questions in Liv's mind, the biggest one being:

What kind of business contract is a child signing that needs me to co-sign it? He didn't strike me as the type who dreams of being an actor or entering the entertainment industry at all for that matter. After all, he's the heir to Frostvale Enterprises. Plus his parents could just co-sign for him.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the front door opened, revealing a butler.

"You must be Lady Liv. I am Lionel, Head Butler of the Frostvale family."

"A pleasure to meet you, but just Liv is fine, really," she replied with a polite smile.

"As you wish. The Young Master is waiting for you in the living room. Please, follow me." As Lionel led her inside, Liv was once again struck by how surreal everything felt. Sure, she did well enough as a lawyer, though her convictions had cost her some jobs along the way. But having her coat taken by a maid and being led through a maze of grand hallways?

It was another level of luxury altogether.

When they reached the living room, Asher was seated on the sofa, watching the news on a holographic television screen projected into the air.

[In other news, there has been yet another Grimm assault on a local settlement in the eastern region of Solitas. This marks the thirtieth attack this year. The Atlas Military received a distress signal from the town of Drever at approximately noon and immediately dispatched their forces. Upon arrival, they found the town barely holding off the attack with the help of passing Huntsmen and Huntresses. With the Atlas Military's support, the assault was successfully repelled. While damage assessments are still underway, the casualty count is reported to be...]

Asher stared at the holographic screen as the news anchor continued to speak, his expression blank.

Grimm. Once I consolidate enough power in Atlas, the first thing I'll need to do is find a way to cull their numbers on a massive scale. Any major projects outside the city are going to be impossible to get underway if they are not dealt with. And they'll only accelerate the devastation caused by the calamity in the future.

Lionel's discreet throat-clearing broke Asher's focus.

He glanced over and saw Liv, his neutral look softening into a welcoming smile.

"Oh, you're here. Wonderful. Thank you, Lionel," Asher said. The butler gave a courteous bow and quietly exited. Asher gestured for Liv to sit down as he reached for the remote and turned off the television.

"Would you like something to drink?" He offered.

"No, thank you," Liv replied.

"Alright then, let's get to the point," Asher said, sliding a document that had been sitting on the table toward her. Liv opened the folder and began skimming through the papers. Within seconds, a frown creased her brow.

This... is a conditional sales contract?

"I didn't see any business registrations in your public records. Do you own a business?" she asked, puzzled as she continued reading.

"No," Asher answered plainly.

"So you're acting as an individual seller for... Frostvale Enterprises!?" Liv could barely contain her shock. As she read further, she saw the full scope of the contract—who was involved, the products being sold, and the payments to be made.

"This- What is this? Some kind of tax evasion scheme?" Liv's voice carried a mix of disbelief and skepticism.

"No, nothing like that. As the contract states, I'm selling drones to Frostvale Enterprises. But of course, I can't sign a business contract with them directly, given my age and my parents' co-ownership of the company. That's why..."

"You needed a personal attorney to co-sign for you," Liv finished with a sigh, finally understanding why she had been called over.

"Asher, this contract is serious. I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your parents or what they were thinking with this deal, but if you fail to deliver the product listed, even they won't be able to fully protect you from the consequences," Liv warned, her expression stern.

Seeing that, Magnus could piece together what was probably going on through her head. 

Looks like she thinks I'm being taken advantage of or something along those lines.

"I can assure you, Liv, I've read the contract thoroughly. I know what it entails and the consequences of breaching it. There's no need to worry. The shipments are ready and can be sent out as soon as the contract is signed," Asher replied calmly. Liv blinked, still processing this before taking a deep breath.

 "Right... SU-P's. Can I ask what those are exactly? You mentioned they were drones?"

"That's correct. Spectral Unit Prototypes—reconnaissance drones, to be specific." Liv nodded and pulled out a notebook from her briefcase.

As she jotted down a couple of notes, she asked, "So, did you buy these drones from a third-party supplier? If so, I need their details for the record."

Asher shook his head.

"No third-party. I designed and built them myself. I'm something of an inventor."

After saying that, he stood up from the sofa, prompting Liv to ask, "Where are you going?"

Asher gestured for her to follow.

"I can tell you're still a bit skeptical. The quickest way to clear things up is to just show you." Liv was even more confused now, but she gathered her things and followed him. They quickly crossed to the other side of the manor and ascended a spiral staircase that led to his workshop.

As they reached the top, the entrance slid open, and Liv instinctively shielded her eyes from the blinding white lights. When she stepped inside, her eyes widened, much like Weiss and Whitley's had. The room was a stark contrast to the rest of the manor—an impeccably organized lab filled with cutting-edge equipment and technology. In the background, a large computer screen displayed lines upon lines of code.

Liv's mouth opened and closed as she tried to speak, but no words came out. Asher broke the silence instead.

"This is my workshop," Asher explained, gesturing around the room.

"It's where I developed the SU-Ps mentioned in the contract, and where I'm working on a few other projects—like the ones I brought up when we first met." He spent a few minutes walking Liv through various sections of the workshop, explaining the equipment and what each thing did.

Finally, he moved over to one of several large crates stacked in the corner. They weren't sealed yet, so he easily pushed the lid aside and motioned for Liv to come closer. Still in shock, Liv approached and saw the sleek, white shells of the Spectral Unit Prototype drones.

Even though she didn't know much about technology, she could tell just by looking at them that these drones were incredibly advanced.

"You... made these?" Liv asked, casting a sidelong glance at Asher.

"That's right. I can show you the blueprints and walk you through how they work if you still have doubts." But Liv shook her head.

"No... that won't be necessary." That feeling—the one she thought was just a fluke when they first met—was creeping back. She had dismissed it at the time as a mistake, a momentary lapse, but now it all made sense. It wasn't random that she'd seen Asher as more than just a child when he first hired her.

This kid is something special...

With that realization, her doubts and hesitation nearly disappeared entirely. There was still some confusion of course, but as she sat down next to him at the desk by his computer, she no longer questioned. Instead, she focused on the practical details and only asked questions to clear things up. 

"You mentioned your parents manage your bank account, right?" Liv asked halfway through her inquiries.

"I doubt they would do anything malicious, but it would be best if we set you up an independent account, and have the money sent there instead. I can do that for you if you want, I just need you to sign a few things," Liv said.

"That's fine with me," Asher agreed.

"By the way, I plan on using the initial payment to buy a warehouse."

"Alright," Liv replied, without hesitation.

 "Just send me the details of what you need and I'll start looking into options."

For the next hour, the two of them went over the finer points of the contract. Liv gathered the necessary documents to set up Asher's independent bank account and arrange for the transfer of funds from his old one. They also covered a few other miscellaneous details to ensure everything was in order.

"Alright, that should be everything. We've gone over the contract's terms, so once I get the executed copies, we should be all set. Will you have any trouble shipping out the drones?" Liv asked, packing up her papers and documents into her briefcase.

"No, I've got people ready to handle it," Asher replied.

"Good. I'll keep you updated on how things go on my end, and let you know when the payment has been transferred to your new account."

"Thank you," Asher said politely, as Liv gave him a smile.

"No problem. And if you need to reach me directly, use this number. I've already given it to your parents," she added, handing him a card. After that, Liv took her leave, waving goodbye as she descended the spiral staircase and exited the workshop.

Once she was gone, Asher let out a deep sigh and leaned back in his chair.

"Now that that's done, all I have to do is wait. The Atlas Military oversees almost every transport in and out of the city, along with the contracted security firms. It's only a matter of time before they notice the drones and start trying to trace their origin," he muttered to himself, swiveling in his chair and rolling over to his computer.

The lines of code flashing across the screen minimized the moment his fingers touched the keyboard.

I don't need to focus on improving the drones for now. They're already impressive enough, and pulling all the stops now would just be a waste. But I probably should start looking into my personal security. If the Atlas Military can trace the drones back to me, it's only a matter of time and effort before some unsavory groups do as well, as my parents said. 

It might not happen anytime soon, but best to be prepared. Aside from that, there's also the matter of the Schnee siblings.

They weren't particularly useful yet, but Asher knew they'd be crucial down the line.

I'll definitely need the Schnee Dust Company's resources for some of my larger projects.

He had accomplished a lot already, but there was still so much more to do.


The Northwind Harbor, as its name suggested, was an enclosed port located at the northernmost tip of Solitas, the frigid continent that housed the Kingdom of Atlas. It stood as one of the most heavily fortified harbors in the northern region of Atlas.

A massive sea wall arced from the harbor along the coast, extending far into the ocean. This wall sealed the harbor from the open waters, leaving the only access point a mechanically controlled gate. Additional lock gates were installed in the wall as well to manage the harbor's water levels.

Lining the wall, enormous cannons stood in defensive positions, some even placed within the harbor itself. The setup gave the impression of a fortress rather than a simple harbor, all designed to fend off the Grimm lurking in the waters beyond.

At the docks, massive cargo ships sat anchored as cranes whirred and workers hustled in the biting cold, loading and unloading supplies. Though a heating system was installed throughout the harbor, it was far less advanced than Atlas's sophisticated climate control. Its sole purpose was to prevent snow from accumulating too much on the ground and buildings.

Among the ships docked there, one bore a familiar crest: an abstract white-and-black crow, wings spread wide, a single piercing red eye staring back at anyone who gazed upon it. Under the crest, the words 'Frostvale Enterprises' were boldly inscribed.

Nearby, a man in a white uniform with blue accents stood by the ship. A badge on his chest marked him as the ship's security officer, overseeing all aspects of its protection. He watched quietly as the workers loaded the ship, his attention shifting now and then to the contracted security guards stationed on and around the vessel, ensuring everything proceeded smoothly.

"Officer Gran! I'm looking for an Officer Gran!" The sound of his name being shouted caught Gran's attention amongst the bustle. He turned and spotted a man with a clipboard scanning the area. Though he wore the same color scheme as the rest of the harbor crew, his more formal attire set him apart from the ship's workers.

Gran made his way over.

"That's me. Who are you?"

The man with the clipboard extended his hand as he introduced himself. 

"Tom Emert, security manager at Frostvale Enterprises. I'm here representing the company to deliver something to you."

He pulled a piece of paper from his clipboard and handed it to Gran. Gran scanned the document, his brow furrowing.

"This is an update to the ship's security plan, isn't it?"

"That's right," Tom confirmed with a nod.

Gran sighed.

"But why now? Is this about that White Fang attack from a while back?" Tom shrugged at the question.

"Not sure. The higher-ups just signed a contract for some new security equipment. They're rolling it out to all the major cargo ships. I think they want to see how effective it is." Gran let out a frustrated breath upon hearing that. 

"The higher-ups, of course. Like we've got time to figure out how to use some new fucking piece of equipment," he muttered, clearly annoyed. Tom chuckled at that. 

"Well, supposedly, it's easy to use. Something about AI. I don't know the details, but if you want to check it out, it's over here." Gran followed Tom's gesture to a crate being unloaded at one of the cargo terminals. As the truck pulled away, Gran motioned to a dockworker to fetch a crowbar. Together, they pried the lid open, revealing the contents.

Inside was a large, square machine, outfitted with ten heavy-duty, see-through hatches. Behind each hatch sat a sleek, white device enclosed in a pod. They almost looked like a bunch of pills in a blister pack. In the corner of the machine, a strange-looking headset rested on a mount.

"Huh? What the hell is this?" Gran muttered in confusion. Tom looked just as puzzled, looking over his clipboard. 

"Honestly? I don't know. This is the first crate I've delivered, so I haven't had a chance to see it before." Gran cocked his head slightly, staring at the machine. 

"Well, whatever it is, it's definitely some pricey equipment. I'll get it loaded onto the ship and figure it out once we're out of the harbor."