"I guess you are right, and how many time we have talk like this before and is there any way out before?"

'you woke up 367892 time and had a conversation like this and talk about getting out of this place… we are working on it'

"you sound like a corrupt politician who say we are working on it..hah"

'well there is a solution we found it but it is too much dangerous, also its chances to work is 0.00000000000000000000001 %'

"that sure sound scary but do I have a choice, lets just do it"

'no, you can't just rush things here as this last job is verry delicate .as I mention that this space is turning our energy signature in to its own right?'

"Yeas I know "

'As our soul energy is turn into blank we are losing our control of that energy and we cant even stop what if we try to fake it our soul energy into blank space energy'

"as in like mimic?"

'yes, what if we just like turning our soul energy signature in blank space one as it will stop it attacking us'

"ok,I get it, but I don't think its going to work as its power is too powerful its feel like a cosmic level boss demon who just want to annihilate everything"

'yeas that's the problem but believe in yourself little more my friend, just imagine …no just look around you you are the sole survivor after you died and still survived and constantly fighting to stay awake and you do know why '

"….yes ,cause I am THE protagonist of this story"

'yes my friend cause you want to survive and wanted to finished the fan fictions you left before you died, also to get some milf…..'

",,,*blush*….come on man that's not true stop it.."

'hey why are you acting like a girl don't you know who I am ,im your own consciousnesses. So believe me and in yourself too.'

"so tell me what should I have to do?"

'ok now that your ready, here's the plan, as you have watch and read in movies and stories ,you have to feel the energy and try to understand the concept of it and think just need to keep calm and become like blank ,mimic the emptiness'

"well i can do it"

'yes you can do it but before that you have to take the control of your soul and erase the other consciousness out of your soul or it my get out of control'

"ohh ok ….but if I do that will I able to focus and get my self in control after remembering my life"

'if you don't do will leave to a bigger problem maybe the other personality mutate and try to take over you '

"but I can't ,it's just something is telling me or I can feel it that I shouldn't do it"

'yes I know its your emotion telling you to not remember your parents the life you had before'

"Right my family"